
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Boobies for the Win!

Minato Sahashi is an Ordinary College Student, even though he's failed his entrance exams twice. As he's walking down the street, he suddenly finds a Magical Girlfriend falling from the sky and crashing into him. She is Musubi, one of 108 beings known as Sekirei, about to be engaged in a Battle Royale across Tokyo, headed by the mysterious MBI organization. With a kiss, Minato "wings" Musubi and becomes her Ashikabi, or master, for the battle royale. The Sekirei Plan begins.

Based on the manga by Sakurako Gokurakuin (yes, believe it or not the artist is a woman), Sekirei was turned into a Twelve-Episode Anime in summer 2008 by Seven Arcs. A second season, Sekirei: Pure Engagement, aired in summer 2010.

FUNimation has licensed the anime and made it available on YouTube.

Tropes used in Sekirei include:
  • Accidental Marriage: You may say this when Minato winged Tsukiumi and Kazehana as both of them said they are his wives. Musubi and Kuu also claim to be his wife, though Musubi didn't seem to know what this actually means.
  • Accidental Pervert: Minato, though usually the result of the action of one or more of his haremettes.
  • Action Survivor: Minato quickly becomes one, later upgrading to borderline Badass Normal status by the end of Season 2.
  • Affably Evil: Minaka. Dude might be the power mad head of MBI, but dude's got style.
  • Aloof Ally: Uzume
  • Amusing Injuries: Homura setting Matsu's hair on fire, for one...
  • Animal Motif: Musubi with Bears is an obvious one, but a more subtle one is Tsukiumi; a number of her attacks are named after and carry the appearance of snakes or serpents or her hair went wiggling like a snake everytime she is angry.
  • Anti-Magic: Seo can surpress a Sekirei's ability as long as he's touching them. Or, more accurately, groping them.
  • Anti-Villain: Uzume - taking out Sekirei like a hitman and not even following the customs of honouring one's opponent, but only because she's being blackmailed with her Ashikabi's life on the line.
  • Apron Matron: Miya Asama, the landlady of Izumo, is also crazy tough in combat, and thus regularly trains with Musubi.
  • Author Appeal: Ahika Sakura seems to really like busty girls and bishounen.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Shiina, Yukari's Sekirei, has powers that make everything rot and die but he is one of the kindest and sweetest people in the manga and is actually scared by Yukari's brutal treatement of defeated Ashikabi.
  • Badass: Every Sekirei is supposed to be this to varying extents
    • Badass Biker: Matsu, in the anime.
    • Badass Bookworm: Again, Matsu. She is one of the single-digit Sekirei, after all. If she has to fight, she will turn into a biker babe with a bazooka.
    • Badass Crew: Minato's harem. Seo has a smaller scale example.
    • Badass Normal: Minato by the end of Season 2. He fought Haihane to save Kazehana, and was doing a damned good job considering Haihane could've sliced him to ribbons had it not been for being dizzy from the fumes of alcohol, and he also survives several things like having a roof collapse on him, and takes so many wounds for his Sekirei he's practically Made of Iron. And, by the end of Season 2, having the sheer balls to stand up to Karasuba, especially when she could have effortlessly killed him, should be proof positive he's taken several levels in badass.
      • He actually managed to knock out Haihane in the Sake warehouse twice.
    • Little Miss Badass: Kusano, at least at anime episode 11 where she carried a big grenade launcher atop Matsu's motorcycle.
    • Retired Badass: Miya.
      • Just to illustrate how badass Miya is, during the invasion of the island in the Backstory the other 4 disciplinary members went around taking out tanks and helicopters. While Miya, cut battle cruisers in half lengthwise, from a cliff without breaking a sweat
  • Badass Decay: Haihane and Benitsubasa. In Season 1 they were pretty tough, but in Season 2, while Beni beats one random Sekirei up, they both aren't nearly as tough as they were earlier. Even Minato manages to land a couple of hits on Beni, and rolls a bottle on a slightly tipsy Haihane, who trips on it.
  • Balanced Harem: Minato has stated he likes all his women equally and none seems to be beating the others, and they are actually ok with this.
  • Bandage Babe: Haihane, and Uzume in her fighting outfit
  • Baker's Dozen: Episode 0, a Measuring Day/Beach Episode/Hot Springs Episode trifecta included on the first Pure Engagement DVD.
  • Barehanded Blade Block:
    • Tried and failed by Musubi as she's training with Miya, who's leagues above her skill level.
    • Musubi does manage to catch Yomi's deathscythe in episode 3, and breaks the tip off.
    • Musubi also barely manages to do it against Karasuba's katana in episode 12 of Season 2.
  • Battle Harem: Most of the Ashikabis have one, including Minato.
  • Beach Episode: Another Omake.
  • Betty and Veronica: Musubi and Tsukiumi.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Miya may appears to be a very nice landlady, though everyone in the house are deathly afraid of her. Of course she is Sekirei Number 1, not a Badass Normal you think she is at first. Cue Demon Head and Glowing Eyes of Doom every time she is angry.
    • It's not clear whether the ghostly head is something she invokes or if it's a visual shorthand for the respectful terror other Sekirei have for her.
    • She also can do it over the phone, which freaks the hell out of Seo. Minato uses this against him when he initially wants to charge Haruka for helping escape the city with Kuno. Although Seo agrees to it, he puts Minato in a headlock afterwards. Nevertheless, he sticks to his word and helps out as much as he can.
  • Big Ball of Violence: Seo and the Ashikabi of the West get into one because of mist, complete with fighting sounds. In season 1 Seo gets his ass kicked by his own Sekirei for being a pervert in this manner.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Nothing definite, but recent chapters seem to have Higa headed in this direction. His team was pretty much Curb Stomped during the third fight of the third round, and Minaka seems to be becoming interested in taking him out.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Tsukiumi does this at the end of Season 1, but it's subverted because she's fighting 2 against 1 and as a distraction, so she ultimately loses. Played straight with Yume when she emerges shortly afterwards.
  • Big Eater: Every single sekirei out there, but especially Musubi who finishes a meal for ten by herself in episode one.
  • Big Good: Minato, by virtue of having the majority of the good guy Sekirei at his command. Seo is a lesser example, and Miya is a psuedo mix of this and Harem Nanny.
  • Biker Babe: In a surprising bit of anime-original material, Matsu, and it makes her come off as a genuine Badass Biker instead of a lame attempt at Fan Service as well.
  • Bishounen: Shiina, Yukari's Sekirei. One of the few male ones. Kagari, too. Even works at a host club.
  • Bland-Name Product: Once in a while you can see Sony Vaio laptops with blanded name
  • Blessed with Suck: If you think about it most Ashikabi's have this. They have been given a hot member of the opposite sex who loves them completely, and perfectly understands them. Then they have to watch them fight to the death (or whatever it is) with other people, or you lose him/her. And to top it all off, you know the other people your fighting are fighting for the exact same reasons and just lost the person they love because of you.
  • Blood Knight: Karasuba
  • Blue with Shock: Happens to some characters from time to time.
  • Boobs of Steel, Gag Boobs, Gainaxing
    • Funimation's tagline? Boobies For The Win!
  • Book Dumb: Minato is actually very intelligent, but he does badly in school since he cannot perform well when under pressure.
  • Bottle Fairy: Kazehana
  • Bound and Gagged: Happens to Musubi in the Sekirei Diagnosis OVA - when Karasuba offers to measure her, she ties Musubi up in the measuring tape. Musubi complains about the tape being too tight, but the noises and expressions she makes indicate she's loving every moment of it.
  • Bridal Carry: Minato does this for Musubi in the first episode when she's unable to move in an attempt to escape from Hikari and Hibiki.
  • Broken Bird: Kazehana, and possibly Homura, before Minato saves them.
  • Butt Monkey: Several examples:
    • Seo to Hibiki and Hikari
    • Minato whenever his Sekirei are fighting over him.
    • Matsu to Homura, and especially Miya anytime she accidentally does/says something Miya doesn't like.
    • Minaka to Takumi. While he may be the CEO of MBI, that doesn't stop her from whacking him if she feels he's stepped out of line.
    • Everyone beaten up by Yukari while she's helping Shiina search for Kusano.
    • Benitsubasa towards Haihane, and in one episode, to Kusano and Kazehana, who both hang up the phone on her when she's trying to blackmail Musubi. The look on her face is hilarious after they hang up on her.
  • Buxom Is Better: Repeatedly emphasised in this series, especially in the "Sekirei Diagnosis" OVA. Bust size is Serious Business for Sekireis!
  • By the Power of Greyskull: Sekirei gain power with a kiss and an incantation, called a norito. Each Norito is unique to that Sekirei:
    • Musubi: By the fists of my contract, my Ashikabi's perils will be shattered.
    • Kazehana: By the forewinds of my contract, my Ashikabi's dark clouds will be blown away.
    • Homura: These are the flames of my pledge, burn the Karma of my Ashikabi.
    • Shiina: By the corpse of my pact, my Ashikabi's burdens shall withered.
    • Tsukiumi: This is the water of my pledge, purify the evil residing in my Ashikabi.
    • Hikari and Hibiki: By the thunderstorm of our pact, our Ashikabi's perils will be destroyed.
    • Uzume: By the veil of my contract, my Ashikabi's nightmares will be dispelled.
    • Kuu and Matsu's haven't been revealed yet.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: Haihane in the anime. Too bad for her she got in a fight in a warehouse storing sake...
  • Caramelldansen Vid: Musubi and Kuu both do this when Uzume first gives them costumes to try out in episode 4 of Season 1.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Seo Kaoru sure would have gotten far if not for those two Sekirei of his.
  • Cat Smile: Musubi and Kuu tend to display one when they're happy.
  • Changed My Mind, Kid: Tsukiumi comes to help out at the end of episode 12 after Miya gives her a pep talk about how the other girls are in the lead against her because she was refusing to help while the other 3 girls did what they could. Subverted in that she doesn't stop the two discipline squad members, although she did delay them.
    • Played straight with Uzume as well. She decides to help Kuno escape rather than kill her as ordered to.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: All the Sekirei that Minato come to wing appear in the 3rd chapter (or 0.3), except Kuu, and even she got a mention. Akitsu also appears...
  • Clark Kenting:
    • Spoofed. Kagari is absolutely baffled at Tsukiumi's inability to recognize him as Homura just because of the black mouth-cover he wears when fighting. When Tsukiumi finally connects the dots, she quite visibly feels like a moron.
    • Also seen in the anime when Tsukiumi saves Kagari, who's not wearing the mask at the time. Justified In-Universe with remarks by Homura mentioning later that she didn't see his face because it was really dark in the alley at the time, and later in Season 2 when Tsukiumi also mentions that she didn't take a good look at his face because it wouldn't be proper.
    • Musubi also once thought Homura was Kagari, and then did a doubletake and said it wasn't him because Kagari "doesn't wear a mask".
  • Cliff Hanger: Season 1 ends with Haruka and Kuno successfully escaping, but a lot of loose ends are shown which have yet to be resolved, and Minaka mentions that the game is far from over, which ultimately leads into the second season.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Tsukiumi changes from a Tsundere to this after her winging, Kusano also appears to learn to behave this way from her. Also Hikari and Hibiki (the former having a shorter fuse than the latter) do not let Seo to wing another Sekirei, and will immediately zap him if they catch him trying to do that. They don't mind if he takes a male one like Shiina though.
    • Although its very subtle, when Musubi sees Minato getting a little too friendly with Tsukiumi, a bear aura will pop up behind her briefly, which scares them the same way Miya's aura does.
  • Clothing Damage: Musubi is especially prone to this; her clothing must be made of tissue paper. Justified in how Sekirei are beating the crap out of each other with various supernatural abilities, most of which are more than strong enough to destroy easily clothing and buildings but leaving Sekirei fairly intact, and Musubi in particular has to get close to punch them... Apparently strongly enough to strip them, too.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: All of the Sekirei have different hair colors, and wear different clothing to make it easier to tell them apart. Slightly subverted at first with Kagari, Takami, and Takehito, as they have similar hair color/styles.
  • Color Failure: Matsu completely whites out when Minato innocently asks who Sekirei #01 is, right before Miya shows up.
    • A random guy loses his color after Yukari kicks him in the groin to try and get info from him on Kusano's whereabouts.
  • Completely Missing the Point:
    • In episode 8, after hearing Matsu mention a Sekirei mysteriously defeating and leaving their opponents before MBI can confirm the fight, Minato has a talk with all his current Sekirei about it, since he's worried about their safety. Both Tsukiumi and Musubi mention that they want to fight her since she's so strong, and develop a Battle Aura. Even Kuu develops one, much to Minato's chagrin. Matsu meanwhile, continues to snicker at his inability to control the situation.
    • Later in Season 2, after Matsu reveals she was one of the original 5 Sekirei, Minato and some of the others are surprised at this fact. She reveals some more information, but they're still completely shocked at the fact that she was one of the original Discipline Squad members. She puts on a cute pouty face afterwards.
  • Compressed Adaptation: A fine example, too. The anime uses only the most important bits, moving along at a brisk pace.
  • Cooldown Hug: Minato literally gives one to a blazing Homura.
  • Covert Pervert: Yukari at first appears to be a very well off, but soon, you see her getting Nosebleed around Shiina and even struggling trying not to peek at him taking a shower. She later tries to grope Tsukiumi in Season 2, but the latter runs off before she gets a chance to. The face she makes creeps out Tsukiumi in the process.
  • Crash Into Hello: How Minato first meets Musubi.
    • Yukari meets Shiina this way as well. She's instantly smitten by his looks.
    • This is also how Tsukiumi first runs into Minato.
  • Cross Counter: Seo and the Ashikabi of the West.
  • Cross-Popping Veins: Several characters display one from time to time, especially Tsukiumi when the other Sekirei try to claim them over her.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: In the manga and Anime, we're shown an invading international army against the first disciplinary squad. Army lost big time, and there were only 5 of them(sekirei). Later this is proven even more when Karasuba massacres so many soldiers their bodies pile on each other.
    • Musubi loses somewhat easily to Benitsubasa, but then when Yume takes control of Musubi's body temporarily, she easily defeats both Beni and Haihane.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: Shiina, a Bishonen one to boot, though you won't call it Shotacon because Yukari is rather short for her age (just barely One Head Taller than him). For once she dressed him up as a girl too.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Several examples:
    • Minaka often welcomes players trying to change the rules a little bit, and will act accordingly to counteract their plans, such as sending troops to the area Minato is trying to help Haruka and Kuno escape. Even at the end of Season 2, Matsu mentions hacking Minaka's spacecraft to leave him hopelessly stranded in orbit, but she says that he'll probably figure out how to regain control (which he does a few moments later, and makes a point to mention that).
    • The Discipline Squad knows exactly where to go when Minato is trying his escape plan at the end of Season 1. And in Season 2, after their first fight, Benitsubasa closes off the walls to force Kazehana to fight in a small area where she can't use her wind magic effectively. Haihane does something similar with Tsukiumi, luring her into a room where she can't easily escape with her water magic.
    • Miya and some other residents of Maison Izumo seems to know a lot more about the Sekirei plan and MBI's ambitions than they should. However, its gradually revealed that they knew about Minaka's plans all along, and either tried to fight against it, or else ran away to avoid taking part in it. Miya claims she could kill Minaka if asked to, but Matsu mentions that the city would get destroyed in the process.
  • Day in The Limelight: Kuu's Summer Party.
  • Death by Adaptation: In the anime, Uzume. She dies in the manga, too, just a bit later.
    • Sort of. In the anime she is confirmed (by an onscreen computer screen) to be still alive, but greatly injured. In the manga, it has been said that if Minato wins the tournament, he can bring Uzume back.
  • Defeat by Modesty: Played straight in many cases, but Musubi early on is seemingly immune to this. Miya also did this to Tsukiumi in a training session.

Musubi "And I even protected my modesty this time."
Arrows point out that she's only wearing panties.

  • Demon Head: Done mostly by Miya It seemed she learned from her husband, Asama Takehito, back when she first was being adjusted
    • Somehow, Yukari later learn to do it as well, and thus the title 'Demon Ashikabi'.
  • Denied Food as Punishment: Miya often threatens to do this to Seo, and Matsu when she's fooling around with Minato, and by extension, Minato.
  • Determinator: Musubi.
  • Diabolus Ex Machina: In the manga, Uzume was about to rejoin the Izumo Inn (the chapter is named Welcome Home) when, out of nowhere, one of Higa's Sekirei attacks Minato in a final attempt to kill him and Uzume takes the attack and in the next chapter dies.
  • Disappeared Dad: The only mention of Minatos father is 'unknown', by Matsu. You just know something's up when the information Sekirei has no clue.
    • Or more likely, Miya's forbidden her to reveal it.
    • Pretty much confirmed to be Minaka
  • Damsel in Distress: Yukari becomes this for awhile. It is eventually subverted when she realizes she shouldn't just be waiting for a rescue and starts trying to escape on her own.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The winging scenes in the anime version seem a little too sexual.
  • Dojikko: Kuno, pretty standard version.
    • Haihane and Akitsu to lesser extent. The former sometimes forgets to remove her claws so that she often stab herself in the face, the latter ... forgets to wear panties!
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Homura thinks Minato just sees him as yet another "prize" to add to his Sekirei "collection". However, Minato convinces him that he is truly concerned about him as a person, as Homura was one of the first people who helped him out when he first got kicked out of his apartment. Aside from that, he also mentions that other people were worried about him, and didn't want to see him do a Senseless Sacrifice.
  • Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Several examples:
    • Hibiki/Hikari towards Seo.
    • Takami towards Minaka.
    • Tsukiumi towards Minato (usually in the form of using water on him).
    • Yukari towards various male Ashikabis (although in one case the guy deserved it for pulling a knife on her after he lost his Sekirei battle to her).
  • Double Take: In episode 8 of the first season, Minato feels at ease after having a private talk with Tsukiumi about her not losing a fight, which he had with Musubi in an earlier episode. He then wonders out loud if they're not the same despite their differences. He opens the door slightly, and sees Musubi standing by the door. He nonchalantly closes it for a few moments, then opens it again, and after she says something to him, he screams, wondering if Musubi just heard what he said comparing the two girls.
  • The Dragon: Minato's mom is this to Minaka. Also Kakizaki is this to Higa of the east.
    • Minato's mom may be second in command in a bureaucratic sense (as she's presumably the co-founder of MBI), but The Dragon for Minaka is Karasuba, AKA the Black Sekirei. Matsu calls Karasuba "MBI's hound."
  • Elemental Powers: Quite a few Sekirei (especially low-numbered ones) have some sort of elemental power. Specifically:
  • Emotionless Girl: Akitsu
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Musubi occasionally has an animal avatar of a bear appear behind her, and the bear fist is one of her attacks.
  • Evil Laugh: Minaka sometimes
  • Eyes Always Shut: Karasuba
  • Fan Service: Oh yes.
    • Cranked Up to Eleven in the Pure Engagement OVA "Two Gossips Topic", which chronologically takes place after Season 1 but before Season 2, features a Measuring Day in the first half, and a Beach Episode in the 2nd half. Virtually all of the main women in the show are topless for pretty much the entire episode.
  • Fan Nickname: The series is often simply referred to as "Pokémon with tits", with each member of the Unwanted Harem having a different Pokémon related nickname:
    • Ursaring: Musubi, for her Animal Motif
    • Blastoise: Tsukiumi, for her water powers
    • Bulbasaur: Kusano, for her plant powers
    • Pigeotto: Kazehana, for her wind powers
    • Alakazam: Matsu, for her role as The Smart Guy
      • Plus she does have ESPer like powers, even if it's limited to machines.
    • Charmander: Homura, for his/her fire powers
    • And Minato is just called "L", since he resembles a slightly more well-adjusted L.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Musubi.
  • Five-Man Band: Minato's harem:
  • Faceless Goons: those MBI soldiers
  • Furo Scene:
    • The Izumo inn's bath provides many opportunities.
    • Also, there was an omake story specifically about a trip to a "neutral ground" hot spring.
  • Gecko Ending: The anime diverges from the manga around the time Homura gets winged. In the manga Stage 3 starts immediately after this, while Minaka only hints at starting it at the end of Season 2 of the anime. Uzume's arc gets drastically changed as well. Minaka still offers to help in both versions, but in the manga Uzume was still alive when they got her to MBI, and she saves Minato rather than Musubi in the manga, and Minato doesn't play as active a role in the manga of helping Chiho. Nor did Minaka implement the rule of deactivating Sekirei with no wins, or blow his building up (yet anyway...) in the manga.
    • Kazehana also gets "winged" right after Minato helps Kuno and Haruka escape in the manga, whereas in the anime she does it in Season 2. She also takes a much more active role in helping out in the manga, rather than the subtle offscreen help she provides in the anime.
  • Gender Bender: Homura, who finds himself growing breasts when he becomes the last unwinged Sekirei. The Call Knows Where You Live and it is a pervert.
  • Genre Savvy: Minato.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Haruka's names for Kuno's attacks, which she's not very fond of.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Miya will use these if she is REALLY pissed off. Hikari and Hibiki also use this when they are angry with Seo. Yukari starts sporting it later as well.
  • Groin Attack: Yukari's favourite way to 'punish' abusive ashikabis. This is because Shiina refuses to do it for her.
  • Hadaka Apron: Present and correct.
  • Hammerspace: Matsu pulls a large gun on Musubi in the bath, even though she's only wearing a towel. Minato even lampshades this.
  • Harem Genre
  • Harem Hero: Minato is a Type 1, with his team of winged Sekireis. Technically, any Ashikabi may count, bar the ones that aren't heroes.
  • Harem Nanny: Miya Asama, though she comes down hard on anything too ero-ero in the house.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • At the end of a battle between Minato and Higa's Sekirei, Toyotama attempts to kill Musubi by stabbing her with a lance before fleeing. Musubi is saved, however, when Uzume jumps in her way and gets herself stabbed instead. Uzume would die from her injuries shortly afterwards.
    • In the manga, Uzume tried to block the attack from Higa's sekirei which was aimed at Minato.
  • Heroic Second Wind: Musubi or is it Yume? recovers at the end of episode 12 to beat up the Disciplinary Squad after Minato's Heroic Resolve to not abandon his friends and Sekirei helps to revive her.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Some character voices from Sekirei Series are both fresh and veteran ones on the mix.
  • Hollywood Tactics: An invading army with tanks, helicopters and ships? Group the Tanks within spitting distance of each other. The same for the helicopters that are maybe 50 ft in the air directly above the tanks. And have your support warship hanging out right off the coast.
  • Hostile Show Takeover: The "On the Next..." for Pure Engagement episode 0 is an extended skit with the entire cast declaring what the new season will be about. Needless to say, their ideas on it vary considerably.
  • Hot Springs Episode: As an omake.
  • Human Aliens: All the Sekirei.
  • Incest Is Relative: Sekirei and Ashikabi are distantly related, because they are descendents of the first Ashikabi and Sekirei centuries ago.
  • I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: The Sekirei realizing who their Ashikabi are get horny when wanting to get winged. And poor Minato, even AFTER winging his Sekirei, most of them still get horny and want/find ways to get laid by him, they HORRIBLY fail thanks to Miya.
  • Idiot Hair: Musubi, Saber style.
  • Ill Girl: Chiho, Uzume's ashikabi
  • Immodest Orgasm: Not a real one, but it certainly sounds like it when they Sekirei get "winged" in the anime.
  • Innocent Cohabitation: All of Minato's harem sleeps in his room, until they're reshuffled elsewhere for having the room get too crowded.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Musubi at first, though she eventually catches onto the concept of "modesty".
  • Instant Bandages: Minato has some on his head after Tsukiumi lands on him.
  • It Amused Me: Minaka's Sekirei Plan game. While he has a set of rules regarding the Sekirei plan, he will often set up a new rule or change his plans slightly based on what's going on. Such as killing off any Sekirei with no wins within a certain period of time to encourage them to fight, setting up obstacles to prevent some Ashikabi/Sekirei from escaping the city, or agreeing to help Minato, but then making a bunch of other Ashikabi attack him before he can get to MBI's headquarters. Will generally earn him a Megaton Punch from Takami once she gets wind of changes to his plans.
  • I Will Protect Her: One of Minato's motivation for helping out the Sekirei. This is also why Haruka took pity on Kuno and decided to be her Ashikabi.
  • Jerkass: Pretty much everyone else outside of Izumo Inn, including Minato's mother and sister. The more sympathetic ones are typically portrayed as Jerks With A Heart Of Gold.
    • Outright aversions include #95 Kuno (Haruka's Sekirei), #107 Shiina (Yukari's Sekirei) and Chiho Hidaka.
    • Ashikabi of the East, Izumi Higa, takes the cake however. Hell, even Minaka doesn't give a crap about him anymore and wants him out of the Sekirei Plan.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • Seo Kaoru, at least his two Sekirei will 'discipline' him if he goes too far. Hikari and Hibiki somewhat count as well, given they were introduced targeting unwinged Sekirei for practice yet are good-natured deep down.
    • Seemingly that Ashikabi of the West guy too, since he's almost a carbon copy of the above (something lampshaded in the actual manga)
    • Haruka Shigi as well. He can be blunt, thoughtless and short-tempered, but cares enough about Kuno that he despite her plain appearance, she's his Sekirei and nobody else. He even refuses to force her participation in a 'Game' they can't win.
  • Kill Sat: Matsu has full control of one. Probably one of the reasons why she holds so much influence in the Sekirei game.
  • Killed Off for Real: Uzume. The anime just got there first.
    • Well, sort of. A brief shot of a computer screen in season two reveals that Uzume is alive, but severely injured. In the manga, Miya reveals that if Minato wins the tournament, Uzume can be brought back. So basically, while Uzume has been Killed Off for Real in the manga, there is a chance for her to return.
  • Large Ham: Hiroto Minaka, chairman of the MBI and Mad Scientist.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Minaka sends an email to all the Ashikabi that a "certain group" of people were going to storm the MBI buildings. He set a new rule that anyone who stops that group from reaching the building would be exempt from his earlier rule where an Ashikabi with no wins would lose their Sekirei. Naturally this causes a lot of other people to try and stop Minato, and it appears he has no way out. Fortunately for him, a biker guy arrives late to the situation, and immediately trash talks some of them, then picks a fight with all of them.
  • Lightning Glare: Seo and the Ashikabi of the West.
    • Tsukiumi sometimes does this with Minato's other Sekireis.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Miya goes out of her way to withhold information from Minato, to the point of subtly threatening people who try and reveal too much.
    • Really, no one lets this guy know anything unless necessary...
    • Matsu hasn't even felt the need to tell him his sister is playing. And that his sister has Kuu's brother.
  • Loophole Abuse: Higa pulls this in the third match of the third stage bringing extra Sekirei once his three are taken out, saying it would only be a violation of the rules if they fought.
  • Love Freak: Kazehana, Yume
  • Mad Scientist: Minaka Hiroto, the MBI chairman
  • A Magic Contract Comes with a Kiss: Ashikabis wing their Sekireis with a kiss.
  • Magic Contract Romance: Minato and his harem/Sekireis.
  • Magical Girlfriend: The Sekirei are essentially this to their Ashikabi.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Kuno
  • Mama Bear:
    • Musubi when it comes to Minato. She has a bear avatar, for crying out loud!
    • Miya. The things it is hinted she will do if anyone actually asked for her help will send a shiver down your spine.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Higa, and how! Blackmailing Uzume, kidnapping Yukari and messing with Shiina's head (leading him to almost rape Yukari), using Uzume and Shiina to cheat at the game, cheating at the game in general, trying to join forces with Minato (which is either very stupid, what with holding his sister captive and all, or full-on Magnificent Bastard territory, I'm not sure which)
  • Manly Tears: Minato when Musubi loses her crest, effectively meaning she would be taken away.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Chapter 49 of the manga. Rasserfrasserluckyb'tard...
    • Musubi really likes to do this to Minato as well in the anime.
  • Mega Corp: MBI, also a Law Enforcement, Inc. in the city.
  • Meganekko: Resident tech geek, Sekirei and haremette Matsu.
  • Megaton Punch: To be expected in any harem series. And yet, Homura does this to Minato!
  • Mission Control: Matsu acts as this most of the time, providing Minato with intel from her computer room.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Uzume was tasked with defeating Kuno, but at the end of episode 12, helps them with their plan to escape the city, along with Kazehana.
  • Most Writers Are Male: Averted; the Mangaka is a woman, but the female characters are incredibly busty either way.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Discipline Squad seems to inspire fear in most Sekirei, although Musubi doesn't seem to realize that.
    • Sekirei #00/01 Miya is so feared that no one will normally dare venture in the northern section of the city where she lives. Considering what kind of power she showed in a flashback at the beginning of Season 2, you can't blame them. This is also the reason why Seo devises the escape plan in the northern part of the city at the end of Season 1, as there will be less MBI-affiliated Sekirei/Ashikabi there.
    • The demon Ashikabi title, which was given to Yukari due to her tendency to viciously assault any Ashikabi she ran into in order to ask where Sekirei No. 108 is. This hilariously gets some Ashikabi's to run away during one fight in Stage 3 in the manga.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: One of Seo's girls accidentally zaps him during the escape plan at the end of Season 1. This fries the cellphone he was using to communicate with Matsu. This justifies him being unable to help out the other people or give/receive updates to what's going on with the plan, and all he can do from that point is lay low.
  • No Accounting for Taste It's heavily hinted that Kazehana once was attracted to Minaka, of all people! And, if true, this would further confirm Minaka is Minato's father, as Kazehana seemed to think he was very similar in appearance to the man she first fell for.
  • No Biological Sex Homura had no set gender to begin with. He asked to be adjusted to become a male, but once he began to react to Minato's presence his body took the matter in to its own hands and has switched over to female while retaining her male mind. To date, s/he's still somewhat disoriented as to her body's reactions, and there's a Running Gag where s/he can't decide whether to go in the male or female side of baths or changing rooms.
    • The extent of the change is ambiguous. Whether it includes that is up for debate, though Homura definetly grows breasts and develops a more feminine body structure and face.
  • Nosebleed: Minato, obviously. Surprisingly, Yukari is also prone to this, being a Bishonen fangirl.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Miya often come in while Minato is in bad position.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Kazehana doesn't take threats seriously. She doesn't need to.
  • Oblivious Younger Sibling: An intresting subversion. It's against the rules to talk to Muggles about the Sekirei plan, so Minato isn't allowed to talk to his sister about it. She, however knows and is in fact a part of the Sekirei plan, but for the same reasons doesn't talk to her brother about it. Unfortunately her main reason for becoming a part of the game is to look for Kuu, her Sekirei's little sister and her brother's Sekirei, leading to a case of Poor Communication Kills.
    • Inverted later on. While Minato is still in the dark about it, Yukari has known the identity of their father for quite some time.
  • Oh Crap: The look on the Disciplinary Squad when Yume shows up. More so on Haihane than Beni.
  • Older Than They Look: Miya.
  • 108: The number of Sekirei.
  • Painting the Fourth Wall: Kazehana talks to Minato with heart-shaped speech bubbles at one point. Miya swiftly forbids them.
  • Panty Fighter: True to the trope, most of the Sekirei (the ones who wear panties) end up with at least one Panty Shot.
  • Parental Abandonment: Apart from the missing father, Minato and Yukari's mother pretty much left them to be raised by their grandmother. Turns out their mother is working for MBI, essentially as The Dragon. She seems to care more about her Sekirei "children" than her actual ones...
  • Pettanko: Kusano, she is rather proud of it too. Benitsubasa on the other hand, does not seem to like being one at all, especially when Haihane picks on her about it.
  • Please Don't Leave Me: Kuu says this to Minato, and he promises never to.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Shiina's search for Kuu wouldn't last very long if Yukari ever bothered to just go to Maison Izumo. Justified however, in that neither Yukari nor Minato knows that the other is involved in the Sekirei program, and Minaka did plainly warn Minato in the first episode (and probably every other Ashikabi as well) that if they ever reveal the Sekirei plan to a non-participant, they'd be punished severely for it. Seeing as how Minaka has eyes and ears all over the place, Minato not wanting to explain why he's suddenly living with even more women, including Tsukiume, and Kusano, and all the other crazy stuff going on around them, it's hard to blame her entirely.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Or rather, wings give you power.
  • The Power of Love: This helps to awaken Yume at the end of Season 1.
  • Razor Wind:
    • Miya, when she was in the first Disciplinary Squad, uses this to sink a warship.
    • Yomi as well.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Poor Uzume.
  • Retired Badass: Miya, although in the manga it seems she may be coming out of it.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: A variation of this occurs in episode 10 of Season 2. At Minato's request, Matsu hacks into Higa's business accounts and essentially bankrupts his business, partly to force Higa to contact Minato, and largely as payback for him being responsible for Uzume's death. The speed and zeal in which she does this scares Minato a little bit.
  • Run or Die: When the Black Sekirei, Karasuba decides to fight Mitsuha and Akitsu, the latter tells the former to run or she'll die. Mitsuha ignores the warning and is quickly killed while Akitsu ran away and lived.
  • Sailor Earth: Roughly thirty or forty or so out of potentially 108 Sekirei have yet been introduced, and, most notably, the number seven Sekirei, the only one of the Single-Digit Sekirei to remain unknown, hasn't yet been introduced. Lastly, it's uncertain how many un-numbered Sekirei like Akitsu exist. In short, there's still plenty of room for Fanon to make new Sekirei.
    • Note that un-numbered does not mean extra. She is still one of the 108.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Matsu gets a chance to do this once or twice. Minaka also does this ALL the time that we rarely see his eyes through his glasses.
  • Screw Destiny: This is what Matsu believes Minato will do.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Minato does this so that the weak Kuno and her Ashikabi can flee the city. This comes back to bite him later, when he is forced to fight against the Disiplinary Squad, once in the act and again in the third round as punishment.
  • Secret Keeper: Miya appears to know a lot about the characters, but doesn't tell anyone until absolutely required, such as the existence of Sekirei, and about Kagari's true identity.
    • Kazehana knows about Uzume's secret, but chooses not to stop her nor will she allow anyone to harm her whenever she's around.
    • Also forced upon all Ashikabi upon winging a Sekirei. They are not to tell anyone not involved in the Sekirei plan about it, under threat of retaliation from MBI should they leak the info.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Minaka's explorer outfit is flat-out a Kamen Rider costume.
    • The 2nd episode of season 2 finally acknowledges that Sekirei is Pokémon with tits when Minato says the famous Catch Phrase: Kazehana getto daze! Kazehana even says that Minato is in the wrong show.
      • And in the next episode you have to fight off the urge to shout "... Blasting off again!"
    • In the first episode, when Musubi is cooking dinner for Minato, you can hear her humming the Chocobo theme. This is only in the English dub, though.
      • And in the second episode of the English dub, Musubi hums another particularly catchy tune in the shower.
      • In the third episode (English dub again), Musubi hums what sounds like the opening theme for pre-Disney Doug.
  • Skinship Grope: Goes with the whole fanservice thing.
  • Slasher Smile: Several characters, but Yukari takes the cake.
  • Split Personality: Musubi. Sekirei No. 8, Yume, is inside of her. Yume is a love-crazy beam-user type, but while Musubi knows she has Yume's soul inside of her, she remembers nothing she's done as Yume.
  • Standard Female Grab Area: Minato seemingly knows how to do this properly, though it usually makes whoever he did it to call him a pervert.
    • That's because in the manga at least, he grabbed Yomi round the middle and copped a feel.
    • Played deadly straight with Seo, since when he is touching a sekirei, he effectively neutralizes their power until he lets go.
  • Super-Deformed: During it's moments of humor the anime will often switch to this style for short periods of time.
  • Superpower Meltdown: Often happens to Homura.
  • Sure Why Not: Not a true example, but when Minaka watches the first match, his response to Seo and Sanada fist fight is basically this. "This is good too," indeed.
  • Take Care of the Kids: Before she dies, Uzume's last request of Minato is to protect Chiho for her.
  • Team Mom: Miya Asama, landlady of Izumo Inn. Though, she will become angry if called this; she thinks of herself as more of a Cool Big Sis
  • Technical Pacifist: Minato is a frail peace-loving guy who is uncomfortable with having his Sekirei or anybody else fight and wishes he could avoid conflict as much as possible. That said, it doesn't take much for something to get him to voluntarily join or even start a fight to help somebody else.
    • Lampshaded in Minato's first Stage Three duel, when his strategy to minimize fighting consists largely of Demolish the surrounding area and beat up everyone before the dust settles. Homura notes that for something Minato came up with to avoid conflict, it sure included a lot of wanton destruction.
  • Technopath: Matsu has the ability to look into any computer system with her mind and even hacks into and spys through MBI's sattelites at various points. This has caused her to be labelled "The Sneaking Sekirei" a title she doesn't appreciate.
  • Telepathy: It is implied that all sekirei have this to one degree or another, especially if their Ashikabi is involved. For example, Kuu has appeared in Minato's dreams, impling that her telepathy is quite good.
  • Tempting Fate: After Minato nods off in the bath in episode 1 of Season 2, Musubi calls him for dinner, then decides to get in the bath with him. After he wakes up, he comments that it would be bad if the other girls saw them like that. Cue Tsukiumi and Kusano opening the door to the bath...
  • Tenchi Solution: It seems inevitable. If it isn't there already.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Tsukiumi uses it on Minato as a threat. Played straight with Karasuba defeating Musubi, who stops herself from fighting Yume at the end of episode 12 in Season 1 after she comments that Musubi needs to train more if Beni beat her.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kuu berates Tsukiumi for not wanting to help with Minato's plan to help Kuno escape with Haruka. Miya later helps snap her out of her refusal to help.
    • Musubi and Minato essentially tells this to the Ashikabi and Sekirei who confront them in Season 2 and ask for his participation in escaping, after the latter Ashikabi continually insults Haruka and Kuno as being weak and pathetic.
  • The Power of Love: Helps to revive Yume at the end of episode 12.
  • There Can Be Only One: The whole point of the Sekirei plan.
  • The Un-Reveal: Seriously, is there anyone (other than Minato) who doesn't know Miya is Sekirei No. 1? If you couldn't already guess it, the beginning of episode 1 in Season 2 gives it away, but it's still kept as a huge secret/surprise in-universe. In the Manga, it's not as readily apparent because of the pacing, but once Sekirei with numbers begin appearing in mass and the background info picks up, it's not a difficult concept.
  • Third Person Person: Musubi tends to refer herself like this.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: Benitsubasa and Haihane once they make more regular appearance, though occasionally joined by Karasuba.
  • Tranquil Fury:
    • Yume when she shows up in episode 12.
    • Miya as well. Although she does show emotions, during her training sessions with Musubi and Tsukiumi, she seems very calm and calculated in her moves.
  • Troll: Takami, Minato's mother, of all people, does this in episode 3 of Season 2. After Tsukiumi starts talking to her in the hospital, his mother tells her that she should be addressing her as "mother" (due to Tsukiumi's "marriage" to Minato), while making the same scary face Yukari does (minus the red eyes). Tsukiumi immediately apologizes and calls her that, only to have Takumi nonchalantly says she wasn't serious about it, which ticks off Tsukiumi.
  • True Companions: After Karasuba defeats Musubi at the end of episode 12 in Season 2, the rest of Minato's harem move in to protect her. Karasuba taunts them that they still wouldn't be able to defeat her, but ultimately lets them go, either because she knew they saw through her bluff, or perhaps she wants Musubi to get stronger for more of a challenge.
  • Twenty Minutes Into the Future: 2020, which really doesn't seem that different from today. Then again, take a look into the world today: There's still ten years to go yes, but is there really that much differnce?
  • Twinkle in The Sky: Yume did this to Benitsubasa and Haihane at the end of first season (by throwing them instead of Megaton Punch). Repeated later by Kazehana.
  • Tsundere: Tsukiumi, Hikari. Later on, Homura towards Minato as well; albeit a bit more subtly than the first two examples. Homura punches him in the face right after getting all blushy and dere, for crying out loud.
  • Unwanted Harem: Subverted; while at first, like any other Harem Hero, Minato's reluctant and unwilling to take responsiblity, he eventually goes after four of his eventual six Sekirei.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: Matsu pulls a tracking device out of her cleavage in chapter 62
  • Villainous Breakdown: Higa is showing the first symptoms.
  • Weird Moon
  • Wham! Episode:
    • Played with when Matsu declares her intent to leave the inn. Minato and the viewers were surprised; the rest of Minato's Sekirei were somewhere between Dull Surprise and out right disbelief.
    • Uzume's death.
    • The truth about the Sekirei, as told by Miya. It really has to be seen to be believed.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway? - Kuno's sole weapon is her voice. It seems to be effective at stunning targets, particularly when powered up, but doesn't seem to hurt them. On top of that, it seems she damages herself if she does it too long, as evidenced by the blood she throws up after finishing singing.
    • To be fair to her, the singing does stop the two discipline squad members long enough for Yume to emerge.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: One of the undertones of the series. Minato treats his Sekirei as normal people, while most Ashikabi treat them as things.
    • Which makes it all the more painful to watch other Ashikabi who did clearly treat their Sekirei's as people as well, and then having them get defeated by another who probably didn't want to fight them in the first place if not for Minaka's constant rule changing.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Yukari puts Shiina in a dress to hide him from pursuers, fortunately he is so bishounen that he looks like a girl.
  • World of Buxom
  • Would Hit a Girl: In Season 2, an Ashikabi is seen leaving the hospital with his Sekirei, and treats her terribly, berating and hitting her. Minato, Tsukiumi, and Yukari all see his treatment, and are utterly disgusted by it. He later tries to pull a knife on Yukari, but Tsukiumi destroys it, allowing Yukari to kick him in the groin. Tsukiumi later comments that she's glad Minato is a Nice Guy.
    • Minato technically does this, but to be fair, he was trying to get away from Benitsubasa, who had kidnapped him. He also does it again to prevent Kazehana from getting double teamed, which causes her to fall for him. Otherwise he treats them with respect or stays out of the fight.
  • X Meets Y: Pokémon meets Highlander, With tits!
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Even while training swordfighting, Miya Asama has the composed, articulate charm of a classic matron. She can deliver deadly warnings with the same sweet civility.
  • Yandere: Matsu in episode 4. She has a Kill Sat try to take out Musubi.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Matsu gets a ...suspicious... look when Seo wants to "get along with" Minato as men during the hot springs omake.
    • Yuri Fangirl: She gets an equally suspicous look after accidentilly kissing Musubi, and becomes interested in relations between Sekirei. Matsu doesn't care.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Tsukiumi and Homura combine their attacks into a giant steam dragon. It's said that this can only be done with Sekirei with a shared Ashikabi, or at least a very high synchronisation.
  • You All Look Familiar: The male characters in particular all look relatively alike (along with spiky-haired female characters)
  • Younger Than They Look: It's really easy to forget that apart from No.00/01 all sekirei are 20 years old or less. Honestly, look at Kazehana, she does not look like she was a teenager just last year. Of course, they are some sort of aliens or at least superpowered artificial humans, what can you expect. Well, at least in the Manga; in the anime in the flashback, it is shown that most of them have adult body when Minaka found them.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Tsukiumi in the english version of the anime.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Many of the girls. Just look at the page pic.