Once Upon a Time (TV series)/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Doing It for the Art: According to the other wiki, "...all flowers and other objects with bright colors are temporarily concealed or removed [from the town used to film the exterior shots] to preserve Storybrooke's somberly enchanted nature."
  • Dueling Shows: Initially against Grimm due to the fairy tale angle, but it wasn't long before it became obvious that the two had very different atmospheres and Grimm became more of a rival to Supernatural than OUaT.
  • Fan Nickname: King Charmless, for Prince Charming's "father".
  • Hey, It's That Guy!:
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Archie/Jiminy Cricket is Kaidan Alenko, Carth Onasi, Deadman, Scorch and quite a few other video game/cartoon characters.
    • Hilarious in Hindsight since Carth and Kaiden often act as the voice of conscience for Revan and Commander Shepard.
  • I Knew It!: Mr. Gold perfectly remembers being Rumpelstiltskin. Most fans probably guessed it from a mile away, though The Reveal was no less satisfying.
  • Romance on the Set: Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas. Yes, that's right, Snow White and Prince Charming fell in love.
  • Shout-Out:
    • A couple to Lost, which the creators previously worked on:
      • In the pilot, the clocks have stopped at 8:15.
      • The number on the Mayor's house is 108.
      • Also the Close-Up of an eye.
      • "I have a name, you know. It's James."
      • The Apollo Candy Bar has resurfaced as a product available in Storybrooke, Maine.
      • It can't have been a coincidence that in the episode where the actor who played Charles Widmore shows up, Emma offers Mary Margaret some McCutcheon Whiskey.
      • Graham repeats Desmond Hume's line "It wasn't a dream. It was a memory!" almost word for word.
    • Since ABC is owned by Disney, there are numerous Shout Outs to the Disney versions of the stories.
      • Many characters use the Disney fairy tale version of names whereas in the original versions they were unnamed or named differently--Maleficent (instead of Carabosse), for example.
      • Leroy (Grumpy) is whistling "Whistle While You Work" from Disney's Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs in the pilot, and Grumpy whistles "Heigh-Ho" in "7:15 A.M."
      • The Genie in Episode 11 is from Agrabah.
      • The Evil Queen dresses similarly to Queen Narissa in Enchanted.
      • "Skin Deep" is especially full of Disney references from its version of Beauty and the Beast: Belle's fiance is named Gaston, her dresses are just like the ones from the Disney version, in one scene in the background, there are a clock and candelabra, the tapestries in Rumpelstiltskin's castle resemble the stained glass windows used in the Disney version to tell the Beast's backstory, there are two different scenes in which a single rose appears, and the memento Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin has of Belle is a chipped cup.
    • In Beast's castle, featured on display in the main hall, were the Slayer's Scythe, Golden Fleece and a sorting hat.
    • The episode "Red-Handed" holds many similarities to the 2011 movie Red Riding Hood.
    • When Snow White and Red Riding Hood are together they look like Snow-White and Rose-Red.
    • In the episode "Heart of Darkness", Snow White wears a red bow and has a bluebird on her finger. She's also singing "With a Smile and a Song".
    • Henry's book contains the original illustrations of the Winged Monkeys (by W.W.Denslow) and Alice with the Caterpillar (by John Tenniel).
    • The Game of Thorns rose delivery truck.
    • Henry plays Space Paranoids on the game console that Regina gets him, and Emma even remarks that "It's all in the wrist" when she sees him playing. The kid's even carting a Tron: Legacy lunchbox.
    • The Dwarfs whistle a certain mining song as they head out to the mines.
    • The name of the Dark One in episode eight, Zoso, and the way it is written on the knife blade are both derived from the rune drawn by Jimmy Page on Led Zeppelin's untitled fourth album (you know, the one with Stairway to Heaven on it).
    • "Twoo wuve"
    • The Mad Hatter's name is Jefferson, with his daughter named "Grace" (for the band's lead singer?)
    • Maleficent's death is exactly like the one in Sleeping Beauty minus the "falling off a cliff" part.
    • The bottom floor of the hospital appears to be a psychiatric ward attended by a nurse with a 60's hairdo. And one of the ward's attendants appears to be mute and constantly sweeping (or mopping). Hmmm.
  • The Abridged Series: Natch. You can find it here.
  • What Could Have Been: Apparently they wanted Lady Gaga as the Blue Fairy.