Stargate Atlantis/Heartwarming
- "I love you. I have for quite some time now. Just thought you should know." Especially the Call Back in "Brain Storm".
- "You see, the thing is, Colonel Sheppard and I have sort of gotten into this habit of saving each other's lives, and it's my turn."
- When John takes the unconscious Elizabeth's hand in the episode "The Real World", dispite the risk that he may become infected with the same replicator-nanites that are causing her condition. It takes Ronan and several others to finally pull him away from her.
- "You're a good friend, Arthur."
- Teyla names her son Torren John, after the two most important people in her life.
- The final episode: after successfully fending off a Wraith attack on Earth, and nearly burning up on re-entry, the final view off of the main balcony of Atlantis is the Golden Gate Bridge.
- In The Shrine when McKay is trying to say goodbye to Sheppard, but Sheppard won't let him. The entire scene on the pier was alternately Crowning Moment of Heartwarming and Tear Jerker
- "Sateda" oddly enough, after Carson saves Ronan by killing the Wraith that was attacking him knowing full well that Ronan would most likely be very angery. After Ronan is safe and asks who interupted his fight, McKay immediatly points to Carson, who is very terrifed of what Ronan may do to him. Ronan gives him a man-hug and says thanks... Much to everyones surprise.
McKay:...Well, I helped too. |
- In "The Tao of Rodney", McKay gains supernatural powers after being struck by a machine which will either force him to ascend or kill him. McKay, in an attempt to "release his burden", asks Ronan about the scars on his back left from the Wraith tracking device. Ronan replies that he tries not to let things he can't change bother him. McKay thanks him for the advice and gives him a big hug, and says as he leaves "I hope you don't mind - I just healed them."
- The revelation that the Phoenix was renamed the George Hammond in tribute to him, after he tragically passed away.
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