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The Incredible Hercules/Characters

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Characters from The Incredible Hercules include:


Son of Zeus. At the start of the series Herc was a renegade due to siding with the Hulk in World War Hulk. His attempts to reform himself into a bit more of a "thinker" and play role model to Amadeus Cho quickly grow muddled as he is constantly drawn into the power struggles of the gods including his old enemies from Olympus.

Tropes exhibited by Hercules include:
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: Averted, but this point in time all Amazons besides Hippolyta want him dead.
  • Arch Enemy: The God of War, Ares.
  • Badass: Definitely!
  • Berserker Rage: Occassionally goes or is driven into these making him dangerous to everyone around him.
  • Bi the Way: Implied to be during a joke at his funeral.
  • Blood Knight: Not so much for the blood as Ares and toned down some from other appearances, but still loves to fight.
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Brains and Brawn: Hercules is the brawn and Cho is the brains.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: His wife Hebe is the daughter of Zeus and Hera making her his half-sister.
  • Carry a Big Stick: When he uses a weapon he prefers his adamantine mace.
  • Dumb Muscle: He is capable of tactical thinking, but displays surprising levels of stupidity at times. Even lampshaded at one point.
  • Foil: To Ares and The Mighty Thor
  • Healing Factor: Slow compared to someone like Wolverine and almost never used thanks to his toughness, but he has one.
  • The Hero: Greatest hero of ancient Greece, champion of Olympus and even named the "God of Heroes"
  • Leeroy Jenkins. Usually his great strength is enough, but sometimes it has nearly cost him and his allies dear.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Virtually nothing can hurt him when he is a full god making battle a game.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Amadeus Cho
  • Really Gets Around: A reoccurring joke until we meet his immortal wife Hebe.
  • Super Strength: Duh!
  • Wrestler in All of Us: One of the best of all time and invented the mixed-martial art of Pankration.
  • You Killed My Father: To Amatsu-Mikaboshi during their stint on the God Squad.

Amadeus Cho:

The constantly proclaimed "seventh smartest" person on the planet. His family was murdered in an explosion and he has been on the run since. Drawn to Hercules for protection following the disaster of World War Hulk. In the process of finding what happened to his family draws surprising connections to the Olympian gods. Famous for his ability to make almost infinite mathematical complex calculations within moments.

Tropes exhibited by Amadeus include:


The goddess of wisdom, battle, heroic endeavor, and half-sister to Hercules. In ancient times she aided many heroes including Hercules by either providing advice, magical items or both. She aids Hercules in modern times and turns out to be responsible for many of the events in Hercules and Cho's lives across the ages.

Tropes exhibited by Athena include:

Delphyne Gorgon

A descendant of the Gorgons. She started out as an Amazon general and slave to the previous Amazon queen Artume. She fell in love with Cho and opposed Artume's plan to conquer the world killing her in the end. Thanks to this she became the new queen of the Amazons, but was forced to put her relationship with Cho on hold due to Amazonian custom and her alliance with Hera. She lacks the traditional petrification gaze since it runs through only the Medusa line.

Tropes exhibited by Delphyne include:


Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and main antagonist for the middle part of the series. She is the stepmother to Hercules and Athena. She regards them as deadly enemies and like in ancient times seeks to destroy them for perceived wrongs done in the past. With the death of Zeus she inherited both command of Olympus and his powerful Thunderbolt making her more dangerous than ever.

Tropes exhibited by Hera include:


A storm-giant/monster created by Gaea to avenge the defeat of the giants in the Gigantomachy by destroying the Olympians. He was defeated by Zeus thousands of years ago and imprisoned in Tartarus. Released to serve Hera, but still has his own agenda.

Tropes exhibited by Typhon include:


King of the gods and in one way or another related to just about all the characters in the series. Killed before events in the series, but is restored a little over half-way through as a kid with no memories. Regains his throne and full power by end of the series.

Tropes exhibited by Zeus include:


The God of War (the more violent aspects of it compared to Athena) and perhaps Hercules' greatest rival. In recent times, he has become less of a villain and more of an extremly violent anti-hero. A former member of Iron Man's Mighty Avengers and Green Goblin's Dark Avengers. Currently dead.

Tropes exhibited by Ares include:


The God of the Dead (not Death), Pluto is the brother of Zeus & Neptune, and ruler of the Olympian Underworld after the drew straws for what they would rule. Eventually wanting more then just this, over the years, Pluto has become an enemy to Hercules as he seeks more power.

Tropes exhibited by Pluto include:

Amatsu-Mikaboshi/Chaos King

First introduced in the Ares mini as the Japanese god of evil where it killed Zeus and laid waste to Olympus before being stopped. Released from its prison within Yomi to use his shapeshifting powers to aid against the Skrull gods. It is thought to have been killed, but survived and becomes the biggest villain of the entire series. Toward the end revealed to be an embodiment of the primordial chaos that preceded creation.

Tropes exhibited by Mikaboshi include:

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