Neon Genesis Evangelion/Memes
There is a 0.00002% probability of memes in Neon Genesis Evangelion[1]
Please add entries in the following format:
- The meme. <ref>Explanation:The explanation behind the meme.</ref> [2]
- Everyone gets hugged and turns into Tang[3]
- Evil Manga Kaworu [4]
- Robo-Shinji.[7]
- Shinji sucks! [8]
- Who killed Ryouji Kaji? [10]
- Kaworu died for your sins! [11]
- "GENDOWNED" [12]
- Later followed by the lesser known "RITSUKOWNED!" [13]
- "It's Gendo!" [14]
- "[anime X] + the Evangelion opening, lulz" is already an old meme.
- ZOMG TEH REI!! [15]
- "I'm so fucked up..." [16]
- Congratulations Shinji! [17]
- For bonus hilarity, look at the comments.
- Now in 14 languages!!
- Despair Edition
- I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I MUSTN'T RUN AWAY, I MUSTN'T RUN AWAY, I MUSTN'T RUN AWAY, I MUSTN'T RUN AWAY!!!!!!! [18]
- I don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...don't wanna die...I DON'T WANNA DIE! [20]
- -tears apart nine evas-
- Now if I were to run away, Let's analyse that, where the FUCK would I go? [21]
- I'm like on a ... big blue ball! Does the bus run through here?
- Okay, the movie better sure as hell make up for this.
- Ya ran outta ink, too, didn't ya?! Ya bastards...
- Thermal Expansion [22]
- Reispin (and pretty much everything to do with deformed Rei's head).
- The Penguin Army has found its banner. We're so screwed.
- Penguins? In my Humongous Mecha Mind Screw anime series? HELL YEAH!
- MIND RAPE! [24]
- The Gendo pose. [25]
- "Ritsuko Akagi, the truth is..." "...huh. You liar." [26]
- Cruel Angel Thesis became so memetic that COUNTLESS numbers of Eva opening parodies with varying quality have been made. To name a few: Marimite, Eureka 7, Suzumiya Haruhi (another one with 90s art quality no less), Nanoha, Persona 3, Kirby (HUH?!)... and World of Warcraft.
- Live action version.
- Or the YouTube Poop version.
- Even Little Kuriboh got in on the action in Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series episode 10.
- X (Not) Y [27]
- Macekre of Evangelion.[28]
- Who the hell spilled their Gurren Lagann on my wangsty pilot!? [29]
- Shinji wins! Apocalapyse time! [30]
- "Saabisu, saabisu!" [31]
- "Goo lau!/Gulan!/Goo lurrrr!/some other phonetic variation" [32]
- "ZA BEASTO" [34]
- [something happens] while Hideaki Anno plays unfitting music.[36]
- "I will not be a puppet for you to control." [37]
- "Captain Asuka" or "Asuka the Pirate", taken from her eyepatch in the Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0 teaser, is already becoming a meme.
- A more recent preview has further mutated this into Space Pirate Asuka.
- Fridge Brilliance: What's Asuka's rank in NERV? Captain!
- Everything in, of and relating to the final scene of Evangelion 2.22 has attained memetic status.
- Evas In Space! [39]
- The elevator scene with Asuka and Rei.
- Back to Neon Genesis Evangelion
- ↑ 0.00002%? Sounds more like 100% to me!.
- ↑ Like this.
- ↑ Explanation: The common summary for End of Evangelion. Note that this is exactly what happens.
- ↑ Perhaps as a result of his Misaimed Fandom, the manga made Kaworu less ambiguous in his intentions and more sinister, leading to this to distinguish between the two versions.
- ↑ Explanation: In the manga Kaworu strangles a kitten to death, and that's [[Never Live It Down|all that anyone remembers.
- ↑ Created after the above, a variation on the popular meme of "Everytime you masturbate God kills a kitten".
- ↑ Used to refer to Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, since it was pointed out how similar he was to Shinji conceptually.
- ↑ A large portion of the series' enormously Broken Base is because of Shinji, viewed then and now as an incredibly pathetic and weak main character for the genre.
- ↑ Explanation: due to pulling off perhaps the most amazing 7 minutes in anime history at the end of 2.0, nobody makes fun of Shinji anymore.....except for people who don't accept the Rebuild series.
- ↑ Kaji's killer is never seen, and speculation about them abounded until Word of God put their foot down and said it was just a random soldier.
- ↑ Kaworu is frequently interpreted as a Christ figure, a divine being sacrificing himself so that humankind can live, leading to this. Became an Ascended Meme when ADV Films created a bumper sticker with this phrase on it.
- ↑ Became both famous and copied to death after its "debut" in AMV Hell 2.
- ↑ Based on a scene in the manga version of End where Ritsuko, after having been shot by Gendo, wills herself to hang on just long enough to take revenge by reaching her gun and shooting Gendo in the throat point-blank from behind.
- ↑ The spoof video Evangelion: ReDeath spawned this incredibly popular line, and possibly also the ascension of Gendo to Memetic Sex God status.
- ↑ Explanation: A summary of Rei's (according to Word of God, misaimed) fandom according to Asuka shippers
- ↑ Explanation: The English dub used a Precision F-Strike during the infamous "Shinji masturbates over Asuka's comatose body" scene.
- ↑ The ending to the series. No, we don't understand it either.
- ↑ Shinji attempts to use this as his Survival Mantra. It doesn't quite work that way...
- ↑ A counterpoint to the above from one of the most famous Evangelion Fix Fics.
- ↑ Another lovely Madness Mantra that Asuka recites in her catatonic state in The End of Evangelion.
- ↑ Spike Spencer (Shinji's voice actor) provides his own thoughts regarding the series' ending.
- ↑ Shinji's physics lesson with Asuka quickly descends into Something Else Also Rises.
- ↑ An incredibly over-the-top declaration made by an army guy in the first episode of the English dub.
- ↑ Asuka's psychic assault by the 15th Angel became the Trope Namer for any form of mental violation.
- ↑ Anyone clasping their hands in front of their face while wearing Scary Shiny Glasses is instantly mysterious and sinister.
- ↑ Gendo's last words to Ritsuko in The End of Evangelion are infamously muted, leaving fans to fill in the blank.
- ↑ Following the examples of You Are (Not) Alone and You Can (Not) Advance, it's gotten popular to make random statements with the word 'not' (or something else) in brackets.
- ↑ It's hilarious to imagine what it would be like if 4Kids! Entertainment got hold of Evangelion.
- ↑ Rebuild of Evangelion is generally considered to have made Shinji more badass than the original. Whether or not this is a good thing...
- ↑ Explanation: At the end of 2.0, Shinji gets the girl...and triggers Third Impact. Best Big Damn Villains moment ever Kaworu.
- ↑ Misato's habit of promising Fan Service during the Next Episode Previews
- ↑ Explanation: Kaji's "English" in Evangelion 2.0.
- ↑ Also Kaji's infamous Engrish, rendered phonetically. He doesn't actually say "to defeat the Angel", or "to defeat the Angels" - it just evolved that way.
- ↑ Mari's Engrish Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner
- ↑ Explanation: Another Mari-ism, this time from Evangelion 2.22's the English dub.
- ↑ A variant of the "while I play unfitting music" meme, referencing the abundant use of Soundtrack Dissonance in Evangelion.
- ↑ Explanation: Said by Rei III to Gendo as she disowns him while he tries to create his version of Instrumentality, becomes independent and does it her way. So popular is the equivalent phrase in Japan that they parodied it on Keroro Gunsou.
- ↑ Used to refer to Kaworu coming out nowhere with a Deus Ex Machina to keep the movies going. Why? Because last we saw him, he was on the moon.
- ↑ The second preview for Evangelion 3.0 features Asuka in Unit-02 flying around in space, fighting something offscreen.