Soul Chess/Awesome
- Lelouch geassing Mayuri. Oh hell yes!
- Kaien avenging Miyako by beating Metastacia without his Zanpakuto and BORROWING LELOUCH's but barely using it.
- Lelouch's obtaining of Bankai and in chapter 32 curbstomps Hollow Nnoitora
- At the end of chapter 34, Lelouch now officially becomes a Captain for Squad 10.
- Isshin flattening Aizen with a Getsuga Tenshou and taking the fall definately deserves a mention.
- Most recently, Lelouch talks back to the head captain about Quincies.
- Soifons beatdown of Mayuri deserves a mention, but it's almost completely overshadowed by Orihime cutting off his arm.
- Lelouch utilizes Hado 90 Kurohitsugi in perfection execution, a feat Aizen later admits he is incapable of accomplishing.
- Lelouch out gambits AIZEN and geassed him into SUICIDE!
- Hisana's near Curb Stomp Battle of the high level Espada while in their sealed forms with her Bankai's ultimate ability.
- Lelouch Defeats Szayel EXTREMELY QUICKLY and doesn't even get SO MUCH AS A SCRATCH!
- To put things in perspective. In Canon, Byakuya is known for holding the record for fastest defeated Espada. Mayuri holds the record for least amount of damage received against an Espada (including self-inflicted damage). Lelouch JUST TRUMPED THEM BOTH!
- It also shows you how strong Lelouch is when compared to when he first entered Soul Society. Uryu, Kukaku, AND FORMER CAPTAIN Shinji were having difficulty defeating Szayel, CUE LELOUCH.
- To be fair Szayel was sort of cheating. The author admits that if not for the fact that Szayel was nullifying his opponent's reishi and reiatsu compositions through the way the battlefield was designed the pink haired scientist would've been at Shinji's mercy. This goes without saying, Lelouch won UNDER THOSE SAME CONDITIONS AND HE DIDN'T EVEN NEED BANKAI TO WIN.
- Even if you don't normally cheer for the villains, it's hard to deny when Talbumosuke defeats Baraggan. This is different from Soifon and Hachigen's maneuver Talbumosuke fought the guy on point and completely OVERPOWERED HIM in a way that didn't make Talbumosuke a god mod, but more or less established him as a competent, very dangerous villain. His nullification of Respira was done in a way that doesn't look like it came out of nowhere and is standard enough that it can't be abused for other purposes. Seriously in what other situation would Talbumosuke need an aging nullifier? That wasn't an Ass Pull that was Talbumosuke using his brain.
- In the omake of chapter 73 when Kaien and Renji are dueling Kaien summons Ghost Rider. No, really.
- This troper finds that Ichigo single handedly defeating Allon in a manner that his canon self would've never been able to pull off shows how much of a more competent fighter Ichigo has become thanks to Lelouch's training. I mean hell he intentionally missed with a Getsuga Tensho and then DEFLECTED HIS OWN ATTACK to hit a more critically injurious zone.
- In chapter 81 Unohana actually does something. She fights Ichigo’s Berserk rage Half-hollow form. It’s also a bit of Nightmare Fuel considering this is Unohana we’re talking about. She doesn't just fight. She fights WITHOUT using her Zanpakuto release AT ALL. She just uses straight up skill and even manages to INJURE her opponent. Anyone questioning why Unohana is so memetically feared this is definitely a foothold for it.
- If you think THAT was something just wait until her fight against Spargga. One word, Bankai.
- I did, words cannot describe the sheer awesomeness.
- If you think THAT was something just wait until her fight against Spargga. One word, Bankai.
- Kenpachi calls upon the power of his Zanpakuto. It’s a wonder the universe didn’t implode from sheer awesomeness.
- It gets better. His Zanpakuto is almost a complete copy of Chuck Norris.
- When Lelouch’s plans start coming together during the Fall of Talbumosuke arc you just can’t help, but smile at the absolute brilliance Lelouch had for every last one of them and how all of his plans brilliantly chained together. Of course Spargga was a little more lethal than Lelouch intended and he admits this. What takes this specific example Up to Eleven was when Gin runs Talbumosuke through with his Bankai after Lelouch lured the man right into a similar trap he did with Aize. He had Talbumosuke fight Yamamoto and Urahara, two of the bigger contenders of the battle FIRST, to wear Talbumosuke out, then he kept Talbumosuke’s focus on him and Yuna and weakened him further to the point where Lelouch was so weak Talbumosuke was kicking him along the ground. Lelouch traps him in his Spirit Prison technique which Gin then uses as an opening to impale him.
- Yuna firing Tetsuzaemon after being promoted to Squad 7 captain and saying that she’s not going to put up with the squad’s sexism
- Just the fact that Lelouch has the Brass Balls to call out the Central Forty Six on their actions as an organization is awesome in and of itself, and the debate/lawsuit that follows really brings Lelouch into his true element, but it's his final statement that really brings it home in the Large Ham Chewing the Scenery fashion you expect to come from him.
Lelouch: "We, the Gotei Thirteen are the heart and soul of the Soul Society. All I see before me are some old geezers that do everything to undercut our power. The only ones who should shoot are the ones willing to be shot at. The only ones who should lead are the ones willing to be led! THE ONLY ONES WHO SHOULD JUDGE ARE THE ONES WILLING TO BE JUDGED!" |
- Renji punches the head of his Bankai in the face when Zabimaru uses it against him and actually knocks it off course. All that training from the last arc seemed to be good for something. Kaien lampshades this saying Renji wins the awad for Badass of the month saying that moment mentioned above was a little more awesome than what Renji just did
- Chapter 96: Hisana realizes her zanpakuto is going after her children and beats the shit out of her
- Chapter 104: The battle between Muramasa and Eien Tamashi. Made more awesome by the author saying in the preliminary chapter notes that the readers could use the 1812 Overture to enhance the experience. Yeah that's right, at the end of the battle, there's Stuff Blowing Up.
Eien Tamashi: Cue the music! |
- Head Captain Yamamoto Vs Hollow Ichigo. The entire damn fight.
- In Chapter 119 it's not Yoruichi versus Tsukishima it's Yoruichi DESTROYS THE EVER LIVING FUCKING CRAP! out of Tsukishima.
- Rita beating Aizen by conventional means. We know that Lelouch did this with his Geass, but DAMN RITA YOU SCARY!
- The fact that she Only used her Shikai and didn't even have to makes it more awesome. This troper isn't big on OCs beating extremely powerful canon characters, but there's just something satisfying about Aizen getting his ass beat. Humble Pie indeed.
- Any speech Lelouch makes was designed to be awesome. The latest chapter is an example.