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Pathogen: The Infected: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:TabletopGame.PathogenTheInfected 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:TabletopGame.PathogenTheInfected, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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=== Tropes featured include: ===
* [[Blessed With Suck]]: Infected individuals can have various advantages over mere mortals if they don't mind constant torture caused by the virus, such as having quite serious problems with skin, having permanent fever, being nearly unable to sleep or [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|turning into child]].
* [[Body Horror]]: Something unknown has got into your body, and you don't know how to force it out. It causes severe problems with health, yet it is not interested in killing you. You have to live with this infection not knowing what else it can do with you. Futhermore, as its power increases, more and more strange, horryfing creatures (themselves plagued with [[Body Horror]]) will try to get you (not for a cup of tea, if you wonder). And the only benefits you get are [[Lovecraftian Superpower|Lovecraftian Superpowers]].
* [[Cyborg]]: Neonates
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* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: For player characters, this is one of the ways to restore ATP ([[Captain Obvious|not a nice one, through]]). ATP Zombies, on the other hand, need ATP just to continue living, and if there is tasty human nearby, they would not hesitate.
* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]]: When the game lists ''[[The Thing (Film)|The Thing]]'', ''[[Resident Evil]]'' and ''[[Parasite Eve]]'' as inspiration sources, you can imagine what kind of superpowers the protagonists have. Especially Incorporation. Mixing your flesh with inanimate objects in [[Body Horror|rather gruesome fashion]] can't be called healthy activity.
* [[Mana]]: ATP. However, it's not magical ([[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane|or is it?]]), and [[Health Food|comes from food]]. A lot of food.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: ATP Zombies, one of the results of infection.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Annunaki
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