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Stealth Pun

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"Not a joke, but an incredible simulation!"

Crow T. RobotMystery Science Theater 3000

The writers put in a joke (almost always a pun), but never make or put in a punch line or explicit statement, hiding it in the set up of the joke. Some percentage of the audience will "get" the joke, but the rest will know it was there and be going, "What? Why didn't you say it?" There can be several reasons.

  1. It's naughty and not appropriate for this time-slot, in which case this serves the same purpose as a Last-Second Word Swap.
  2. It's an Incredibly Lame Pun and is only remotely funny when realized later; using it in story would grind everything to a halt.
  3. Telling the punch line would keep our lawyers busy for months, so we'll just leave a blank here and let you do the copyright infringement.
  4. The writer thinks they're a wit. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're only half right.[1]
  5. They are trying to set up a moment of Fridge Brilliance.
  6. The pun is in the middle of a song, poem, or other rhythmic verse, where using it fully would break the meter.

The form can range a bit from a "fill in the blank" stand up style jokes to cases where the plot and setting form a pun that you only realise when you try to summarise the situation later. If you're on the Internet, expect someone to respond "I see what you did there".

Also, as this page is about puns that are intentionally obscured in-work, it is one of the few times when it is good form to explain the joke.

However, if somebody has potholed a pun to this page, then somebody completely misunderstood this trope; as soon as a pun is lampshaded, it stops being a Stealth Pun. Feel free to remove the link and let the pun go back to being stealthy.

Compare Visual Pun, another form of subtle punning.

Examples of Stealth Puns are listed on these subpages:
  1. We'd point out where in this sentence the Stealth Pun is, but then it would stop being a Stealth Pun and become a Lampshaded Pun instead.
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