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{{quote|'''Bakura:''' Cor blimey, that was a smashing manoeuvre! Good show, chaps!<br />
'''Tristan:''' Stop being so British!|''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series]]''}}
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* [[P. G. Wodehouse|PG Wodehouse]]'s light novels were the [[Trope Maker]] for several of these.
* In [[Joe Orton]]'s play ''Loot'' (1965) there is a little spin on a stock phrase:
{{quote| '''Truscott''': You're fucking nicked, my old beauty.}}
* [[Enid Blyton]]'s characters use "ass" in the sense of a donkey as a synonym for "idiot" ''a lot'', [[Have a Gay Old Time|much to the amusement of later generations of readers.]]
** Dick and Fanny having "a gay old time" in ''[[The Magic Faraway Tree]]''. Recent reprints of [[The Magic Faraway Tree]] have replaced Jo, Bessie and Fanny with Joe, Beth and Frannie, and Cousin Dick with Cousin Rick.
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* "Good evening, all" was used in the introduction to camera of the cosy 1960s police drama ''[[Dixon of Dock Green]]'', spoken by the eponymous Constable (later Sergeant) George Dixon (Jack Warner). Each episode ended with another solo piece to camera with the final words "Good night, all".
* When it comes to the swear words, [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Spike.]] As British magazine SFX put it:
{{quote| "Every time Spike said "bugger" "bollocks" "sod" and "wanker", we felt like [[Winston Churchill]] had wandered onto set, humming Rule Britannia and waving a Union Jack."}}
** Yes, and why he does this while the Irish guy speaks Californian, apart from [[Rule of Cool|Irish not being cool]]...
*** Could be Angelus called [[Rule of Cool]] on himself ages ago and lost his brogue so English victims would take him seriously, and Angel is doing Californian to fit in.
*** Angel also spent a good deal more time in California than Spike. He spent the majority of the 20th century there, while Spike by contrast seemed to be all over the place.
{{quote| Angel: "Wait, I wasn't in Italy during the 50's."<br />
Spike: "Oh. You really missed out." }}
* "Slag" is one of [[The Mighty Boosh|the Hitcher]]'s favorite insults.
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== [[Theatre]] ==
* In ''[[On a Clear Day You Can See Forever]]'', when Daisy discovers her doctor has been hypnotizing her into revealing her past life as an 18th-century Englishwoman, this is how she answers him on the phone:
{{quote| "Cheerio! Oh, tally-ho, Doctor! Yes, she gave me the jolly message. Nothing's wrong. After all, what is time? If you miss me in this life, you can catch me in the next, can't one? Eh, what? Well, kippered herring."}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
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** Considering in the actual 4Kids dub "proper", he once broke out into an "Pip-pip cheerio!" in one episode when the voice actor had previously only been nominally British.
** Let's give a mention to Yugi in the flashback to episode 6, in which he "[[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping|randomly started speaking with a British accent]]":
{{quote| '''Yugi:''' Bloody 'ell!<br />
'''Tristan:''' Holy bleep on a bleep sandwich!<br />
'''Yugi:''' Oi, mate, did you just frow a bloody 'arpoon at me?<br />
'''Mako:''' Um...I didn't want you to leave--<br />
'''Yugi:''' Shut it you knob'ead! Cor, what a f*ckin' muppet! Bloody 'arpoonin' everythin'! I coulda got done in there! Right in front of me bird! What a fit bird she is! Bloody 'arpoon! What the bloody 'ell you playin' at, you bender? God save the queen and all that palaver! Wanker! Tart! Loo! Fish 'n' chips! Apples and pears! Fanny! 'Arpoon!<br />
'''Mako:''' ...You are one bizarre little man.<br />
'''Yami:''' Bloody hell! }}
* ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' version three character Quincy Archer trotted these out fairly regularly. It stuck out because the majority of the characters were of course American.
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