Schlock Mercenary/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

It may be a space opera, but there's still plenty to laugh about here:

Massey: All you need to do is to drop all charges against our lieutenant.
Attorney Drone I: You are a wicked little man, Reynstein.
Massey: I am, and that brings us to my final item. I'd like you to examine this document, in which the mercenary company "Tagon's Toughs" is named an agent of the U.N.S. Superior Court for purposes of administering damages against the Partnership Collective.
datascreen readout: goodbye!
Attorney Drone II: This is disturbing.
Attorney Drone I: It is also ticking.

Tagon: I guess we celebrated your death a little too early.
Xinchub: Sorry to disappoint you, Captain.
Tagon: (armed and wearing a party hat) Oh, its no trouble. We kept the party hats, just in case.