Pirates XXX
A 2005 Porn film that was made, possibly only in part, to cash in on the popularity of Pirates of the Caribbean. The story follows the pirate hunter Captain Edward Reynolds and his First Mate Jules Steel as they try to catch the dreaded Captain Victor Stagnetti. The first film is about helping a young woman find her husband, whom Stagnetti kidnapped on the first night of their honeymoon. The second is more about finding the pirate queen Xifeng who decided to bring Stagnetti back to life.
The work has been praised for decent costumes, sets and acting (which improved considerably by the second flick) from most of the cast, especially Evan Stone who plays Reynolds.
The film is notable that it was the most expensive porn at the time and, as one of the lead actresses confessed, took several weeks to shoot as opposed to three to five days. The creators were so proud with their work that it was cut down to an R-rating and sold in regular video stores and rentals. In 2008 a sequel was made with a much bigger budget, better CGI and better dialogues. An original soundtrack has even been released.
- Bad Guy Bar
- Beard of Evil: Stagnetti, though it's more of a parody on Jack Sparrow's.
- Childhood Friend Romance: Subverted. During the two films both Reynolds and Jules state that they are childhood friends and have no interest in sex or a relationship. The fact that an adult film, of all things, manages to avoid a Romantic Comedy favourite pleases some of the fans.
- Dem Bones: Stagnetti raises up an army of skeletons at the climax of the first film.
- The Dragon: Sereena
- Dragon Lady: Xifeng
- Failed a Spot Check: Reynolds was very much surprised to find out Jules was not a virgin.
- Famous Last Words: Stagnetti
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: The pirates arrange a lesbian show for a buck's night.
- Heel Face Turn: Sereena. May be a Heel Faith Turn since she starts questioning her actions after Stagnetti murders a priest.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Nobody will ever really understand why Jules agrees to serve under Reynolds.
- Lovable Coward: Captain Edward Reynolds. He may be pompous, but his heart is in the right place.
- Modern Major-General: Again, Reynolds. After a threeway with a couple of bar wenches, his confidence greatly increases.
- My Girl Is a Slut: Surprisingly, an actual minor plot point. Jules encounters her exboyfriend, who has not been taking her lustfulness in stride.
- Parallel Porn Titles
- Pirate Girl: Janine Lindemulder as Serena, the vicious first mate of the Big Bad Captain Victor Stagnetti, and Jesse Jane as Jules, her good guy counterpart among the pirate hunters.
- Plot What Plot: The success of this title (and several similar ones) sparked a debate among porn lovers and enthusiasts, the audience is divided whether or not pornography should have a storyline at all.
- Porn with Plot: Reason why it has been noted as one of the more women-friendly adult titles of late, going by the (often true) idea that women demand more characterization from their porn.
- Stalker with a Crush: Edward acquires one in the brothel.
- Uncle Tomfoolery: Lu is the only named character who doesn't have sex. Even though his new gunpowder formula is what helps defeat Stagnetti.
- Unexplained Recovery: Stagnetti in the sequel.