Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?/Trivia
- Fan Nickname: Prinny: I Wanna Be the Dood.
- The Prinny wearing the scarf is simply regarded as a Prinny. Fans call him Hero Prinny to tell him apart from the rest of the Prinnies. Seems to have become a sort of Sure Why Not in Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice, as Hero Prinny is his title.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Several of the U.S. voice actors from the previous Nippon Ichi games get roles here as some of the bosses. Namely...
- Barbara Goodson as the Moab Grunts. Reprises Laharl.
- Michelle Ruff as the twin Magic Knights Kim and Chi and Chervil, Basil's wife. Reprises Etna
- Sandy Fox as Anise the Cat Witch. Reprises Flonne and Marona.
- Yuri Lowenthal as Turmeric of the Phoenix Clan and Morgan.
- Derek Stephen Prince as Basil the aristocratic Dragon Zombie.
- Wendee Lee as Hoshikage. Reprises Asagi.
- The Other Darrin: Almost all the returning characters including Hero Prinny, Laharl, Etna and Flonne in the sequel.