Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S02/E15 The Tower
I really need to stop making housecalls.
—Dr. Beckett
The team makes friends with a planet full of humble dirt farmers who claim to be defended from the Wraith by the all-seeing Lord Protector in the Tower. Investigating further, they discover that the "Tower" looks exactly like the central spire of Atlantis - all that remains visible of a second identical Ancient city-ship.
While McKay and his trusty sidekick native guide Baldric stay behind to take energy readings, the rest of the team gets menaced by the Lord Protector's guards (when they try to top the former from beating innocent peasants). The situation is diffused by Otho, the Lord Protector's chamberlain, who scans them all and then forcibly invites Sheppard back to the Tower.
- Ambiguously Gay: The Lord Protector's son... To clarify, he's very flamboyant in his mannerisms and frilly dressed even for a mediaeval society, not to mention he seems very concerned his sister has any progeny of her own that could usurp him.
- Boldly Coming: Sheppard.
- He first assumes Mara is visiting him because he was worried "How's your father"... then realises she's there for hows your father
- Deadly Decadent Court
- Dress Hits Floor
- Evil Chancellor: Otho
- Feudal Future
- Jabba Table Manners: The nobles eat like this - made all the more disgusting by its juxtaposition with the all-but-starving farmers who provide the food.
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Offered the Crown:
Dr. Weir: They didn't offer you king? |
- Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions: Subverted.
- Poisoned Weapons
- Ready for Lovemaking: Mala, complete with Dress Hits Floor
- Recycled Set: justified; the tower and its catacombs are an exact replica of Atlantis.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: specifically, operate the Ancient drone weapon. Nobility is synonymous with possessing the ATA gene.
- Stock Episode Titles: 9 uses
- This Is No Time to Panic