The Clique/Fridge

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Fridge Horror

  • These girls are going to be messed up wrecks later in their lives. Especially Massie.
  • What kind of teasing did Olivia get about her nose that made her feel like she had to change it at 12 years old!
  • It's implied that Alicia has breast implants. What kind of parent would allow that?.
    • It's not just implied, it's outright stated, and even Alicia (dense as a brick as she is) complains about it...apparently her parents felt this would make her more attractive, which given her mom is a vain ex-model losing her looks just screams projection.
  • Dylan just screams "future eating disorder". Or maybe she already has one.
    • The Prequel has her sisters who seem to already have one. It also implies Dylan's weight issues are Massie's fault!
  • Claire has changed a lot since she joined the Pretty Committee... and not in a good way. By the time high school is over, she could be the next Massie, only EVEN WORSE.
    • You forgot the fact that she's basically living a lie.
  • Alicia trusts absolutely nobody, all she wants is to be the is center of attention, what's going to happen to her when she enters the real world?
    • Her cousin Nina probably won't fare much better. She's 13, has D-cups, and dresses and acts like a 25-year-old. She's a sexual predator's dream come true.
    • Considering that Alicia was forced by her parents to get a huge boob job at TWELVE to make her "more appealing" to men, it's likely the same happened to Nina.
  • In the book where all of the PC go to Hollywood, there's talk of a star who may like Claire, and who also is "hooking up" with another female lead. Claire is 12, and the other two can't be much older or the gossip columns would be mentioning a significant age difference. Still, even if the two stars are 15, that's very young to be hooking up so casually, and way too old for Claire. This is the kind of thing I bought when I was 11, but now it's just Squicky. Also, in one of the one-clique-member vacation books, Alicia and her cousins are in Spain, and a bouncer lets her and her cousins in because he thinks they're hot. Alicia is 12, one of her cousins is 13 (and described in earlier books to dress like a 25-year-old and have D-cups) and the other two are 15. Great, now we've got full out ephebophilia (and this was something even 11-year-old me thought was gross).
    • Also Fridge Brilliance (should this go below?): The age of consent in Spain is 13. Make of that what you will.
  • You forgot the main horror here, folks. GIRLS LIKE THIS EXIST IN REAL LIFE.

Fridge Brilliance

  • The girls never suffer at the end of the books, much to many readers' chagrin. Sure, they may not suffer in school, but when they enter the real world, they'll likely act the same way... and get exactly what they deserve.
    • Which leads to Fridge Horror as Massie is an implied sociopath, and probably won't get retribution for a good long time.
  • This series actually kind of works if you take it as an over-the-top Stealth Parody.
  • All those older guys who are constantly mentioned as checking out the Pretty Committee aren't ephebophiles. In reality, they're just smiling with amusement at a bunch of 12-year-olds who most likely look absolutely ridiculous. The girls just take it in a sexual way because they that think they're "all that." It may not be what the author was going for, but it certainly makes it easier to read.

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