Nobody Poops/Playing With
Basic Trope: Bathroom usage is not dealt with in-story.
- Played Straight: During the course of the series, no mention is made of a character using the bathroom.
- Exaggerated: No evidence suggests that bathrooms exist!
- Evidence shows that bathrooms exist, but they do not contain toilets.
- Justified: Bathrooms and related bodily functions are not relevant to the story.
- The characters are Starfish Aliens or Fair Folk who do not excrete bodily waste as we do.
- The story covers a short enough time period that no one should need a bathroom break.
- Inverted: A character is shown explicitly taking a dump mid-story.
- All characters use the bathroom more often than people do in real life.
- The show is about using the bathroom.
- Toilet Humour
- Subverted: A bathroom is seen
- Lance walks out of the bathroom with a satisfied look on his face.
- Double Subverted: But no one is seen using it.
- But we never saw what he actually did in there; for all we know, he just washed slime off his hands.
- Or the satisfied look on his face is the result of getting some action in the bathroom with a Love Interest...or himself.
- But we never saw what he actually did in there; for all we know, he just washed slime off his hands.
- Deconstructed: Not pooping turns out to be a symptom of some sort of disease.
- Reconstructed:
- Parodied: Everyone suffers from constipation.
- Nobody excretes any kind of waste, not even so much as carbon dioxide.
- Since nobody poops, nobody knows what poop is or what toilets are for.
- Lampshaded: * "Why do we have a toilet anyway?"
- Averted: Characters are seen using bathrooms regularly, and it is occasionally a major plot point.
- Enforced: Let's face it: do we really want to see people doing gross bodily functions that eat up major plot time?
- Invoked: The characters all eat oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in. (Which is delicious, but is also akin to pouring concrete down one's GI tract, If You Know What I Mean.)
- Defied: A character gets up, grabs the Daily Tribune, and heads to the bathroom.
- Exploited: The Big Bad causes all the bathrooms to become unusable for some reason.
- Discussed: "Hey, don't they ever stop for a bathroom break?"
- Conversed: "Why in the world would you even care about that?"
- Played For Laughs: In a Deconstructive Parody, Potty Failure ensues.
- Played For Drama: The plot is trying to find the bathroom.