Star Wars: Legacy/Characters
The Main Three
Cade Skywalker
- Anti-Hero
- Bounty Hunter
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Subverted: He's not the nicest guy in the bunch, and could also barely even qualify as a decent person, but he is certainly not a villain or evil.
- Functional Addict
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold: Averted oh so very much.
- Healing Hands: Force Resuscitation. To wit; it can heal normally fatal wounds, and also kill much more efficiently than any known weapon. Two big drawbacks; it's fueled by the dark side (the Jedi on Ossus were trying to figure out how to fix this until, you know, the story started), and the recipient must accept it, or at least not actively reject it, or it won't work.
- It was made compatible with the light side later, though.
- The Hero: He's forced to take this role by virtue of his bloodline only. If he had his own way, he'd still be smuggling and racking up bounties in the Outer Rim with no worries.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- To the people he likes. To everyone else, he's a straight-up Jerkass.
- Lovable Rogue: Subverted
- Refusal of the Call
- Screw Destiny
Jariah Syn
- Black Best Friend: To Cade.
- Bounty Hunter
- The Lancer
- Loveable Rogue
- Mage Killer: Hates Jedi after seeing one kill his father. Specializes in Yuuzhan Vong weaponry, over which the Force has no control. This caused some friction between him and Cade when he reveals he's a Jedi, but they got over it.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: He's very attracted to Morrigan Corde, even knowing that she's his best friend's mother.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His specialty. "Syn is boom's daddy."
- Troubled Sympathetic Bigot: Towards Jedi, because one killed his father.
Deliah Blue
- Action Girl
- Bounty Hunter
- The Chick
- Saturated-Pink-Skinned Space Babe: Due to being a Zeltron
- Ms. Fanservice
- Wrench Wench
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The One Sith
Darth Krayt
- Back from the Dead
- Came Back Strong: He's way more powerful and impressive post-resurrection.
- Becoming the Mask: Pretended to be a Sith Acolyte so the Force ghost of Xo Xaaan would train him.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: He was already on his way, but torture at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong sealed his fall to the Dark Side
- Big Bad
- Dual-Wielding
- The Emperor
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evil Old Folks: He's really more than a century old
- Evil Overlord
- Fallen Hero
- Galactic Conqueror
- Killed Off for Real: Permanently at the end of War.
- Moral Event Horizon: Ordering the immediate extermination of one tenth of the Mon Calamari and the rest being put in forced labor camps.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning
- Knight Templar / Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Due to his infection with Vong biots, he must hibernate to extend his life and prevent the infection from killing him.
- Start of Darkness
- Secret Identity: A'Sharad Hett
- Villainous Breakdown: Over several issues after Cade escapes him.
Darth Wyyrlok (III)
- Badass: You gotta love the way he beats down Darth Andeddu.
- The Consigliere
- The Dragon: While not the top enforcer of Krayt's will, he's his Number Two and his most powerful follower.
- Dragon Ascendant: Betrayed Krayt and took over as the leader of the One Sith, until Krayt came Back from the Dead and led a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Evil Chancellor
- Evil Overlord: After betraying Krayt and seizing power in his name
- Evil Sorcerer
- Honest Advisor
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Killed Off for Real: Krayt didn't appreciate having to come Back from the Dead.
- Legacy Character: He is the third Darth Wyyrlok and his daughter is meant to take on his role and Sith name.
- Meaningful Name
- Moral Event Horizon: Ordered the extermination of ALL LIFE on Dac. Not just the Mon Calamari.
- Mouth of Sauron: Like his mother and grandfather, one of his tasks is to serve as the Voice of Krayt when the latter goes into hibernation.
- The Starscream: Interesting variation- he betrays Krayt only because he believes Krayt himself has already betrayed his own vision.
Darth Nihl
- Arch Enemy: Of Cade. Fitting, since he killed Cade's father.
- Blood Knight
- Co-Dragons: With Talon in Legacy: War.
- The Dragon: As a 'Hand'. He also becomes Wyyrlok's Dragon.
- Dragon Ascendant: Becomes the new leader of the One Sith after the final death of Emperor Krayt.
- Karma Houdini: Survives the war and leads the Sith into hiding.
- The Unfavorite: Of Darth Krayt.
Darth Talon
- Co-Dragons: With Nihl in Legacy: War.
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dark Chick
- The Dragon
- Evil Is Sexy
- Foe Yay: With Cade. They even shack up!
- Karma Houdini
- The Hunter
- Ms. Fanservice
- Red Skinned Space Babe
- Stripperific
Darth Maladi
- Dragon with an Agenda
- Emotionless Girl
- Evil Genius
- Karma Houdini
- Mad Scientist
- The Spymaster
- The Starscream: Except she was faking it.
- Sanity Slippage
- Torture Technician
Darth Havok
- Evil Genius
- Hannibal Lecture: his attempt to goad Antares into the dark side
- Torture Technician
- Turncoat He used to be an Imperial Knight called Eshkar Niin, until he killed the Empress
Darth Stryfe
- Beard of Evil
- Blood Knight
- The Brute: He's "The Fist" of Emperor Krayt.
- The Juggernaut
Darth Azard
- The Brute
- The Political Officer
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Of Darth Maleval: both are bloodthirsty, short-tempered Quarren prone to You Have Failed Me....
- You Have Failed Me...: All There in the Manual establishes that he studied the history of Darth Vader and his military command style.
Vul Isen
- Affably Evil
- Bald of Evil
- The Butcher: Known as "The Butcher of Dac."
- Even Evil Has Standards: Not him, but even the Hutts, who aren't exactly pinnicles of virtue, are disgusted by his cruelty.
- Evil Genius
- For the Evulz
- Killed Off for Real: One of the few major characters who have perished in Legacy (so far).
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist: Isen has provided the One Sith with more than a few horrible things from his experiments. Some notable examples include an aquatic version of the Leviathan and a plague that killed uncountable billions on at least two worlds.
- Non-Action Guy: To an extent. While he's not a Darth and lacks the training required to build or wield a lightsaber, his own Force powers and scientific know-how make up for this.
- He actually does have some skill with a lightsaber. Not that it helps him.
- Plaguemaster
- Red Baron: His actions have earned him the rather fitting monicker of "The Butcher of Dac".
Darth Rauder
Darth Maleval
Darth Kruhl
Darth Reave
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dark Chick
- Little Miss Badass: Being nothing more than an acolyte and defeats Darth Stryfe, a full-fledge Sith The Fist of the Dark Lord, using nothing more than telekinesis.
Darth Ruyn
- Evil Mentor: He trained Darth Talon.
- Evil Old Folks
The Sith Empire
High Moff/Grand Moff/Grand Admiral Morlish Veed
- Casanova Wannabe: Tries to seduce Morrigan Corde unaware that "Corde" is actually Nyna's cover identity.
- Surrounded by Idiots: His reaction to the Council.
- Informed Ability: He's supposed to be a master tactician.
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream: Betrayed Roan Fel to the Sith. Likewise he plans on betraying Emperor Krayt and seize the throne for himself.
Moff Nyna Calixte/Morrigan Corde
- Action Mom
- Badass Normal: Survives being poisoned and shot at long enough to escape and seek her son's help. Also, as Corde she manages to defeat a Sith Acolyte all by herself.
- The Baroness: Older than usual, but has the personality.
- The Chessmaster
- The Consigliere
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Karma Houdini
- I Am Your Mother
- Interesting variant in that Cade's already figured it out long before she tells him directly. He's still not happy about it.
- Lady Macbeth: To Veed.
- Mama Bear: At least to Cade- it's unknown what she'd do if her daughter was threatened.
- The Spymaster
- The Starscream: Both to Fel and the Sith.
- Wild Card: The mastermind behind the Sith-Imperial War [[spoiler:but later becomes Roan Fel's mole
- The Woman Behind the Man: To Morlish Veed
Moff Rulf Yage
- The Alcoholic
- Badass Nickname: The "Hero of Ossus," though among he the Jedi he's "The Butcher of Ossus". He has come to resent the nickname
- The Fettered
Moff Fehlaaur'aitel'loro
Moff Konrad Rus
Moff Geist
Admiral Krion Grail
Admiral Peto Kelsan
Admiral Dru Valan
Admiral Sha Dun
Captain Vaclen Tor
Captain Gunn Yage
Sergeant Ran Harkas
Corporal Anson Traks
The Empire-In-Exile/Fel Empire
Emperor Roan Fel
- Badass: After a Sith beats him in a lightsaber duel, Fel shoots him with a hidden blaster while he's gloating- and that's just one example.
- The Emperor
- Evil Overlord: Subverted; he's a ruthless but fair ruler, by all accounts.
- This is epitomized in one scene from War in which he subverts the dickery of previous Emperors by choosing not to use chemical weapons on the Sith homeworld. Why? Because he's better than that. Palpatine he ain't.
- Then played straight in the last issue, as he gets so desperate to win, he is willing to use the aforementioned chemical weapon on Coruscant!
- Killed Off for Real
- Knight Templar
- Moral Event Horizon: Attempts to unleash the Omega Red on Coruscant, hoping to eradicate the Sith, even thought it would also eradicate all other life on the planet. Unbeknowst to him the Sith are actually immune to it.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Skunk Stripe
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Empress Elliah Fel
Princess Marasiah Fel
Master Hogrum Chalk
- The Consigliere: To Emperor Roan Fel.
- Dead Little Sister: Elliah Fel.
- Karma Houdini
- The Mole
- Wild Card
Master Antares Draco
Master Treis Sinde
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Honest Advisor: To Emperor Fel.
Master Ganner Krieg
- The Lancer: To Antares' The Hero
Master Sigel Dare
Master Azlyn Rae
- A Fate Worse Than Death: The life-support armor Cade makes Bantha place her in. Subverted when she's given a new armor that doesn't require her to wear a Darth Vader-esque mask and helmet.
- Heroes Want Redheads: She was Cade's girlfriend when the two were young and he's still attracted to her. And then there's Ganner.
Master Mohrgan Fel
General Oron Jaeger
Admiral Tohri Challon
Captain Edouard Fenel
The Galactic Alliance Remnant
Admiral Gar Stazi
Captain Jaius Yorub
Captain Jhoram Bey
The New Jedi Order
Master Kol Skywalker
- Dating Catwoman: With Morrigan; it hurt him quite badly emotionally when she left.
- Death by Origin Story
- Posthumous Character: All right, so he's alive in one issue, but dies maybe halfway through that. Quite impressive, though. Every other appearance is as a Force ghost.
- Redheaded Hero / Green Eyes: It was this combination that convinced everyone that yes, the Jade bloodline still exists.
Master Wolf Sazen
- Big Brother Mentor: To Cade and Shado.
- Killed Off for Real
Master Shado Vao
"Bantha" Rawk/Nat Skywalker
- Always Second Best: To Kol Skywalker, his brother.
- Cool Old Guy
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Killed Off for Real