The Amazing Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy!/Characters
Dog Mendonça
João Vicente "Dog" Mendonça is a boisterous fat, football-loving, womanizer, kinda dumbe AND portuguese Occult Detective who protects monsters from humans or otherwise who had broken the code (the code is the fact that monsters don't reveal themselves to the humans). He's always accompanied by Pazuul his assistant, it seemed the two had already dangerous adventures before (such as beating Loch Ness). Pizzaboy meets him to help him find his bike stolen from a bunch of Gargoyles. Eventually this is the beginning of a beautiful freindship.
- Acrofatic
- Jerkass
- Badass
- Occult Detective
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Big Guy
- Book Dumb - mainly in math
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique
- Badass Longcoat
- Expy - Of Hellboy kinda
- Knight Templar - Vlad accuses him of sounding like a cop.
Eurico Catatau but everyone calls him Pizzaboy (wich is kinda weird cause you know, the book is portuguese and you don't find many portuguese people saying pizzaboy). He works in a well... pizza store, dreams of getting the girl of his dreams and have a better job. So it happens his bike is stolen by a bunch of gargoyles. Taking the advice from a freind Pizzaboy contacts Dog and Pazuul, eventually the beginning of a beautiful freindship.
- The Hero
- Audience Surrogate
- Badass Normal
- Butt Monkey
- Non-Action Guy - At First
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Cool Bike - He gets one
- The Heart
- Mythology Gag - He is called after an actor who appeared in a short film called "I'll see you in my dreams", apparently the name of that actor was the subject of a mockumentary called "A man that loved zombies" all of these are producted by O Pato Profissional Produções who did this book aswell.
A demon trapped in little girl's body. Apparently he used to work for hell but was banished (the exacly reasons why are unknown but it seemed he wasn't evil enough), as of now he works with Dog as his assistant.
- The Voiceless - Besides some grunts he never actually says something. Except on on time that he possesses a Gargole head and talks though it
- Shape Shifter - It seems so. He kinda does this in the sequel
- Gender Bender - It's actually a he
- Badass Adorable
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Really 700 Years Old
- Smoking Is Cool
- Cuteness Proximity
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Gargoyle Head
A Gargoyle Head that was separated from his body after Dog's interrogation. It seems annoying at first and being just a head actually makes him deadweight but ends up being pretty useful to the group.
- The Load - Surprisingly averted
- Defeat Means Friendship - More like Cold-Blooded Torture
- Our Gargoyles Rock - Of Northrend
- Embarrassing First Name- In the sequel, although he doens't seem to mind it. It doesn't stop from the others laughing at him.
- His last name is embarrassing aswell.
- Determinator - Although reduced into a head doesn't stop from chewing on much bigger adversaries.
A nerdy freind of Pizzaboy.
- Fan Boy - He likes World of Warcraft and Spider-Man
- Fat and Skinny - Eurico and Vasco
- Flat Earth Atheist - Averted
An annoying colleague of Pizzaboy.
- The Rival - Classic example
The owner of the local pizza store.
One of the employers of the pizza store.
The owner of bar full of monsters from many kinds. Apparently he is a old freind of Dog Mendonça.
A chinese restaurant owner who leads then to Madame Chen
- Ho Yay - Towards Pizzaboy
- Perpetual Smiler
- Sadistic Choice - He wanted for them to cut a ball to please Madame Chen. He was just kidding
- Fan Disservice
Madame Chen
A wise chinese transvestite, who Dog and Pizzaboy meet to help them find their freinds.
- Death Glare
- Mad Oracle - He is just a transvestite