Skullkickers is action/adventure comedy, swords-and-sorcery style. No one knows who these two mercenaries are or where they came from. The only thing that's clear is they're two of the most ornery, trouble-making warriors that've ever lived.
An Image comic first, and still in publication, older issues make up the webcomic.
The comic can be found here.. It updates weekdays.
- Adaptation Displacement: Comic book first, webcomic second.
- An Axe to Grind: Shorty has two.
- Bald of Awesome: ... Baldy.
- Bash Brothers
- Black Comedy: What did you expect from a comic called "Skullkickers"?
- Black Magic: Presumably he reason somebody in Mudwich is collecting corpses.
- Blood Knight
Shorty: Killin' can make some folks jittery, it's true. But after enough of 'em, tha death don't shake yu's a rush! |
- Crapsack World
- Colossus Climb: Shorty kills the worm-thing by climbing its sides, chopping his way into its head and rooting around in there until it dies.
- Cute and Psycho: The fairies. Most of their dialogue wouldn't be out of place in a children's fairy tale, except when they get angry or upset. And there's the fact they've murdered people in cold blood, and planned on killing pretty much everyone to restore nature.
- Due to the Dead: Fjalo is determined to get the Chancellor's body back for proper burial. He doesn't care how.
- Eldritch Abomination: The giant worm-thing from the first arc. Oh, and after they kill it, all the people it's eaten come pouring out as zombies.
Baldy: Woah. Now that's a leech. |
- The Fair Folk: The fairies have some unsettling plans to restore nature.
- Fantasy Gun Control: Baldy's revolver is pretty much the only practical firearm in the world.
- Aside from him (and some secret group he's insinuated to be a member of) the rest of the world doesn't even know what gunpowder is.
- Fastball Special: Baldy throws Shorty up a tower at one point.
- Gentle Giant: He's still a ruthless Blood Knight, but Baldy is the softer-spoken, more intelligent, and far more emotionally stable of the two.
- Glamour Failure: Usually, Baldy's gun, being a weapon given to him by an Eldritch Abomination, is unremarked on by the people of this world. But, when Baldy points his gun in someone's face long enough, people start to question just what the hell it is he's pointing in their face. Observe
- Hook Hand: Captain Cherry
- Idiot Hero: Both of the protagonists, although Shorty more so than Baldy.
Readers: Why does the human [fill in the blank]? |
- I'm a Humanitarian: They aren't really, but pretending to be is an excellent interrogation tactic.
- Mushroom Samba: Shorty got a truly epic one from the poisoned stew.
- The Napoleon: Shorty has such a Hair-Trigger Temper that Baldy often has to restrain him.
- Nature Hero: Baldy is supposedly one, it's part of some vague prophecy he has no idea about. The fairies are this trope gone wrong.
- No Name Given: Their names will appear when you're least expecting it. Until then, feel free to call them Baldy and Shorty.
- The Nicknamer: Shorty tends to make up his own vaguely respectful titles for nobility he interacts with, such as "your richness" or "your formalness".
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Shorty.
- Our Monsters Are Different: The creators have stated that if a monster isn't copyrighted, the Skullkickers world probably has some.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: "Yeesh! Whoever heard of a fat werewolf?!"
- Our Zombies Are Different: The corpse collectors have a huge zombie with Too Many Mouths, known as Chop-Chop.
- Pirate Girl: The mercenaries stow away on a pirate ship with an all-female crew in #13 of the comic book.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Shorty and Baldy respectively.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: Baldy thinks so.
- Shout-Out: Sort of, the Q&A mentions that if you think a character comes from a book, movie, game etc., the answer is "Yeah, we like that game too".
- Strip Buffer: The comic started out in print, and still has plenty of strips waiting to be uploaded.
- Title Drop: Shorty kicks in a giant's skull. It must be seen to be believed.
- Unsound Effect: All over the place.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Defied.
Writers: T'would suck, verily. Thine Englishe prof doth not read thee Skullekickerse. |