Star Wars: Legacy/YMMV
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: Issue 41 confirming that, yes, Hondo Karr really is a Mandalorian, and that the Mandos themselves are still cheerfully kicking around the galaxy doing their mercenary thing.
- Broken Base: Fans are irreconcilable whether Cade Skywalker is a good protagonist or not * because* of his asshatery.
- Designated Hero: Cade Skywalker is a drug addict who doesn't want to be the hero of the Star Wars galaxy and repeatedly illustrates that he shouldn't be in charge of himself let alone saving the entire universe. Unlike other Star Wars heroes, he's not likely to change any time soon. Unlike most Designated Heroes, he is well aware of what he is as well. He has changed by the end of the series for the most part, being more of an Anti-hero than a Designated Hero.
- The transition to anti-hero (or maybe even hero) is much more pronounced with War. Just before killing Krayt he anounces that he is a jedi, finally accepting the title after refusing it throughout the entire series. Also, after flying Krayt into the sun and spending some more time in space, coming full circle in his life and finally finding some peace, he finally realizes what everyone was trying to tell him about the force the entire time.
Cade: My eyes are open. I have seen the vision. I understand now. No more doubts or questions. I know my place in the galaxy. I know who I am... I am a jedi. [...] You there Krayt? You're not, are you? Can't hear you. Can't feel you. Just me and the stars... Like it was over Ossus the night you died, Dad. The night I should've died. Circle's complete. Everything's right. I'm all right. Maybe this is what the vision meant. Just me at the end... Walkin' in the sky. [...] There is no death. Only the force. |
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Shado Vao and Ganner Krieg are conspicuously popular due to being amongst the only characters who have a moral conscience.
- Also Gar Stazi and Roan Fel.
- The Imperial Knights in general have proven very popular, with Hasbro making figures of Krieg and Draco, a rare honor for Star Wars characters who have never appeared in any movies or tv series. The author himself credits the knights as the most popular part of the comic.
- Fetish Fuel: Darth Talon. Deliah Blue. For guys who like girls that are the color of Magenta.
- Azlyn Rae, for those into redheads
- Morrigan Corde has this going on for fans of MILFs... like her son's Vitriolic Best Friend, Syn.
- Magnificent Bastard: Darth Wyrrlok, Nyna Calixte.
- Darth Krayt has survived the Clone Wars, the Empire, the Galatic Civil War, the New Republic, and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion amongst other things to finally become the ruler of the entire Galaxy.
- Memetic Badass: K'Kruhk, or at least his hat.
- Memetic Mutation - "Your Jedi Master's dead, son. Accept it." with a picture of Cliegg Lars. Also, "Luke is a chair."
- Moral Event Horizon: Darth Krayt's immediate destruction of 1/10th of the Mon Calamari and slow genocide of the rest via forced labor proved that despite his nice rhetoric, when pushed he's as nasty as any other Sith. Vul Isen crosses it when he wipes out 80% of the population of Dac. Or you could choose his poisoning Da Soocha for harboring Mon Cal refugees.
- Roan Fel may have very well crossed it. He decided to have Darth Maladi create the Alpha Red (actually Omega Red) bio-weapon so he can use it on Coruscant. In exchange, he has her released so she can try to kill Cade.
- Too Good to Last: For reasons that are still unclear, Dark Horse cancelled the title at Issue #50 with no resolution in sight. Fortunately the six-issue miniseries Legacy: War was commissioned as a Grand Finale.