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Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S01/E17 Letters From Pegasus

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Beckett: What shall I say?
Ford: Uh, uh, "I miss you?" "I wish you were here?"
Beckett: I wish who was here?
Ford: I don't know. Who do you wish was here?
Beckett: Nobody! I wish I wasn't bloody here!


  • Bilingual Bonus: Zelenka's message home is entirely in Czech.
    • Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny: Zelenka describes the events of the first episode (well, the part about Atlantis rising, anyway), and afterwards, Ford asks if he said anything that would require security clearance:

Zelenka: (With an Oh Crap look on his face) Security clearance?

McKay: Samantha Carter – if you're watching, the torch is still burning – sadly, soon to be extinguished, but, uh...You know, you should know – I think you are just...so...well, you're great – you're really, really great, and, uh, I would go so far as saying you're the hottest scientist I've ever worked with.

Beckett: And if there's one thing I've discovered about we Earthlings, we're a scrappy bunch. I wouldn't be surprised if I bring back...
Ford: Doc, you can't say "Earthlings"! Your mother doesn't have security clearance.
Beckett: She knows I'm from Earth, son; it's not a bloody secret!

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