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Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S03/E11 The Return, Part 2

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

And I was so sure we were gonna survive this one.


O’Neill: So, am I to assume you are not surrounded by heavily-armed SG teams and young strapping Marines?
Weir: You've got Col. Sheppard, Ronan, Teyla, McKay, myself and Dr. Beckett.
O'Neill (sarcastically): Oh! Dr. Beckett, is it? Well I'm comforted.

  • Curse Cut Short: of the "another character interupts" variety, when Jack O'Neill expresses disdain for McKay's proposed "Plan C:"

O'Neill: Sounds more like a Plan F, doesn't it? As in, 'We are totally-'
McKay: If we can fight our way back to the bay...

Woolsey: It's been well over 11 seconds.
O'Neill: Yes, but you're been ignoring the dramatic element of... suspense.

Richard Woolsey: He put his hand in my forehead. How can you resist that?
Maj. Gen. Jack O'Neill: Well, I like to close my eyes and think of England.

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