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Oliver & Company (film)

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"Why should I worry?"

1988 Disney Animated Canon entry number 27 about talking animals, loosely based on Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist. In fact, if it were any looser, it'd fall right off. The setting is New York City, and Oliver is an unwanted ginger kitten. Fagin's gang is now made up of dogs, including a mongrel named Dodger (as in the Artful Dodger). Fagin himself is human, and he's definitely a good guy this time. In fact, he's just some poor schmoe trying to pay off the loan shark Mr. Sykes (based on Bill Sikes), who is the Big Bad, and here a VERY sinister gangster/Mafia type. The part of Mr. Brownlow is taken by Jenny, a 7-year-old girl who adopts Oliver.

The film is somewhat notable for its early use of CGI (mostly to create New York's traffic), and for being the last film of Disney's pre-Renaissance era - it came out just one year before The Little Mermaid. It staffed many new artists who would rise to popularity with Disney's future releases. It's also important to note that the moderate success of this film brought back Disney's will to animate musicals, so you should thank it for songs like "Under The Sea", "Beauty And The Beast" and "A Whole New World".

Tropes used in Oliver & Company (film) include:

Oliver: So when are we going to eat?
Dodger: We?
Oliver: Yeah, I'm starving!
Dodger: Listen, kid, I hate to break it to you, but the "dynamic duo" is now a dynamic uno.

  • Disney Death: Oliver, following the climax.
    • Also, Dodger after a gruesome fight with the dobermans.
  • Dispense with the Pleasantries: When Fagin is first visited by Sykes, who he owed money to and is implied not to be able to pay it back in time; he tries to put off admitting this by talking about the weather and about Sykes' dogs. Sykes won't have it.

Fagin: Oh, lovely evening, I was just saying this to your two lovely pure-bred...
Sykes: ... the money, Fagin.

Dodger: Roscoe, is this us losing our sense of humour?
Roscoe: Nah, I ain't lost my sense of humour...
(Roscoe kicks a television at the wall, breaking a few things and sending sparks flying.)
Roscoe: See? I find that funny!

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