St. Elsewhere/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Peter White became this due to drug problems and Sanity Slippage.
- Epileptic Trees: The All Just a Dream ending created an interesting conundrum — since the show had cameos and crossovers from a good dozen other shows, are all those shows products of an autistic boy's imagination, too? And all the shows they crossed over with?
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The St. Elsewhere Rapist story arc in general, but specifically his mask.
- Tear Jerker: "Cora and Arnie".
- The Birdman of St. Elsewhere was the designated comic relief for the first few episodes. Then the Birdman decides he's fed up with being in the mental ward and wants to fly away from the hospital, so he jumps off the roof. It's not every day we see Plucky Comic Relief commit suicide.
- When Nina Morrision died suddenly, her heart was donated to Dr. Craig's transplant patient. The last scene of that episode showed Jack Morrison in the ICU, using his stethoscope to listen to his dead wife's heart beating in the transplant patient's chest. Here's the episode.
- "Thank you, thank you, Sam-I-Am!"
- In "Time Heals (Part 1)", when Dr. Westphall personally disconnects his brain-dead wife from life support: "Breathe, Sweetheart."
- Dr. Westphall reluctantly putting his autistic son Tommy in a care home in "The Children's Hour", despite daughter Lizzie's firm opposition.
- The original version of the Grand Finale's credits involving Mimsie the Cute Kitten. Because, you know, the preceding Mind Screw just wasn't enough.