Sonic the Comic/Characters
Freedom Fighters
Sonic The Hedgehog

- Ten-Minute Retirement: Briefly leaves the Freedom Fighters upon the death of Johnny Lightfoot, but returns with a more focussed demeanor.
- Anti-Hero
- Big Brother Mentor: To Tails. He often comes off as an Aloof Big Brother and Big Brother Bully though.
- Big Eater
- Cool Shades: He sports them in the second comic, for no apparent reason other than to look cool.
- Green Eyes: He gains them when Chaos hits him, but later he's Retconned into having green eyes ever since he turned blue.
- Brown Eyes: Naturally.
- Insufferable Genius: Boasts about his but is as skilled as he says.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being a jerk, he's a very good guy.
- Jerkass Sue
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Locked Into Strangeness: He turned blue due to an accident.
- Power Dyes Your Hair: He turns yellow when he goes Super Sonic.
- Super Drowning Skills: Played straight then Subverted. Handwaved by Sonic as him having taken swimming lessons.
- Vibroweapon: The W Spin Attack.
Miles "Tails" Prower

- Badass Longcoat: Wears one as the Zonerunner.
- Brown Eyes
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Occasionally some covers after the series began doing reruns had him with blue eyes, and a recent artwork by a prominent artist from the series has him sporting blue eyes.
- Butt Monkey: With Sonic as his main aggressor.
- Captain Obvious
- Cheerful Child
- The Chick
- Cowardly Lion
- Fake Ultimate Hero: For a while he pretended to be this in the Nameless Zone arc, but in the end he was still a hero.
- Knight in Shining Armor: While in that arc.
- Megane: Not normally but as in issue 17, he's shown to be a human boy with Opaque Nerd Glasses (and a tail).
Amy Rose

- Action Girl
- Adaptational Badass: Until certain later incarnations (and even then, probably still) she was by far the most competent and dangerous incarnation of Amy Rose to have been depicted.
- The Archer: One of the few Amy Roses that does not use a hammer.
- Ascended Fangirl: She's a fangirl of Sonic with a crush on him but ended up joining the Freedom Fighters for her own safety.
- Badass
- Brown Eyes
- Characterization Marches On: She wasn't as much of an Action Girl nor Sonic's foil in early chapters, but Executive Meddling caused her personality to alter. The original personality popped up again in the Adventure arc though.
- This also makes for an amusing inversion between medias, since her earlier more comical persona is strikingly similar to how the games would later develop Amy.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Executive Meddling: Word of God implies that, while Amy was always intended to be boosted as a Freedom Fighter, her more level headed nature was enforced by an editor, who wanted Amy to be a good female role model. This development was resented by writer Nigel Kitching who believed it made the character one dimentional compared to her much more flawed male comrades.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Averted. She appears to have one in the Adventure adaptation however nothing has changed about her.
- Human Shield: Used as one by Brutus but didn't work because Sonic had transformed into Super Sonic.
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- Locked Into Strangeness: According to one comic, however it's most likely non-canon due to the continuity errors it causes.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: With Sonic.
- Positive Discrimination
- The Lancer
- Unlimited Wardrobe
- Weak but Skilled: Never gains the raw power of Sonic or Knuckles, but her smarts and ranged combat abilities allow her to be almost as effective under the right conditions.
- Women Are Wiser: Began inverted due to her more bubbly and childish attitude, deliberately played straight in later stories however (see above).
Johnny Lightfoot

A Freedom Fighter. Based on the "Pocky" captive from the original games.
- Anthropomorphic Shift: One issue he's a small vaguely anthro rabbit, and the next he's a fully clothed humanoid rabbit with hands.
- Ascended Extra: Similar to Sally Acorn, was upgraded to a full on protagonist in his respective canon.
- Innocent Blue Eyes
- Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: He dies at the beginning of the Sonic Adventure adaptation
- Simple Staff: his Weapon of Choice.
- The Big Guy
- Sacrificial Lion
Porker Lewis

A panicky Freedom Fighter. Based on the "Picky" captive from the original games.
- Anthropomorphic Shift: Arguably even more noticeable than Johnny, gaining a muscular body nearly twice Sonic's height, compared to his "small animal" design identical to the games early on (amusingly flashbacks were occasionally used featuring the character with his humanoid design). He changed twice, since at first he still had his hooves before they were changed to hands.
- Ascended Extra: Again like Johnny.
- Blue Eyes / Brown Eyes: It switched between the issues, though most commonly he's shown with Blue Eyes.
- Dark and Troubled Past: His real name is Oscar the Pig, a native of the Special Zone who unwittingly became involved with a Mafia boss named Hammerhead who used Porker's research to develop weapons. When he destroyed his research and sabotaged the project, Hammerhead had him framed, forcing him to flee to Mobius, where he eventually joined up with Sonic.
- Full-Name Basis
- Non-Action Guy: Never a fighter, Porker loses his nerve entirely after being captured by the Metallixes, and he retires from the Freedom Fighters. Sonic never properly forgives him - STC Sonic being what he is, it's probably out of guilt for letting it happen in the first place.
- Shout-Out: His name is a reference to the sitcom Parker Lewis Can't Lose.
- The Smart Guy
- Transplant: After his encounter with Metallix, Porker quits the Freedom Fighters and relocates to the Floating Island to study the ancient echidna civilisation and becomes an important supporting character for Knuckles as much as he is for Sonic.
Tekno the Canary

Amy's best friend, and an occasional member of the Five-Man Band.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: The fan continuity has done this to her recently, where she's now on the brink of insanity if not insane.
- Dark and Troubled Past: While she was The Mole for Robotnik and wasn't a bad guy, she still created some of Robotnik's worst weapons and created Megatal.
- Feather Fingers: Flies with ease, despite having humanoid arms and wearing gloves.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Amy.
- The Mole: Previously worked as an engineer for Robotnik, but used the role as a cover to steal Badnik parts and intelligence.
- Teen Genius
- The Smart Guy
- Typical Cartoon Animal Colors: Averted.
Shortfuse the Cybernik

A short-tempered squirrel who retained his free will after being turned into a powerful Badnik.
- As You Know: He repeats his back-story so frequently that it became something of a running gag to fans.
- Clingy Costume
- Cursed with Awesome: His Badnik armor gives him flight, Nigh Invulnerability and Frickin' Laser Beams. He hates it.
- Evil Counterpart: Has one in Vermin the Cybernik.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- I Work Alone: Declines offers to properly join forces with the Freedom Fighters, and with Tekno.
- Made of Indestructium: His armour.
- Man in the Machine: He spends most of the series trapped in a suit of indestructible armour.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: His real name is "Shorty the Squirrel".
- Phlebotinum Rebel
Chaotix Crew
The Omni-viewer

Mighty the Armadillo

- The Big Guy
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Espio.
Vector the Crocodile

- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Averted
- The Smart Guy: While he gets physical as often as his team-mates, Vector's main role is the crew's field-leader, strategist and technical expert.
Espio the Chameleon

Charmy Bee

- Annoying Younger Sibling: He acts like one to the Chaotix.
- Cheerful Child
- Cloudcuckoolander.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: It's not clear if he's doing this, or if he's just that foolish. Either way, the key fact to note is that in every Chaotix story, Charmy is the one who defeats the villain.
- Warrior Prince: Just barely.
Super Sonic

Sonic's Enemy Within who eventually became his own character.
- Enemy Without: Got separated from Sonic.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: He's the most well-known aspect of the series, despite not playing much of a role for a majority of the comic.
- Identity Amnesia: Becomes a nice guy when he temporarily looses his memories. But becomes haunted for a long time by recurring nightmares of a demonic creature destroying the world and saving him for last. Eventually, he discovers these are actually representations of his past destructive urges, remembering in full that he was once the evil, chaotic Super Sonic. This leads him to refuse to use his powers lest he become corrupted by them once more - indeed, each time he taps chaos energy or his inert powers, he reverts to his crazy self. His desire to not become a demon again ends in tragedy, as he is corrupted by the power of all seven emeralds - while attempting to save his own life nonetheless - and he is promptly merged back with Sonic, seemingly ending the pacifist Super Sonic's life.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Super-Powered Evil Side: To Sonic
- Wingding Eyes: His eyes are permanently spirals.

- A God Am I: In the Robotnik Reigns Supreme arc.
- Badass Mustache: He sports one at all times.
- Big Bad
- Evil Overlord: As the rule of Mobius.
- Genius Bruiser: unlike other Robotniks, when the chips are down and the robots destroyed, he'll fight Sonic with his bare hands.
- Knight of Cerebus: In the last two arcs of Sonic the Comic.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- The Nth Doctor: Robotnik initially looked like he did in the games. In the 21st issue, he is convinced by two guys (expies of the comic staff) to change his appearance. He does so by encasing himself in a egg. He hatches in the following issue, now resembling his AOSTH design. As pictured, by the Sonic Adventure arc, he now looks like the SatAM Robotnik with the SA counterpart's clothes.
- Villainous Breakdown

Robotnik's chief scientist and most loyal toady.
- Ambiguous Species: It's never quite said what he is, but he looks neither human nor animal.
- Dirty Coward
- Dragon Ascendant
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Grimer is the primary designer of many of Robotnik's most dangerous warmachines and personally comes to Robotnik's rescue on several occasions.
- The Igor
- Karma Houdini: Despite the fact he played a fundamental role in Robotnik's schemes, designed and built most of the badniks, was entirely culpable for releasing Chaos and therefore Johnny Lightfoot's death and (unlike Robotnik) has no excuse for his evil ways, Grimer strides out of the series scot-free and unrepentant, with a triumphant 'I quit!'.
- Not So Harmless: He's usually seen in Robotnik's shadow, carrying out his orders with obsequious alacrity or nervous meekness as the situation demands. When Robotnik needs to be rescued, however, Grimer becomes a Chessmaster to be reckoned with. And at one point when Sonic is captured, he turns downright scary.
- Obviously Evil: Let's see... Evil Eyebrows, Red Eyes, Take Warning, Villainous Cheekbones, Bald of Evil with what hair he has crafted into Spikes of Villainy. Somewhat balanced out by his good manners and natty little bowtie.
- Shout-Out: A character bio in one issue gave his surname as Wormtongue. Writer Nigel Kitching subsequently clarified that this was added in by the editor, and isn't Grimer's surname in the story.
- The Watson: Robotnik often has to explain his plans in little bitesize pieces to Grimer, even when they are achingly simple.
- Yes-Man
Nack the Weasel
A former member of the Chaotix.
- Assassin
- Evil Genius: Created his own shrinking technology.
- The Mole: While he was a part of Chaotix he was working for the Brotherhood of Metallix but:
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Brotherhood of Metallix tries to kill Nack when he was of no more use to them, but Nack had expected this and hid a secret disruptor gun in his hat, exhibitingan early version of his shrinking technology that he would use in later appearances.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: He has gadgets that allows him to change size.
Brotherhood of Metallix
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Evil Knockoff: An army of Sonic robots based on Metal Sonic in Sonic CD led by a large red Sonic robot that is based on Metal Sonic Kai in Knuckles Chaotix.
- Ret-Gone: What they try to do to Robotnik.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: They tries to kill Nack when they have no need of him.
Vermin the Cybernik
- Clingy Costume
- Evil Counterpart: To Shortfuse.
- Made of Indestructium: His armour.
- Man in the Machine: He spends most of the series trapped in a suit of indestructible armour but unlike Shortfuse he chose to be a Cybernik.
- Species-Coded for Your Convenience: a brown rat verses a red squirrel. Who do you think is the villain?
- You Dirty Rat
A liquid monster who used to be a Drakon prosecutor. Trapped with Tikal for years inside a tiny box.
- Adaptational Villainy: He's completely unsympathetic in this comic, unlike the games version. He's also much worse in his villainy, and has no motive whatsoever.
- Everything's Squishier With Cephalopods: His final form is squid like, unlike the draconic form Chaos went for in the games.
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Our Dragons Are Different: Averted. He takes the final form of a squid.
Sky Pirates
Captain Plunder
- Number Two: He is the first mate.
Simpson the Cat
- Exyp: Of Fleixthe Cat
- Team Chef
Knuckles The Echidna

- Adaptation Dye Job: His white fur-marking is changed to a metal necklace and his purple eyes are blue.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Icy Blue Eyes
- I Work Alone: he's lived alone for so long that he is happiest by himself, and is generally not pleased by the numerous invaders and refugees who turn up on his island.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Arguably an even straighter example than Sonic.
- Really 700 Years Old
Tikal the Echidna
- Adaptation Dye Job: Her outfit is different from the game's one.
- And I Must Scream: Spent a time trapped with Chaos, who suffered Adaptational Villainy in this comic.
- The Chief's Daughter
- Really 700 Years Old
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Back to Sonic the Comic