The Aethion Expanded Multiverse/Characters
The Cipher Chronicles details dozens of character, both those invented by the authors and those fans entered into contests and won.
Team Cipher
- Awesome McCoolname: Arrik Xell
- Badass Normal
- The Hero
- Invisibility: By changing the color of his armor.
- Mysterious Past
- Retired Badass
- Richard Nixon the Used Car Salesman: Paracosmos (Bonesiii's independant Fanfic series) Kyn is a slave on Xia. Another version is the Ta-Koro weapons maker on a version of Mata Nui where Makuta was insane.
- Rich Jerk: At first, and didn't really learn his lesson until Sticks and Stones
- Stuff Blowing Up: His job.
- Action Girl
- Astral Projection: Her mask power
- Intrepid Reporter
- Lightning Can Do Anything: She can use it to interact with technology in her spirit form.
- The Nicknamer
- Shock and Awe
- Anti-Hero: When he's being nice.
- Arch Enemy: Zashrau and Arrik Xell for Bajnok.
- Badass Boast:
- The Big Guy
- DisintegratorStaff
- Enemy Mine: Working with Shadow Honor and later Arrik-Xell
- MacGuffin: His staff.
- Morality Pet: His friendship with Khiri is one of his more redeeming qualitiess
- Mysterious Past
- Token Evil Teammate
- Alternative Character Interpretation: as no one knows what his true motives are.
- Badass Normal
- Dragon with an Agenda: Possibly this to Xata.
- In-Series Nickname: Mik. Pronouncing an apostrophe is just as hard for them as it is for the readers.
- Mysterious Past
- La Résistance
- Meaningful Name: Takes his name from the Bionicle being who created almost everything hi-tech in the Matoran Universe
- Mind Over Matter
- Playful Hacker: Averted, but he is more moral than Kharzahni
- Selective Magnetism
- The Smart Guy
- Anti-Hero
- The Cracker
- La Résistance
- Meaningful Name: The Bionicle version of the Devil/Hell
- Played for laughs when Kharzahni becomse confused whenever someone swears near him.
- An Ice Person: His default element
- Gadgeteer Genius: Defied, he chalks up all of his inventions to having visited Enigma.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: His other element
- The Generic Girl: At first, due to life as a slave more or less destroying her personality.
- Morality Pet: To Bajnok
- Reality Warper: For a time, could see reality shifts at an accelerated rate.
- Dishing Out Dirt:
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: His mask allows him to see (and understand) a 360 degree field of vision.
- Gravity Master
- Implacable Man: As an Agent, he's invincible to anything anyone else has devised so far.
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Shout-Out: His mask resembles the most famous visor of them all.
- Blood Knight
- Flower Motifs: Uses flowers, has armor covered in flower patterns, is named after flowers, and is one of the most violent Agents out there.
- Fragile Flower: Inverted
- Green Thumb
- Instant Sedation: By creating flowers that emit knockout gas
- Blow You Away
- The Brute: He is one of the biggest and most destructive Agents we've met.
- Wall Walk: Thanks to his mask.
- Badass Automaton
- Non-Indicative Name: Has no actual gears. Hanashi gave him the name.
- Superpower Lottery