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[[File:y0207.jpg|link=Teen Titans (Comic Book)|thumb|400px|[[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)|Pantha definitely has her priorities in order.]]]]
{{quote|'''[[Fantastic Four|Susan]]''': ''"Oh Reed, that sex was wonderful."''<br />
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When [[Played for Laughs]], expect Eve-as-Alice to be much better in bed than the real Alice.
Compare with [[Bride and Switch]] and [[Double Standard Rape (Sci Fi)]]. Not to be confused with a [[Murphy's Bed|Trick Bed]].
This is basically the definition of '''rape by deception''' (or rape by fraud), though that crime can also include acts like pretending to be a doctor and fondling someone. Not all areas recognize this crime, but in the U.S. under expanding federal definitions of rape to include any non-consensual penetration, it's very likely to be prosecuted in the same vein as all other forms of rape.
'''[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]!'''
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== Live Action TV ==
* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Faith slept with Riley while she was [[Freaky Friday Flip|in Buffy's body]]. This causes friction in Riley's and Buffy's relationship when Buffy finds out.
* In ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'':
** {{spoiler|Athena pretends to be Boomer to seduce Helo into getting her pregnant on Caprica.}} Not too hard, since as the same model Cylon they look identical.
** The same principle is at work when later in the series {{spoiler|Boomer pretends to be Athena in order not to be found out by Helo, who wants to have some goodbye sex. [[Word of God]] is that she also did to spite Athena.}}
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* On ''[[True Blood]]'' Tommy acquires the power to shapeshift into other people and accidentally shifts into Sam, his brother. He then spends the day pretending to be Sam and it culminates with him sleeping with Sam's girlfriend. When Sam finds out he kicks Tommy out and wants nothing to do with him ever again.
* A borderline example from ''[[Crownies]]'': a woman dresses up very provocatively for a blind date set up by a friend, with someone whose been told is an attractive dentist called Phil. Around the time she's expecting him, an average-looking campaign worker who has been going door-to-door stops by. Before he can get a word in, she asks "Are you Phil?" [[Distracted By the Sexy]], he impulsively answers "Yes." She proceeds to sleep with him, even though he's nowhere near as attractive as she was led to believe Phil is, and never makes an effort to pretend to be the man she was expecting beyond lying about his name - the implication is that she never gave him a chance to talk after that. When the real Phil shows up, she reports the campaigner to the police and then to the Crown Prosecution Serivce. Though Richard acknowledges the man's actions could constitute rape by fraud, most of the characters are just dumbfounded by the fact that the woman slept with him for no reason beyond "He said he was Phil." Whether or not the man was charged is left unrevealed by the end of the episode.
* Often a component of soaps [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)]] storylines. The woman often drugs the man or gets him drunk, then disguises herself as his wife or girlfriend:
** On ''[[Passions]]'', a girl uses a magic spell to literally morph her appearance into that of the man's girlfriend.
** On ''[[As the World Turns]]'', a man sleeps with his wife's twin.
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== Webcomics ==
* All the female leads of [http://www.olympic-dames.com Olympic Dames] dreamt they had an encounter with a cute guy they had met that day. They were actually visited by different [[Double Standard Rape (Divine On Mortal)|Greek gods]].
* A king considers this in ''[[Oglaf]]'', then decides it would be simpler to just have the wizard turn into a copy of the woman he desires. Said wizard is not happy about this.
** This is a parody of the Arthurian legend above. It turns into a [[Brick Joke]] later when the wizard transforms into the king to meet the demand of a [[Hard Gay]] warrior who demands sex with the king as the price for crossing a bridge.
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