- Complete Monster - Of all people, the Evil Twin of Phoenix Wright. He would have made f-ing Terumi proud had the latter not been occupied with something else.
- And he was outdone by the Children of Entropy. This was a group of people who destroyed an entire universe without remorse, taking over 20 billion people of Aethr with it. And that's without taking into consideration other inhabited planets in that universe...
- Crack Pairing - Lucia/Matsu.
- Crossover Ship - Official Couples include Souji Seta and Shizune Hakamichi, Kyonko and Thomas, Gabrie and Chishio Kenjuu, Akihiko Sanada and Toko Murasame, and Katina Tarask is openly dating both Kazumi Hagino and Rita Mordio.
- Ensemble Darkhorse - Ksthellixis among the NPCs. Void has even said that he's surprised by his popularity, and expected Macarius to be the most popular.
- Funny Moments - Has its own page.
- Game Breaker - Characters who have control over space, time, or dimensions, among other things, are considered this due to the setting and strictly regulated. A player may not app any such character until they have played either an Enforcer or a Councilor for a period of time to show whether or not they can be trusted with the responsibility.
- Heartwarming Moments - Has its own page.
- Hilarity Ensues - The outcome of many jobs. Like the job to give Baron Ashura a physical.
- Moment of Awesome - Has its own page.
- Moral Event Horizon - What Phoenix's Evil Twin does to Edgeworth. It has to be seen to be believed.
- The Children of Entropy crossed it in their debut. They dropped corruption bombs into the mana wells on Aethr, and created in its core a black hole so potent that it would consume the entire universe.
- Tear Jerker - Has its own page.
- That One Boss - Aenathia was this in the invasion event. It took the combined might of the entire division just to stop her.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds - Caranthir, the leader of the Children of Entropy, is one of these.