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The O'Reilly Factor/Awesome

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • His epic take-down of Barney Frank over the housing crisis. Shut UP, Hannibal indeed.
  • When an appeals court ruled against the family of a dead marine who'd sued the Westboro Baptist Church, making them have to pay all of the WBC's hefty legal fees, O'Reilly immediately stepped in and cut a check for that family, no matter how much, to pay for their court-ordered payment should they have lost at the Supreme Court, which they later did. Not even O'Reilly's liberal critics could say a bad thing about that.
  • Bill's solution to the Octomom debacle: the doctor who initiated the irresponsible procedure by planting all of the embryos inside Nadia Suleman should be forced to provide support for all of her kids. Hell yeah. He said this is March 2012.
  • Bill recently came out against One Million Moms, who decided to protest JC Penny for hiring Ellen DeGeneres. He even asked the woman how OMM asking JC to fire Ellen is any different than the Mc Arthy Era blacklisting of companies for hiring people they suspected of communism. That temperature drop you're feeling is Hell freezing over.
  • Spearheading the movement to pass Jessica's Law.
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