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Stargate Atlantis/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in Stargate Atlantis include:

  • Stargate Atlantis made a Tear Jerker out of its very first scene, in which Ayiana and a male Ancient just stand there for a while, looking at each other in silence, then part—and Atlantis leaves Earth forever. Especially since we know what happens to Ayiana much, much later...
    • Also, possibly the Funeral scene in Sunday. Even if the rest of the episode was a flat out ridiculous.
      • Possibly?! Weir was close to breaking down in tears! And that's before someone starts to play on a bagpipe while the gate is dialed and the casket is brought back to Earth.
        • Bagpipes are simply Tear Jerker incarnate for whatever reason. Add them to a funeral and the waterworks come, guaranteed. Just goes to show they know how to get to the audience.
    • Ronon's reaction to finding out his friends are Wraith Worshippers in Reunion.
      • For that matter, most of Ronon's scenes in Sateda could fall under this trope.
  • In Infection, Todd's gradual realisation to what taking the retrovirus really means for himself and his crew. The fact that Christopher Heyerdahl is a damn fine actor who can speak more with one facial expression than most can with a monologue doesn't help.
  • "The Shrine". Good God, "The Shrine". If you've ever had a relative with Alzheimer's, this episode will hit home. The writer was nominated for a Nebula Award for this episode, along with The Dark Knight and WALL-E.
    • The scene where John and Rodney are on the pier at night toghether, with Rodney trying to remember his niece's name, asking if they should say their goodbyes now, John resolutely refusing (I'm not saying goodbye! "Well I'm saying it anyway! "Well I'm not gonna listen!"), ending with Rodney saying that John is a good friend...calling him Arthur. John looks at him in shock, thinking he's losing even more memory...and then the two burst into a fit of giggles. I never really bought the two of them being friends until this scene.
    • Woolsey gets one in when he talks about his father's moment of clarity. It's a far more relatable story, and hits that much harder for it.
    • The Infirmary scene. Good God where do I start? Ronon reaching out and just holding onto Rodney's leg while he's trying to explain about the shrine, like he's scared to let Rodney go but can't let himself get to close. Then there's the fact that John is barely fighting back the tears in this scene.
  • There's a tiny little moment in Echoes when Teyla is in the infirmary and Ronon's talking to her. This doubles as a CMoH and solidified Jason Momoa as a great actor.
  • "With her last breath she took out three of Michael's Hive Ships... And we buried another empty casket." -Future Rodney speaking about Sam's last stand during an ambush over a heavily populated world.
  • The end of Vegas. An alternate version of John Sheppard, who missed his chance to go to Atlantis and had nothing left on Earth, gives his life to save the world from the Wraith, and dies content and peaceful. Enhanced by playing Johnny Cash's "Solitary Man", which is probably the perfect song for Sheppard.

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