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Paladin (fanfic)

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Paladin (posted on Fanfiction.net) is an AU Death Note Fanfic in which Light's gambit to kill all the F.B.I. agents fails because Beyond Birthday (who had used the commotion over Kira to escape prison) kidnapped Raye Penber and Naomi Misora. Raye and Naomi going missing allows L to move in on Light sooner. Meanwhile Ryuk finds himself in trouble and so makes Light an offer he can't refuse... Crack with plot ensues

Stopped updating after chapter 13 due to the author protesting fanfiction.net's changes to their rules regarding Fiction Ratings. A 5-chapter long mirror is available at Archive of Our Own.

Tropes used in Paladin (fanfic) include:

Rem: Teru, think about what you're doing! What do you think will happen if you kill [L]?
Mikami: Then no one will oppose God.
Rem: Your right, he's his opposite... Think that over...
Mikami: L is Lucifer... God's Enemy... God's opposite... If he loses his opposite... then it will offset the cosmic balance, and His Works will lose their meaning. God will go mad... and then... the Apocalypse!
Rem: So you see, it's a bad idea to kill L.
Mikami: You are wise Rem-sama.

Naomi: Why is it that all the good men I know are gay, dead, serial killers, or social retards?

Light: Hey, I'm not a social retard!

I will not permit such Evil to exist in My World.

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