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[[File:Pig-Pen.jpg|link=Peanuts|frame|<small>[[Not Allowed to Grow Up|Nah, he won't have health issues later in life...]]</small> ]]
{{quote|"''You call it dirt. I call it a healthy coating of earth.''"
{{quote|"''You call it dirt. I call it a healthy coating of earth.''"|'''Toph''', ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''}}
A character whose overwhelming trait is that they are absolutely filthy. Not filthy in morals, behaviors or ethics, but someone whose body is actually covered in filth. The person might have other qualities as well, but their filthiness is bad in relation to the rest of the cast, or at least the setting. There is a good chance that they are not pleasant to look at.
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There is some [[Truth in Television]], [[The Dung Ages|as people used to rarely bathe or keep themselves clean.]] But as inventions such as electricity, indoor heating and indoor plumbing became more commonplace, walking around in a large layer of grime became rarer.
Named after the ''[[Peanuts]]'' character Pig-Pen, pictured right, who was always surrounded by a cloud of dust and has been seen going from "perfectly clean" to "covered in dust" while walking down the road or --mostor—most absurdly -- ''in a rainstorm''. Also see [[Men Can't Keep House]], [[Dirty Foreigner]]. A character who offsets bad hygiene with high intelligence is a [[Genius Slob]]. For vilains who are like this, see [[Uncleanliness Is Next to Ungodliness]].
Do not confuse with [[Dirty Kid]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime ==
* In ''[[Moyashimon]]'', when we first see Aoi Mutō she's absolutely filthy and covered in germs, including a number of food poisoning pathogens. However, this is just because she's just gotten back from a long sojourn across Eurasia, and didn't exactly have a lot of opportunities to bathe and change her clothes.
* ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' - In the first tournament arc, Krillin faces off against Bacterian, a huge fat guy whose main superpower is the unbearable stench emanating from his person due to the fact that he supposedly has never bathed once in his entire life. {{spoiler|Krillin eventually manages to beat him when he's reminded by Goku that ''he doesn't have a nose'', and thus can't smell him.}}<br /><br />Krillin also {{spoiler|had to ''fart in Bacterian's face'', meaning that Bacterian could handle only his ''own'' stench.}} But the other ways Bacterian fought...[[Nausea Fuel|poor, poor Krillin]]...
:Krillin also {{spoiler|had to ''fart in Bacterian's face'', meaning that Bacterian could handle only his ''own'' stench.}} But the other ways Bacterian fought...[[Nausea Fuel|poor, poor Krillin]]...
* In the ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei|Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei]]'' [[OVA]] we're introduced to [[Neat Freak|Kitsu]] [[Control Freak|Chiri's]] older sister, Kitsu Tane, who became [[The Pig Pen]] and godess over the [[Trash of the Titans]] trope by choice in order to save the life of their gold fish, which Chiri had decided to clean (using shampoo). Unfortunately for Tane, she had to maintain this behavior for so many years, it eventually got stuck (literary, trash seems to follow her around) and now she can't even take proper care of herself... She once appeared on TV in a ''How Clean Is Your House'' like show.
{{quote| '''Show host''': Wow, the beams are bending!<br />
'''Tane''': What? I tidied up before you came. }}
* ''[[GeGeGe no Kitaro]]'' - Nezumi Otoko is stated to have never taken a bath in three hundred years, and the older Manga specifically states that he has [[Nausea Fuel|hookworms and other lovely diseases]] from this filth. His stench has been known to make humans pass out, and once an entire TV News Studio had to wear gas masks in order to interview him. it's not his only character trait, but one of his most noticeable.
* Megumi Noda from the manga, anime ''and'' [[Live Action Adaptation]] of ''[[Nodame Cantabile]]'' is a piano prodigy with a slovenly life style and personal habits, whose apartment is practically a garbage heap.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
== Comic Books ==
* The Mess was a joke character who tried to join [[The Legion of Super Heroes]]. His power was the ability to attract dirt.
* Smudge (Cascão) from the Brazilian comic ''[[Monica's Gang]]'' (''Turma da Mônica'') had as his personal gimmick the fact he ''never'' took a shower. ''Ever'', since he was born. An early comic strip implies Smudge took a bath as a Mother's Day gift, a cover of his comic book once shown him washing his hands... and in the [[Spinoff Babies|spinoff teenagers]] series, he bathes once in a while. Though he's still not quite into it, as he himself once said:
{{quote| Just 'cause I do it doesn't mean I like it.}}
::From the same series, villain Captain Fray (Capitão Feio) (who has a barely remembered origin as Smudge's uncle).
* ''Pongalongapongo'' / ''Krazy Gang'' - [ Pongo Snodgrass], a 70's-80's British comics character who loved filth and all things putrid, and was also something of a schemer.
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* The Sergeant from ''[[Sturmtruppen]]''. To give an example, he doesn't know why the bath tub is full of water or what's soap, and after being washed is revealed that he lost roughly 7 pounds of filth.
== Anime[[Film]] ==
* Scores of peasants in ''[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail]]''. "He must be a king... [[The Dung Ages|he hasn't got shit all over him]]."
== Film ==
* Scores of peasants in ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]''. "He must be a king... [[The Dung Ages|he hasn't got shit all over him]]."
* ''[[Beetlejuice]]''.
* Dayton "Mole" Moliere from ''[[Atlantis: The Lost Empire|Atlantis the Lost Empire]]'' is the team's geologist. He's also obsessed with dirt and soil, and at one point Dr. Sweet gets him off Milo's back with a bar of soap.
* [[Michelle Rodriguez]] in practically every movie she does.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* ''[[The Belgariad]]''
** Beldin, although that was a side effect of his main trait (ugliness), rather than his main trait itself: He just didn't care about his appearance, and he rejected civilized behavior to the extent that he'd pour food out of a bowl onto the ground to eat it.
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** Most of the Canting Crew probably qualify, although Foul Ole Ron is the only one ''named'' for this trope.
* This is the natural state of even the good members of vermin species in ''[[Redwall]]''. They actually have a comic song in ''Loamhedge'' about how bathing too much means one risks washing oneself entirely out of existence.
{{quote| "I tell yer, that's the first bath I've took in me life, and the last one too, thank yer kindly!"}}
** Most of the Dibbuns (babies) would also be this way if their caretakers let them, going to impressive lengths to avoid bathing.
* Gunner Jurgen from the ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' novels fits this to a tee. He is exempt from normal Imperial Guard peacetime cleanliness regulations due to a variety of skin conditions. Other than Cain himself, nobody wants to be around him. {{spoiler|Of course that has more to do with Jurgen being a soulless [[Anti-Magic]] pariah, but his filthiness tends to be what people fixate on when they feel repelled by him.}}
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* ''[[Dead Souls]]'': One of Chichikov's servants who never washes himself.
* Sachar always has dirty hands in ''[[Oblomov]]''. And claims they were clean.
* ''[[The Twits]]''{{context}}
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== Live Action TV ==
* Oscar the Grouch from ''[[Sesame Street]]'' lives in a garbage can.
* ''[[Callan]]'' had Lonely, so called because he never took a bath. As well as being the best informer in London, he made great coffee.
* Baldrick, the increasingly [[Bumbling Sidekick]] from ''[[Blackadder]]'', who got progressively filthier as each season went by -- toby—to the point where you can barely find a clean patch of skin on his face in the fourth season.
** His Georgian ancestor is so disgusting that the ancient Greeks simply mistook Pandora's Box for his trousers, which he has never changed. He admits that, "They can get a bit whiffy!" In ''Blackadder Back and Forth'' his underwear is responible for wiping out the dinosaurs.
** One episode of ''Blackadder II'' features an especially unclean named Mr. Ploppy, leading to this exchange:
{{quote| '''Ploppy:''' My father, Daddy Ploppy, was known as Ploppy the Slopper. It was from him I inherited my many fascinating skin diseases.<br />
'''Blackadder:''' I think congratulations are in order. We live in an age where disease and deformity are common, but you, Ploppy, are the most disgusting individual I have ever met. I would shake your hand, but I fear it would come off. }}
* Danny Tamboreli made his mark on [[Nickelodeon]] by being the one actor who genuinely enjoyed being slimed.
* ''[[Glee]]'': Apparently the guy who sits next to Kurt in English, although he doesn't ''look'' that filthy.
{{quote| '''Kurt:''' You smell homeless, Brett. Homeless.}}
* ''[[The Red Green Show]]'': Winston Rothschild, III, owns and operates a very successful sewage and septic sucking service.
* In an episode of ''[[Law and& Order: SVUSpecial Victims Unit]]'', [[Sick, Sad Subculture of the Week|a gamer couple]] are facing charges of abusing their daughter. Benson notes that they haven't showered in awhile.
== Music ==
* [[Kesha]]'s stage persona involves wearing makeup and glitter in such a way they resemble filth, and having unkempt, unwashed-looking hair. She also has a [[Tumblr]] dedicated to pictures of [ men putting their beards in her mouth].
* In "Another One Rides the Bus," [["Weird Al" Yankovic|Weird Al Yankovic]] briefly mentions a passenger who "hasn't showered in a year."
== [[Music]] ==
* [[KeshaKe$ha]]'s stage persona/public image] involves wearing makeup and glitter in such a way they resemble filth, and having unkempt, unwashed-looking hair. ([[She Cleans Up Nicely]], though.) She also has a [[Tumblr]] dedicated to pictures of [ men putting their beards in her mouth].
* In "Another One Rides the Bus," [["Weird Al" Yankovic|Weird Al Yankovic]] briefly mentions a passenger who "hasn't showered in a year."
* Murdoc of [[Gorillaz]] is notoriously [[Uncleanliness Is Next to Ungodliness|unhygienic]].
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Obviously, Pig-Pen from ''[[Peanuts]]''. Charles Schulz disliked the character, because he was basically just one joke, but the character popularity's forced him to include Pig-Pen occasionally. One strip from the 1950s features a ''clean'' Pig-Pen. He looks weird. (It also doesn't last. This strip revealed that Pig-Pen's state isn't entirely his fault; it turns out he's a ''dirt magnet'': over the course of a couple frames, while standing still and ''not doing anything'', he goes from neat and clean to his usual appearance.)
* British newspaper strip ''[[The Perishers]]'' had Dirty McSquirty, sometimes called Saint Flies because flies kept circling his head like a halo. Pretty much a one-joke character. (His Cousin Worsoff was the proverbial person who's worse off than everyone else. Worsoff lived in the sewers and [[The Voice|was only heard, not seen]].)
* Al Capp's ''[[Li'l Abner|Lil Abner]]'' had [ Moonbeam McSwine].
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* James in ''[[One Big Happy]]'' invariably looks this way.
== Video[[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Followers of Nurgle in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' take pride in being physically filthy and disease-ridden (morally filthy to boot).
** Not really. Good and evil are very relative things in Warhammer. They're actually the nicest people in the setting, it's just that their way of showing it involves turning other people into this, and often with fatal results.
== Tabletop[[Video Games]] ==
* Followers of Nurgle in ''[[Warhammer]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' take pride in being physically filthy and disease-ridden (morally filthy to boot).
** Not really. Good and evil are very relative things in Warhammer. They're actually the nicest people in the setting, it's just that their way of showing it involves turning other people into this, and often with fatal results.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' has hippies that come in three main varieties: dirty, filthy, and crusty. Ew.
* Oghren from ''[[Dragon Age]].'' He's got the personality to match.
* One generic NPC sprite in ''[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'' is a dirty young boy [[Captain Ersatz|who looks remarkably like Pig-Pen himself.]]
* The Gelato Man from ''[[Alpha Protocol]]''. Mike quips that he's at risk from catching salmonella just from looking at his establishment. {{spoiler|It helps keep down the customers and thus hide the NSA listening post in his shop.}}
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Webcomics ==
* Lyle from ''[[Achewood]]''.
* Black Mage from ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''. He repeatedly claims that the smell is his spell components, but nobody buys it.
* Pauline from ''[[Our Little Adventure]]'' apparently 'smells like a really good salad bar.'
* Sylvester from ''[ A Game of Fools]''.
{{quote| '''Katie''': Yeah, Sylvester's always had rather... unique ideas about personal hygene.}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* The Poopsmith from ''[[Homestar Runner]]'', due to his job.
** Coach Z's hygiene seems to be rather suspect as well.
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* Phlegm of the [[Whateley Universe]], whose main characteristic seems to be that he's always covered in a couple inches of, well, mucus. And it oozes out of his clothing.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Phil and Lil from ''[[Rugrats]]'' loved to play in mud and garbage, and ate worms. They ate anything they could get their hands on. Lil eventually grew out of her habits but as of ''[[All Grown Up!]]'', but Phil is still the same.
== Western Animation ==
* Phil and Lil from ''[[Rugrats]]'' loved to play in mud and garbage, and ate worms. They ate anything they could get their hands on. Lil eventually grew out of her habits but as of ''[[All Grown Up]]'' Phil is the same.
* While it was not her most [[Cute Bruiser|notable]] [[Badass|characteristic]], Toph from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' liked to walk around in "a healthy coating of earth," partly because she was an Earthbender, partly to rebel against her posh parents.
* [[Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels|Captain Caveman]] is a big hairy ball of filth.
* ''[[South Park]]'' had Dogpoo, an obvious [[Shout-Out]] to Pig-Pen.
* ''[[Beetlejuice (animation)|Beetlejuice]]'' in his cartoon was especially filthy.
* ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]''
* In ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'', Patrick Star picked up the [[Conflict Ball]] when he gained the status of Pig-Pen as a [[Compressed Vice]]. He turned against suddenly scrupulous neat freak Spongebob and they waged a war of cleanliness vs. filth for 11 minutes.
** Patrick Star had a few traits of this, though they only become emphasized in later seasons. The worst was likely "The Ballad of Filthy Muck"; when SpongeBob asks him when the last time he bathed, Patrick couldn't remember that far back. He finally does decide to bathe after figuring out he'd likely never be allowed into the Krusty Krab again.
** They do a good job of implying that this isn't new, though; in one scene Spongebob removes Patrick's "jacket" only to discover that what has appeared to be his skin ever since the show started is actually ''a uniform layer of caked-on filth half an inch thick''. For Spongebob's part, well, he's an ambulatory kitchen sponge, what did you expect?
** In ''[[SpongeBob"The SquarePants]]'',Battle Patrickof StarBikini pickedBottom", upthis thebecomes a [[ConflictCompressed BallVice]] whenand hea gainedmotive thefor statusPatrick ofStar Pig-Pento aspick aup the [[CompressedConflict ViceBall]]. Heand turnedturn against the suddenly scrupulous neat freak Spongebob, andas they then waged a war of cleanliness vs. filth for 11 minutes.
* One episode of ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' had Buttercup refusing to take a bath. She got so filthy that the townsfolk chased her with [[Torches and Pitchforks]]. Even the [[Monster of the Week]] refused to fight her. ''That's'' what forced her to clean up.
*** They do a good job of implying that this isn't new, though; in one scene Spongebob removes Patrick's "jacket", only to discover that what has appeared to be his skin ever since the show started is actually ''a uniform layer of caked-on filth half an inch thick''. For Spongebob's part, well, he's an ambulatory kitchen sponge, what did you expect?
* ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' has recurring background character [[Meaningful Name|Harry Pitt]], who actually got his own episode in "Cootie Gras", albeit for somewhat unrelated reasons.
** One episode of"Down 'n'[[The Powerpuff Girls]]''Dirty" had Buttercup refusing to take a bath. She got so filthy that the townsfolk chased her out with [[Torches and Pitchforks]]., and Eveneven the [[Monster of the Week]] refused to fight her. ''That's'' what forced her to clean up.
* ''[[Mucha Lucha]]'' had The Flea, whose special wrestling move was really bad odor. His outfit is actually white, but his lifestyle is so dirty it's become consistently brown all over.
* Russel from ''[[Stickin' Around]]'', who emitted a "funky smell" at all times.
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* Sloppy Joe from ''[[Grossology]]''.
* Ian "Eww-an" Wazselewski from ''[[Teacher's Pet (TV series)|Teachers Pet]]''.
* Murdoc of [[Gorillaz]] is notoriously [[Uncleanliness Is Next to Ungodliness|unhygienic]].
* One of the episodes of ''[[Fanboy and Chum Chum]]'' deals with Fanboy trying to beat a record on going for the longest time without a bath. The trope was brought [[Up to Eleven]] in this case - his costume got so incredibly dirty, it came to life and gained the personality of a mobster called Stinks.
* One episode of ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and& Mandy]]'' featured Billy's Mom going progressively insane as she repeatedly bathes Billy and dresses him in a clean tuxedo, only to have him get filthy within ''seconds'' by careening around the yard and playing with mud.
* It is implied several times that Bill from ''[[King of the Hill]]'' has very poor hygiene and lives in very filthy conditions almost never cleaning up after himself, this us mainly due to being depressed after his divorce from Lenore.
* [[Giant Mook]] Greasepit from ''[[Biker Mice From Mars]]'' has some kind of mutation where he literally sweats motor oil & grease from his pores constantly. He makes a major mess wherever he goes, and often ends up tripping or causing others to trip because of the slime he drips all over the place.
* ''[[Edgar and Ellen]]''. One time in the animated series, Ellen got sprayed with an anti-bug formula, which made a bunch of bugs come jumping out of her hair.
* In the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]" episode "Hearts and Hooves Day", the song "The Perfect Stallion" briefly featured a filthy, smelly, fly-drawing stallion, whose cutie mark was a TRASH''trash CANcan''.
* In ''[[Amphibia (TV series)|Amphibia]]'', [[The Protagonist|Anne]] is almost always a disheveled mess (aside from a couple episodes where [[She Cleans Up Nicely]]); her hair has twigs and leaves in it, she hasn't gotten a lasting change of clothing since coming to Amphibia, and she's always missing a shoe (the missing one having been found by the [[Big Bad]], the initial reason [[Chekhov's Gun|he starts looking for her]]). While this could initially be attributed to her being a city girl having to "rough it" after being stuck here, it seems odd she is unwilling or unable to find a way to bathe or acquire a change of clothes in Wartwood, seeing as lack of running water and electricity don't make this a problem for the natives.
* Beach Head in ''[[G.I. Joe|G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero]]''; you couldn't tell by looking at him, but he has very bad hygiene, admitting to not using deoderant. Mainframe learns this the hard way when they take cover in a coffin to survive a cave-in, and it takes the other Joes several hours to dig them out.
== [[Real Life]] ==
== Real Life ==
* In early Middle Ages, the people surprisingly ''weren't'' this at least to the extent seen today, as public baths were an important social function to all classes of the society. After a while the church found out that prostitution was practiced in them, and some doctors connected (partially correctly) some of the epidemics to communal bathing. As result, washing yourself came considered to be both immoral and unhealthy well into the 18th, or even 19th century.
** Regular bathing was also seen as the preserve of Moors, Turks and Jews and not something a proper Christian should really be doing, especially in those areas of Europe which had direct contact with Islam. In Aragon and Castile, bathing was one of the excuses by which a person in high society could be brought before the Inquisition... [[Poke the Poodle|and likely be forced into re-education.]] So if you were on the wrong side of the Monarchy, you might well find yourself [[Morton's Fork|choosing between cleanliness and public humiliation as a heretic.]]
* Fun fact: Louis XIV only bathed twice in his entire life. ''Twice''. And he hated both of them. [[Horrible Histories|The story goes]] that he once had his socks removed and he was so moldy that one of his toes dropped off.
* Crust punks. They justify their refusal to bathe for a number of reasons, the government controls the water supply, hair products tested on animals, being downright broke.
* According to the government of Ecuador, Julian Assange - who was living at their embassy under asylum status for seven years before their current president withdrew the status - [ had horrendous hygiene], something the ''New York Times'' also reported of him.
* [[Kesha]]'s [ public image]. [[She Cleans Up Nicely]], though.
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