The Big Damn Kiss/Playing With
Basic Trope: Epic kissing scene.
- Straight: After a long Unresolved Sexual Tension, two characters kiss, and the scene looks gorgeous.
- Exaggerated: When they are kissing, new volcanoes erupt on the ground around them, and sprinkle lava everywhere.
- Justified: The characters are Reality Warpers who unwillingly change their environment by their excitement.
- Inverted: When the two are kissing, clouds cover the sky, and The Bee Gees' Stayin' Alive plays in the background.
- Subverted: The music gets powerful, the ocean's waves get higher, the sun starts shining.... they look at each other... He gets closer... but she just slaps him...
- Double Subverted: ...That makes it even more powerful when she continues with a Slap Slap Kiss.
- Parodied: When they are kissing, rainbows appear even though it's night, and the moon is having an orgasm.
- Deconstructed: The outstanding scenery above everyone who is kissing, means the end of privacy. You can't have a secret affair while fireworks are appearing above your head.
- Reconstructed: People either learned to live without secret affairs, or learned to replace kissing with other practices, but the spectacular scenery is enough compensation for the inconviniences.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: They are kissing, but nothing particular happens. It's just... mouths touching.
- Enforced: The writer specifically asked for realistic visuals, but the visual artists found a kissing scene in that style too depressing.
- Lampshaded: Did the Earth Move For You, Too?
- Invoked: Bob buys fireworks, and sets them off when he is planning to kiss Alice.
- Exploited: Bob times his kissing of Alice at the fireworks event, so influenced by the assault of all of her senses, she will fall for him.
- Defied: Alice just wants a pleasantly, boring life, and intentionally avoid disruptive situations that would result in fireworks and catharsis.
- Discussed: Two girls discuss if the other one ever had such a situation.
- Conversed: A character mocks that in cartoons, emotions seem to control even the colors.
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