The Beast Legion
The Beast Legion is a fantasy manga-styled web comic that follows the exploits of Xeus, a prince forced to flee his homeland when it was attacked by the Evil Shadow Nexus under the command of the Warlock, Dragos. After seven years Xeus must now set forth on his quest to free his homeland from the forces of Darkness by mastering an ancient power of the Beast Transfers. The comic follows Xeus's quest as he makes new allies and battles a Plethora of villains with similar traits to save his homeland from impending chaos.
Updates Monday and Friday.
Tropes used in The Beast Legion include:
- Animal Motifs: The entire manga revolves around characters transforming into Beasts with Awesome powers.
- Anthromorphic Shift: The whole comic revolves round the concept of heroes & villains transforming into Beasts.
- Adorable Evil Minions: Chou's baby spawns that go BOOM when touched.
- Backstory: We frequently get flashbacks into the past of Xeus and other characters.
- Capital City: Lithopia
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Subverted
- Creepy Twins : The Viper Twins are as creepy as the come in this page
- Dark Is Evil
- Day in the Life: Every issue marks a new day in Xeus' life.
- Deadly Dodging: Happens several times throughout the course of the manga
- Defeat Equals Explosion : Gorgorath goes through this in Issue 4.
- Didn't See That Coming: Evil Lord Dragos entering the Battle after Xeus defeates Gorgorath 4
- Equal Opportunity Evil: The Shadow Nexus
- Even Evil Has Standards: Stampede is ferocious but has his own sense of honor.
- Evil Minions: Glitch, Gorgo, Jawbraxus, Octacreep and more
- Evil Overlord: Lord Dragos of the Shadow Nexus, as evil as they come
- Evil Sorcerer: Lord Dragos
- Eccentric Mentor: Master Surya falls perfectly under this trope.
- Fan Service: The Beast Legion often has Holiday Incentives and an updated Gallery to keep fans happy.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Master Surya has those.
- The Hero: Xeus
- Hitchhiker Heroes
- Honor Before Reason: Story of Xeus's life.
- Indy Ploy: Xeus makes a gambit when he takes on a plant mongrel in this page.
- I Owe You My Life: Xeus to Master Surya and Brilight
- Jerkass: Glitch and Gorgo easily fill those roles in the first issue itself [1]
- Mad Scientist: Soon to come
- Mood Whiplash: Xeus gets angry when Master Surya, changes the game rules in Issue 3.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: The Shadow Nexus' EMO.
- Mysterious Past: We know very little of Dragos' past and Connection to Lithopia.
- Not So Harmless: Brilight when it takes on Dragos to save Xeus in Issue 4
- Near-Death Experience : Xeus gets one after he faces Dragos in Issue 4. Thankfully he's rescued in time by Brilight.
- Old Master: Master Surya.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Even though a villain.Stampede puts honor before everything.
- Power Glows: When Xeus transforms into his Beast form and it's always around Dragos.
- Playing with Fire
- Royal Blood: Runs through Xeus' veins as he comes from a lineage of great Kings.
- Running Gag: Many lesser characters have these.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Brilight, partly.
- Take My Hand: Played with in chapter 1 when Cwen needs of these and one isn't immediately forthcoming.
- Tiger Versus Dragon : An eventual confrontation between Xeus & Dragos' beast form.
- Underwater City: Subtopia
- Unusual Ears: Many characters from the comic including Dragos, Ginta, Leviatha and others fall under this category.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Averted . None of the Shadow Nexus villains get good publicity.
- Villainous Glutton : Sglutton is the obese Shadow Nexus Slave Master.
- Winged Humanoid: Ginta the Wind Tamer in Issue 5.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Dragos personifies this!
- Enemy Rising Behind : A perfect instance can be found in Issue 4 where Dragos appears behind Xeus & overpowers him with his Aura.
- Cyclops : Gorgorath