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San Francisco International Airport

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San Francisco International Airport was a 1970 television series partially inspired by the film Airport. Similar to other airplane-based disaster movies, it concerned the interpersonal interactions between the major staff of the airport. Unusually for an airplane disaster movie/series, the airlines are real, lending a sort of authenticity to the proceedings.

Jim Conrad (Pernell Roberts) is the general manager of the titular airport. Much like in other Disaster Movie entries, he must fight with several challenges, including getting the airport runways expanded, dealing with VIPs, protecting a shipment of cash that figures into a kidnapping caper, and talking down a troubled young man. All of these plot threads intertwine throughout the movie, so much so that each of the main cast gets a chance to interact with one another. Filling out the helpful assistance role would be Bob Hatten (Clu Gulager), the airport's security chief.

The series began with a 90-minute TV-movie that served as a pilot. Though critical response was lukewarm, the pilot was picked up for six episodes in the fall of 1970, but was not renewed beyond the initial six. In the series version, the network stipulated that Lloyd Bridges replace Pernell Roberts; only Clu Gulager was retained for the series. Interestingly, it's apparently the same character of Jim Conrad that Lloyd Bridges parodies in Airplane!.

For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.

Tropes used in San Francisco International Airport include:
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