Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S01/E14 Sanctuary
Athar provides all that we need.
—Chaya Sar, High Priestess of Athar
- Boldly Coming: Lampshaded mercilessly by McKay.
McKay: It is very 1967 of you. |
- And then again, later:
McKay: Oh my God! He is Kirk! |
- Mayfly-December Romance: Sheppard and Chaya
- Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions: Definitely McKay's approach, which he takes a lot of flack for. This episode is one of those weird unclassifiables, in that, while the people of Proculus are being deceived, they also really are protected and cared for by a nigh-omnipotent being.
- Perfect Health: Chaya's is cause for concern
- Really 700 Years Old
- Stock Episode Titles: 41 uses