Silver Spoon/WMG
The Gym Teacher is descended from an alternate universe version of Major Armstrong
One that fought in World War II and is famed for punching out his enemies.
Yugo's nightmare about getting paid the wrong way is a foreshadowing of something much more pleasant.
Just replace the calf with Aki, and there you have it. The dialogue doesn't even have to change!
- Jossed. They gave him a check/cheque.
This universe is the one Edward Elric and Hohenheim land in at the end of the 2003 anime adaptation and Al ends up in in the movie
We may meet Ed's Grand/Great grandchildren at some point in the story, and they will be friends of Hachiken's in either the present or the past. They will also be very good at science. Also, in this universe, Ed and Al failed their attempt to find the atomic bomb and change the course of history, which is why this version of Japan is just like ours.