The Crying Game/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Fergus wiping the tears off of Dil's face.
Dil: Don't you like me even a little? |
- Freud Was Right. When Dil kills Jude, she growls, "You used those tits and that ass to get him, didn't you?!", and after she's dead, Dil asks Fergus to tell him what she wore. It's a disturbing subtext if you really think about it.
- Ho Yay: between Jody and Fergus, further complicating an already complicated Love Dodecahedron. This Troper can't be the only one that sees it. Jody even remarks that Fergus is "the handsome one" of the kidnappers.
- It Was His Sled
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Fergus wasn't the only one fooled when the film came out.
- The Woobie: Dil, and HOW. That poor hairdresser puts up with a lot.
- Jody as well.
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