Professor Layton/Trivia
- Fake Brit: Most of the voice actors in the English-language release of the games put on fake British accents. Actual British-English test players of the game reportedly hated Lani Minella's mockney accent for Luke so much that the British edition completely redubs Luke's lines with English-born Maria Darling. Christopher Robin Miller, however, put on an accent for the Professor so convincing that many players think he is British.
- Fan Nickname: The robot dog in Curious Village has no default name, so many players have dubbed it "Gizmo" since it's entirely built out of "strange gizmos." Future Luke has been dubbed 'Legal!Luke', 'Legal', or 'Tom'. Don Paolo is often referred to as 'DP'.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In the UK version Luke is voiced by Maria Darling, the voice of Roary the Racing Car.
- In Unwound Future, Future Luke is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, and Dr. Stahngun/Dimitri Allen is voiced by Liam O'Brien.
- O'Brien makes a reappearance in Last Specter as Luke's father Clark.
- And surely one of the many characters voiced by Lani Minella will remind some of Rouge the Bat.
- Emmy Altava is Emma Tate in The Eternal Diva
- In Last Specter, Jean Descole is voiced by none other than Tim Curry!
- In Unwound Future, Future Luke is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, and Dr. Stahngun/Dimitri Allen is voiced by Liam O'Brien.
- Internet Backdraft: Generally happens in response to changing characters' names in the localization process. One of the bigger outcries was in Diabolical Box when they changed the perfectly fine name of 'Anthony' to 'Anton'. Lots of fans still refuse to use the latter.
- Memetic Mutation: "I haff tvelve metchsteek," despite this phrase originating from Penny Arcade.
- Arguably 'You can call me Tom', due to an icon that spawned from a Layton x Older!Luke fanfic. Also 'puz', from a series of fancomics by fiztheAncient and Tennathing, and 'BAAAAASEBALL!' from a series of fanmade flashes by Skajio.
- Memetic Mutation, you say? That reminds me of a puzzle...
- No Export for You: Due to Schedule Slip in the English releases, fans tend to fear - a lot - that some games won't come. First there was Diabolical Box's almost-2-years delay, which also plagued Unwound Future. In E3 2010 (an American event), Level 5 announced Mask of Miracle for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS, suggesting they might skip what was then known as Specter's Flute (Ultimately the Mask of Miracle announcement was meant just for Japan and the English Last Specter was announced a year later). The Eternal Diva movie also lagged behind Japan and the UK in its release.
- It's been reported that Level 5 is setting up an American branch, which may speed things up for western fans. This also is unconfirmed, however.
- It's questionable if the two books, Professor Layton and the Wandering Castle and Professor Layton and the Phantom Deity, or the manga series will come over to the US at all.
- Professor Layton and The Cheerful Mystery has been released by Tokyopop Berlin. There may be some hope after all.
- Talking to Himself: The English-Language release of the games has Christopher Robin Miller taking on three parts as not only the Professor, but also Detective Chelmey and Don Paolo. Considering that in the first game, "Chelmey" was simply Paolo in disguise, this is somewhat appropriate. The Japanese games had different actors for all three characters.
- His little apprentice follows the same patch - Lani Minella (in the US versions) voices not only Luke, but also Flora, Katia, Celeste... well, pretty much all women in the games, ever.
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