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Professor Layton/Awesome

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The sword fight with Anton. He sure has energy in him for someone who's at least 80.
  • Clive has one through all of Unwound Future. By Crazy Awesome he's managed to build a giant, murderous mecha underneath an unseen but mentioned Elaborate Underground Base (presumably filled with more than enough kidnapped scientists) underneath an entire fake-future London (with hundreds of kidnapped citizens) that's built under the real London. Remember: throughout all of the game, there's one thing you never see: the cave walls around "future" London.
  • Any time that the Professor Macgyvers an object out of whatever he's got lying around, especially impressive because it tends to happen under quite stressful circumstances, but Layton stays cool through all of them.
  • Every accusation scene.
  • If you managed to solve a hard puzzle without consulting the Internet, you deserve a pat on the back.
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