Skillet is an American Christian Rock band founded in Memphis, Tennessee.
The band currently consists of:
- Vocalist/Bassist John Cooper
- Guitarist/Keyboardist/Vocalist Korey Cooper
- Lead Guitarist Seth Morrison
- Drummer/Vocalist Jen Ledger
Former Members:
- Drummer Trey McClurkin
- Guitarist Ken Steorts
- Guitarist Kevin Haaland
- Drummer Lori Peters
- Guitarist Ben Kasica
- Skillet (1996)
- Hey You, I Love Your Soul (1998)
- Invincible (2000)
- Ardent Worship (2000)
- Alien Youth (2001)
- Collide (2003)
- Comatose (2006)
- Comatose Comes Alive (2008)
- Awake (2009)
Skillet provides examples of the following tropes:
- Badass Adorable: Jen Ledger. Just look at that face. It's almost hard to believe that she's a drummer for a hard rock band - and pretty competent, too.
- Bandaged Face: John on the Awake album cover, and in the Monster music video.
- Big Damn Hero: "Hero".
"A hero will save me... just in time!" |
- Calling the Old Man Out: The song "Open Wounds" from their Collide album is said to be about the bad relationship John had with his father.
- Christian Rock
- Creator Backlash: John isn't shy about the fact that he doesn't like the name of his own band. Usually, when he introduces them, he'll make some sort of snide remark about it.
- Dark Is Not Evil: "Whispers in the Dark". It sounds like it's about some demented stalker talking to his object of affection. What it's really supposed to be is God comforting the listener by reminding them that they are never alone and are always under his watch and protection.
- Driven to Suicide: The girl in "The Last Night." The song tries to convince her not to go through with it.
- Epic Instrumental Opener: The title track to Collide. Also notable is the opener Skillet's used for live concerts since their Comatose days.
- Greatest Hits Album: The digitally exclusive, The Early Years.
- Guttural Growler: John Cooper is well known for this. He's even lampshaded it during concerts: "I have two types of voices: raspy and raspier."
- Heroic Sacrifice : "Hero"
"A hero's not afraid to give his life..." |
- Kaleidoscope Eyes: John's eye was colored blue for the Awake album cover.
- Mad Doctor: Ben and Jen in the "Monster" music video.
- Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness: Anywhere between 2 and 8 depending on the song.
- Power Ballad: "Yours to Hold", "Say Goodbye"
- New Sound Album: Hey You, I Love Your Soul and Collide both qualify.
- If nitpicky enough, one could label every album from Hey You up to and including Collide as this.
- Self-Titled Album: Their debut.
- Soprano and Gravel: "Awake and Alive", "Hero", and "Rebirthing"
- Trademark Favorite Food: Dr. Pepper. For John at least.