The President's Analyst
The President's Analyst is a satirical 1967 film starring James Coburn as the man recruited to be the eponymous individual; the stress of the job soon sends him on the run, with the knowledge gained from his sessions making him the target of every intelligence agency on the planet. Not to mention the most sinister entity of all: The Phone Company.
Tropes used in The President's Analyst include:
- Affably Evil
- Canada, Eh?: Every intelligence agency.
- CIA Evil, FBI Good: Inverted.
- Names were changed because the FBI didn't like how they were portrayed in the film.
- Credits Gag
- Critical Psychoanalysis Failure
- Eagle Land: Gleefully, enjoyably Type I.
- Ethereal Choir
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: And it's about how the psychoses of everyone else around him - from the President on down - is driving the analyst crazy.
- Faceless Eye: A now-deleted scene.
- Fictional Counterpart: The US Government spy-agencies are renamed. The head of the "FBR" is named Lux, after a then-popular brand of vacuum cleaner.
- Fun with Acronyms
- Hypocritical Humor
- Invisible President
- Lzherusskie
- The Men in Black
- Milkman Conspiracy
- Only Sane Man: Take a guess.
- Or Was It a Dream?
- Phone Booth: And it's a major plot point!
- Properly Paranoid: Everyone is spying on everyone else. The trick is not minding it.
- Punch Clock Villain: The main CIA and KGB agents are good pals.
- They also figure out they have a common enemy. The Phone Company.
- Single-Issue Psychology
- Sinister Surveillance: Played straight but then subverted when the analyst and all the other major characters seem happily oblivious that they're still being watched by the Phone Company.
- The Sixties
- Slipping a Mickey
- Sound Effect Bleep
- Strapped to An Operating Table
- You Are Number Six