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Super Robot Wars W/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: To say the western fandom was happy to see GolionVoltron, Defender of the Universe in a Super Robot Wars game would be an understatement.
  • Doing It for the Art: Gai Daigoji getting a brand-new update to his portrait so he matches the other Nadesico crew when the story moves to the Prince of Darkness
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The Ardyguns, for the Original Generation characters in general. Fans keep clamoring for their inclusion in a later OG game; see Wild Mass Guessing below.
  • Fix Fic: Gai (Daigoji), Tsukumo, Miyuki, Balzac, and damn near everyone in SEED survive; even Seina is given much more character development and a better death.
  • Game Breaker: Valzacard, all Tekkamen in general, Orgun, GaoGaiGar/GaoFighGar/Genesic GaoGaiGar, King J-Der, The Ryus, also the Astray and Mazinkaiser.
    • speaking of GaoGaiGar Units Volfogg/Big Volfogg has a attack that disable enemy barriers of any kind which pretty much takes all the hardness out of the game against foes with them.
  • Goddamned Bats: The Alien Tekkaman, being durable and having actual evade and offense. Later on they have rides so they get a second lifebar. Eyds for similar reasons. However, being mostly an easy game, they're just annoying as opposed to real threats.
  • Ho Yay: The whole David/Dead thing is commented on, but mostly "don't let Hikaru find out about this!" Also, the scene where Gai saves D-Boy's sister seems to lay it on kinda thick.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight : Kazuma is essentialy a family man in his home(the Battleship). In scenario 29. he Go home and be a family man.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks : Completely averted. While the difficulty of W is nearly unexistant(barring Gauron mentioned below) mainly thanks to the number of Game Breakers in the game on your disposal, it is the same thing alongside good plots and solid cast selection that made this game so epic and a fan favourite amongst DS era SRW.
  • That One Boss: Gauron. Everytime. Gates too. And Takuma. In short, if you're a named male villain from Full Metal Panic!, facing you will suck.
    • While on paper Lamda Driver bosses are just as deadly later in the game, eventually they fail to keep up with the insane levels of GameBreakers you get. As dangerous as a doubleacting, Focus-spamming, Lamda Driver-fuelled Gauron sounds, he still can't keep up with a heavily upgraded Valguard.
  • Wild Mass Guessing: Super Robot Wars fans like to assume that the Valzacard will fulfill Ideon's role if/when Original Generation gets to the events of Alpha 3.

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