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The Miracle of Morgan's Creek

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
"Here's the funniest picture ever made!" Well, the American Film Institute ranked it at #54.

Governor McGinty: This is the biggest thing to happen to this state since we stole it from the Indians!
The Boss: Borrowed.

The real miracle is that Sturges got all of this past the production-code office
—Film critic Dave Kehr

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek is a Screwball Comedy from Preston Sturges set during World War II.

Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton), the daughter of the town constable (William Demarest), sneaks out against her father's wishes to a dance for the soldiers, using a date with Norval Jones (Eddie Bracken) as an excuse. She doesn't really remember what happens that night, except she thinks she got married to a soldier (named, or so she thinks, "Ratzkywatzky"). Later, she finds out, as a result of that night, she's pregnant, and her younger sister Emmy (Diana Lynn) convinces her to trick Norval into marrying her. She can't bring herself to do it, especially when she sees how Norval reacts to it, but Norval ends up wanting to marry her anyway. Because this is a Preston Sturges film, Hilarity Ensues.

Despite the fact this was delayed a year due to censorship issues with the Hays Code, this remains one of the most adroit examples of Getting Crap Past the Radar ever made.

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek was added to the National Film Registry in 2001.

Watch the movie for free at Paramount Vault.

Tropes used in The Miracle of Morgan's Creek include:
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