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Phineas and Ferb/Recap

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Hey, Ferb; I know what we're gonna do today; recap all our adventures!

Season One

  1. Rollercoaster
  2. Candace Loses Her Head
  3. The Fast And The Phineas
  4. Lawn Gnome Beach Party Of Terror
  5. The Magnificent Few
  6. S'Winter
  7. Are You My Mummy?
  8. Flop Starz
  9. Raging Bully
  10. Lights Candace Action
  11. Get That Bigfoot Outta My Face
  12. Tree To Get Ready
  13. It's About Time!
  14. Jerk De Soleil
  15. Toy To The World
  16. One Good Scare Ought To Do It
  17. Hard Days Knight
  18. I; Brobot
  19. Mom's Birthday
  20. Journey to the Center of Candace
  21. Run Run Away
  22. I Scream, You Scream
  23. Its A Mud Mud Mud World
  24. The Ballad of Badbeard
  25. Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together
  26. Ready For The Bettys
  27. The Flying Fish-Monger
  28. Phineas And Ferb Get Busted
  29. Greece Lightning
  30. Leave The Busting To Us
  31. Crack That Whip
  32. The Best Lazy Day Ever
  33. Boyfriend From 27000 BC
  34. Voyage to the Bottom of Buford
  35. Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?
  36. Put That Putter Away
  37. Traffic Jam Caper
  38. Bowl-A-Rama Drama
  39. The Monster of Phineas-N-Ferbenstein
  40. Oil On Candace
  41. Unfair Science Fair
  42. Unfair Science Fair Redux: Another Story
  43. Out To Launch
  44. Got Game?
  45. Comet Kermillian
  46. Out Of Toon
  47. Hail Doofania!

Season Two

  1. The Lake Nose Monster
  2. Interview With A Platypus
  3. Tip Of The Day
  4. Attack of the Fifty Foot Sister
  5. Backyard Aquarium
  6. Day Of The Living Geletin
  7. Elementary My Dear Stacy
  8. Chez Platypus
  9. Perry Lays An Egg
  10. Gaming The System
  11. The Chronicles of Meap
  12. Thaddeus And Thor
  13. De Plane! De Plane!
  14. Let's Take A Quiz
  15. At The Car Wash
  16. Oh, There You Are, Perry
  17. Swiss Family Phineas
  18. Hide And Seek
  19. That Sinking Feeling
  20. The Baljeatles
  21. Vanessery Roughness
  22. No More Bunny Business
  23. Spa Day
  24. Phineas And Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo
  25. Phineas And Ferb's Musical Cliptastic Countdown
  26. Bubble Boys
  27. Isabella And The Temple Of Sap
  28. Cheer Up Candace
  29. Fireside Girls Jamboree
  30. The Bully Code
  31. Finding Mary McGuffin
  32. Picture This
  33. Nerdy Dancing
  34. What Do It Do?
  35. Atlantis
  36. Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation
  37. Just Passing Through
  38. Candace's Big Day
  39. I Was A Middle Aged Robot
  40. Undercover Carl
  41. Hip Hip Parade
  42. Invasion Of The Ferb Snatchers
  43. Ain't No Kiddie Ride
  44. Not Phineas And Ferb
  45. The Lizard Whisperer
  46. Robot Rodeo
  47. The Beak
  48. She's The Mayor
  49. Phineas And Ferb Hawaiian Vacation
  50. Summer Belongs To You
  51. Nerds Of A Feather
  52. Wizard Of Odd
  53. We Call It Maze
  54. Ladies And Gentlemen Meet Max Modem!
  55. The Secret Of Success
  56. The Doof Side Of The Moon
  57. Split Personality
  58. Brain Drain
  59. Rollercoaster: The Musical!
  60. Make Play
  61. Candace Gets Busted

Season Three

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