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Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S04/E08 The Seer

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Perhaps the future is predetermined by the character of those who shape it.
Davos the Seer


  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Carter's skepticism about Davos's abilities is a little inexplicable since Jonas Quinn picked up the exact same ability in an epsiode of SG-1.
  • Enemy Mine: The Atlantis expedition allies with Todd's faction of the Wraith against the Asurans.
  • My Secret Pregnancy: Teyla hides her pregnancy from everyone except Dr. Keller, who is the one who discovered it in the first place.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: McKay's rewriting of the Asuran base code has caused the deaths of over 150,000 Pegasus humans...and counting.
  • Prophetic Fallacy
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Teyla's pregnancy was written in because of Rachel Lutrell's real life pregnancy.
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