Soul Chess/Characters/The Espada
These are the characters that acted as the Espada in Soul Chess
Sorry for making you miss work. You did call in sick before you sat down right?
Coyote Starrk
The Primera Espada
- Big Badass Wolf: His Segunda Etapa makes him one of these, With wings
- Cutlass Between the Teeth: Pulls this in Segunda Etapa…well Lilynette does as she and Starrk share the same body in that form
- Harmless Freezing: Hitsugaya freezes him solid using temperatures from the tip of the Stratosphere. Yet Starrk recovers without even a mild case of hypothermia. Justified in the fact that he was transferred relatively quickly to Hueco Mundo which Lelouch denotes is dry and arid. There’s also the reiatsu factor to consider.
- Power Gives You Wings: In Segunda Etapa
Baraggan Luisenbarn
The Segunda Espada. Initially. After Ichigo and the others rescue Orihime from Hueco Mundo, Baraggan attempts to usurp power from Talbumosuke. It doesn't work out well for him in the end. He is replaced by Spargga Tedanelo.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: It doesn't have much effect, not that that's a surprise, but Talbumosuke does cut the guy clean in half while he's in Resurreccion
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: He REALLY had the asskicking he received from Talbumosuke and AIZEN in Hell coming.
- Won't Work On Me: His Respira doesn't work on Talbumosuke because Talbumosuke coats himself in an anti-temporal field nullifying all temporal effects on his body.
- Villain Decay: Aizen put it best
Aizen: How funny, in the days of Hueco Mundo you were a king, but according to the data systems, you are only a third-rate Togabito by my standards as I stand close to the top |
Tia Hallibel
The Tercera Espada
- Blade on a Stick: Her Weapon of Choice in Segunda Etapa.
- Implacable Woman: Anyone who can negate Soifon’s Death In Two Steps through sheer force of will and soon regains her sanity and intelligence deserves to be called this.
- Stripperific: Her Segunda Etapa is even more revealing than her Resurreccion which was skimpy to begin with. So much so that she was ALMOST confused with MIA.
Ulquiorra Schiffer
The Cuarto Espada
- Deadpan Snarker: but he keeps it internal.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: It’s implied that Ulquiorra means this for Orihime as he’s dying
- Single Tear of Blood: As he dies
- Undying Loyalty: Joins Aizen during the Aizen’s Revenge arc upon request.
Nelliel Tu Odelschwank
Due to the fact that Nnoitora was killed by Lelouch as a hollow, Nelliel never lost her power and has thereby remained on the Espada and she is number 5
- Anti-Villain: See Even Evil Has Standards below
- Anti-Villainous BSOD: Has this when Pesche and Dondochakka die.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: With an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, though it’s hard to say how one does officially become the Queen of Hueco Mundo.
- Death Seeker: Has become this with the deaths of Dondochakka and Pesche.
- Defector From Decadence: Retreats and quits the Espada because she finds Talbumosuke’s cause not worth dying over.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Nelliel refuses to kill anyone she does not deem a warrior or unless she is ordered to kill someone.
- Insistent Terminology: a meta-example. The author consistently refers to her as Nelliel because She's still an Espada. Grimmjow is the only one to subvert this and call her Nel. this raises quite a few eyebrows.
- More Deadly Than the Male: As Queen of Hueco Mundo since Grimmjow is King, Nelliel is certainly this. Kind of humorous given this is a Code Geass fanfic.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In the middle of the second battle of Karakura Town Nelliel pleads for her life and leaves realizing she's lost faith in the cause.
- You Are What You Hate: This is slowly happening to her due to Pesche and Dondochakka’s deaths.
Grimmjow Jaegerjacques
The Sexta Espada
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: With an Offscreen Moment of Awesome, though it’s hard to say how one does officially become the King of Hueco Mundo
- Butt Monkey: The guy has GHOST YAMMY haunting him for crying out loud.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Gets this in Segunda Etapa
- Defector From Decadence: Done shortly after Nelliel’s invocation of this trope, only Grimm sticks around to help out finish off Yammy adding a mixture of Enemy Mine and Rivals Team Up onto the table at the same time.
- Even Evil Has Standards: A bit of a case of Fridge Brilliance required to understand why, but Grimmjow likes being looked up to so he would never deliberately send hollows after others because that’s less subjects to revere him as King of Hueco Mundo. Apparently he intends to treat the weak that look upon him as a deity with respect citizens deserve.
- If by respect you mean allowing them to live and not kicking them where it physically hurts just to be a jackass and also not sending them on suicide missions for his own amusement.
- Pet the Dog: To see the Jerkass sexta espada Help Nelliel after her Heroic BSOD and then repeat to her what she said to him about surviving the war is very surprising to say the least.
- Sir Swearsalot: Kukaku ain't the only one.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Discussed by Grimmjow after witnessing Kenpachi cleaving Yammy in half, considering Yammy was the strongest Espada period. Grimmjow states that anyone hollow that isn’t dying of near starvation that attacks the Soul Society for kicks falls into this category
Mia Arruruerie
The Septima Espada Aaroniero and Mia are one in the same being, but at the same time are two entirely different creatures. Kaien's victory over Metastacia left Miyako as the hollow's final victim so when Aaroniero went to absorb Metastacia he absorbed Miyako's consciousness as well. Unlike Kaien, who died with no regrets, Miyako was killed in battle and therefore her adrenaline and willpower still persisted and she fought to take control of the hollow possessing her. She succeeded, but the other hollows within Aaroniero corrupted her mind and Miyako forgot her identity and turned feral. Aizen found her and asked her for her name. All she could give him was "Mia". Rather than dispose of her, Aizen fixed her mind with the Hogyoku, creating the blue haired wicked, lustful being that is now Mia. After Kaien kills her, Talbumosuke preserves her body and she is resurrected by combining with the powerless Cirucci. This has seemingly made Mia more powerful than before.
- Absolute Cleavage: So much so that it doesn't even cover the essentials when she releases.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: This is a power up for her in Resurreccion.
- All Women Are Lustful: The literal embodiment of this trope.
- Ax Crazy
- Back from the Dead: Kaien kills her in their third battle, but Talbumosuke revives her by fusing her with Cirucci.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Averted hard. See Absolute Cleavage above.
- Boobs of Steel: When Mia unleashes her release form's Super Mode her bust gets bigger. Mia's bust also gre in accordance with her Fusion Dance with Cirucci, which also made her stronger.
- Biological Mashup: Of Miyako, Aaroniero and Metastacia. Recently Cirucci has been added on as well.
- Combat Stilettos
- Combat Tentacles / Naughty Tentacles: Depending on how she uses them.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The first part of her fifth battle with Kaien is this. Isshin and Renji let it happen at Isshin’s choice cause Kaien is so thick headed.
- Curtains Match the Window: Until the Fusion Dance mentiond below when her hair becomes dark purple as a result of the fusion.
- Depraved Bisexual: Oh dear God.
- Deus Sex Machina: Mia uses this to power herself up while in release form.
- Double Entendre: Try find something she says that doesn’t have a case of Does This Remind You of Anything?
- Evil Is Sexy: Yes. OH YES!
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Fusion Dance: With Cirucci.
- Horny Devils
- Killed Off for Real: Twice.
- Morality Chain: It becomes obvious to Talbumosuke Atrumier.
- Not Safe for Work: Most of the chapters marked as having “sexual content” on Deviant art are usually because of Mia.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Power Gives You Wings: Her Resurreccion
- Sex Is Violence: She seems to get off on her fights with Kaien.
- Shameless Fanservice Girl
- Slasher Smile: Prone to these when excited in battle.
- Stripperific: You better believe it.
- She takes this trope Up to Eleven with her Segunda Etapa. In Resurreccion her breasts are uncovered, but bound. Now NONE of her naughty bits are the least bit covered. The author narrates that she'd look right at home in a Hentai series.
- Together in Death: With Talbumosuke.
- Vampiric Draining: Part of her release form's powers.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Until the aforementioned Fusion Dance where it becomes dark purple.
Zommari Leroux
The Octava Espada. He was downgraded after the birth of Mia. He is killed by Hisana Kuchiki when she goes to help Ichigo rescue Orihime and is replaced by Ciela Mieddo.
Szayel Aporro Granz
The Novena Espada. He was downgraded after the birth of Mia. He is killed by Lelouch when he goes to help Ichigo rescue Orihime and is replaced by Kira Luz.
- And I Must Scream: Lelouch geasses him to "Never move again".
- Awesome By Analysis: Learns how to develop and utilize Segunda Etapa from watching [[spoiler: Kira do it in hell]
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kira in hell. Maybe.
- Your Head Asplode: How he dies.
Yammy Rialgo
The Diez Espada. Yammy has suffered brain damage due to a mishap on a practice mission. Because of this he isn't all quite there.
- Catch Phrase: Tengo Buena Suerte (I have good luck).
- Chaotic Stupid
- The Ditz
- Expy: Of Nappa from Dragon Ball Abridged due to the Brain Damage. There is even a Ghost Yammy.
- Final Boss: He outlasts Talbumosuke.
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: His Segunda Etapa is described as having many draconic features.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: While using his Segunda Etapa Yammy shouts that he "is So Top Tier!" In one of the newsletter the author dictates that Yammy is the strongest Espada bar none while in Segunda Etapa. So yes Yammy, you are top tier.
- Lethal Joke Character: He went from the bottom of the barrel in terms of power and coupld with being so Chaotic Stupid and putting the dumb in Dumb Muscle, the fact that he becomes so large, intimidating and powerful in Segunda Etapa definitely makes him qualify for this. See Oh Crap and Magikarp Power below.
- Magikarp Power: Yammy Took a Level In Dumbass due to brain damage, often spouts Non-sequitur Thuds and is still as much of a pushover as ever, except for the fact that he begins slowly becoming more powerful over the course of the story. Word of God says Yammy was given something similar to Megavitamins by Szayel at Talbumosuke's behest after he got the crap beaten out of him the first time. Later he's powerful enough to take on Renji at full strength in Bankai and during the first battle of the fake Karakura Town survives Hitsugaya's Hyoten Hyokkasso while in Resurreccion and having his own cero redirected back at him by Ukitake. Now he's using Segunda Etapa and according to Word of God Yammy's strength makes him the most powerful Espada, bar none. Considering how powerful Ulquiorra was and Yammy is, by the chart TWO STEPS ABOVE THAT. This is going to be hell
- Not So Harmless: Just because he is THE most idiotic character in the fanfic doesn't mean that he is a piece of cake.
- Oh Crap: He enters into the World of Living by breaking the space-time continuum between the living world and Hueco Mundo because he’s so big
- Too Dumb to Live
- could also quite possibly be Too Dumb to Die. He was killed in battle by Kenpachi, and, by Bleach law is supposed to move on, but, according to the author Yammy has the power of stupid and therefore doesn't realize he's supposed to pass onto the next life and therefore intends to haunt Grimmjow forever and ever.