Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S05/E07 Whispers
So, Alison. Any interesting experiences you'd like to share? Encountered any dangerous predators? Been cloned lately?
—Dr. Beckett tries out his new pick-up line
- Amazon Brigade: The all-female expedition team.
- Barrier-Busting Blow
- Book Ends: McKay helping Beckett pack / complaining that he's leaving.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Dr. Alison Porter is Ezri Dax
- Ominous Fog: Justified -- the monsters themselves exude the fog for precisely this reason.
- Too Dumb to Live: So when trapped in a room being hunted by monsters who track by sound, clearly, shouting is the best option.
- Wall Crawl: The creatures are fast wall-crawlers.