Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S03/E11 The Return, Part 2
And I was so sure we were gonna survive this one.
- Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: O'Neill, to a small extent.
- Curse Cut Short: of the "another character interupts" variety, when Jack O'Neill expresses disdain for McKay's proposed "Plan C:"
O'Neill: Sounds more like a Plan F, doesn't it? As in, 'We are totally-' |
- Die Hard on an X
- Finger-Twitching Revival: Niam
- Genre Savvy: O'Neill, in explaining how Sheppard and his team aren't actually late yet.
Woolsey: It's been well over 11 seconds. |
- Guns Akimbo: Teyla, with the Anti-Replicator Guns
- Human Popsicle
- Lie Back and Think of England
Richard Woolsey: He put his hand in my forehead. How can you resist that? |
- Space Is Cold
- Stock Episode Titles: 61 uses
- Time for Plan B: It takes Plan D before they get one that actually works.
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Plan D is able to succeed because the audience (and, crucially, O'Neill and Woolsey) only learn up through Plan C.