The Walking Dead (comics)/Characters
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Characters from The Walking Dead (comics) include:
Grimes Family
Rick Grimes
A description of the character goes here.
- An Arm and a Leg: His right hand as a Type III, courtesy of The Governor.
- An Axe to Grind: His go to melee weapon is a small hatchet.
- Anti-Hero: Evolves into a Type IV.
- Badass
- Bash Brothers: With Tyreese.
- Hearing Voices: He hears Lori's voice in a telephone after she dies in the prison assault.
- The Hero
- I Did What I Had to Do: Several times:
- Killing Dexter.
- Killing Martinez.
- Slaughtering the Hunters.
- Leaving Jessie and Ron to die (this is the only one he expresses some reget over).
- Invulnerable Knuckles: Oh so averted. Rick bashes Thomas Richards in the face so badly after it was discovered he killed Hershel's twin daughters that he breaks every bone in his right hand, rendering it useless.
- Knight in Sour Armor: After the fall of the prison. He seems to be recovering some after the zombie herd that attacked Alexandria was defeated and the group came into contact with the Hilltop Colony.
- Man Bites Man: At one point he rips out a bandit's throat with his teeth.
- Papa Wolf
- The Sheriff: In his pre-apocalypse life and eventually post as well.
Lori Grimes
A description of the character goes here.
- The Chick
- Killed Off for Real
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: If she hadn't been so quick to accuse and lock up Dexter, a lot of unpleasantness could've been avoided.
Carl Grimes
A description of the character goes here.
- Children Forced to Kill: Twice. Once Shane in defense of his father and then Ben in a Vigilante Execution.
- Eye Scream
- I Did What I Had to Do: Killing Ben. Unlike most of Rick's IDWIHTD moments, this is shown to torment him afterwards.
- Nice Hat
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: You know, like executions.
Judith Grimes
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- Who's Your Daddy?: Word of God says Shane.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Infant plus shotgun equals...
Atlanta Camp Survivors
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- Action Survivor
- Fragile Speedster
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Was heavily in debt when the outbreak happened, and would have done anything to escape it. That problem doesn't seem so bad any more, though...
- Nice Guy
- The Scrounger
- The Smart Guy
- The Sneaky Guy
A description of the character goes here.
- Action Girl
- The Big Girl
- Break the Cutie
- Friendly Sniper
- May-December Romance: With Dale.
- Scars Are Forever
- Tragic Keepsake: Dale's hat.
- Youthful Freckles
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- Break the Cutie
- Driven to Suicide
- Sanity Slippage
- Tenchi Solution:Asks Lori if she can be in one with her and Rick. Lori's not having it.
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A description of the character goes here.
- An Axe to Grind
- An Arm and a Leg:Loses both legs before he dies.
- Badass
- Captured by Cannibals: Which he found hilarious, since a zombie had bitten him and they ate his leg before they found out.
- Cool Old Guy
- Grumpy Old Man: Gradually leans into this after the prison arc, especially towards Dale.
- Killed Off for Real
- Life or Limb Decision: The only one in the series that takes.
- May-December Romance: With Andrea.
- Nice Hat
- Team Dad
- Zombie Infectee
A description of the character goes here.
- Crazy Survivalist
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real
- Love Makes You Evil
- My God, What Have I Done?: After hitting Rick in the face in full view of camp, causing everyone to react in horror. This leads to the final stage of his...
- Sanity Slippage
A description of the character goes here.
- Life or Limb Decision: Subverted; he loses both.
- Non-Action Guy
- Wangst: In-Universe, this is how Dale and Andrea view his breakdown over Donna since they've both been through the same thing ( having loved ones killed in front off them) and he's got two kids to take care of.
A description of the character goes here.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Eaten Alive
- The Fundamentalist: To a slight degree. She starts to ease up in the second arc. But then the above happened.
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A description of the character goes here.
A description of the character goes here.
A description of the character goes here.
- The Quiet One
- Major Injury Underreaction: Says "It's just a scratch" when half his forearm has been gnawed off.
- Survivor Guilt
- Zombie Infectee
Tyreese's Group
A description of the character goes here.
- Bash Brothers: With Rick.
- The Big Guy
- Celebrity Survivor: Subverted: he used to be a pro football player, but he was already washed up by the time of the Zombie Apocalypse.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Gets his head slowly hacked off by the Governer.
- Drop the Hammer: He swings a mean carpentry hammer, which is a good thing since...
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: ...he's worthless with a gun.
- The Lancer
- Off with His Head
- Papa Wolf
- Please Wake Up: Begs for Julie to "come back." She does, but not the way he would have wanted her to...
A description of the character goes here.
- Driven to Suicide
- Mutual Kill: Well, it was supposed to be.
- Not-So-Badass Longcoat
- Sanity Slippage
A description of the character goes here.
Hershel's Farm Survivors
Hershel Greene
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- As the Good Book Says...: Following Billy blaming him for Rachel and Suise's deaths by moving them to the prison, Hershel beats him, claiming that the Bible says they are supposed to "Honor they mother and father", and that he will go to hell if he talks back to him again.
- Boom! Headshot!
- Doesn't Like Guns
- The Fundamentalist: Although he does loosen up with time, saying that if God's put them in a world where they have to sin to survive, then so be it.
- Heroic BSOD: Several times. The last one leads to his death.
- Not So Above It All: While he normally disapproves of cursing, make him mad enough and he'll start dropping f-bombs.
- Trauma Conga Line: His ever decreasing number of children, culminating with Billy getting killed in front of him, and Hershel giving up all hope and will to live despite Maggie still being alive.
Maggie Greene
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Billy Greene
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- Friendly Sniper
- It's All About Me: his reaction to Carol committing suicide right after seducing him is "Why would she do that to me?"
Rachel Greene
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Susie Greene
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Lacey Greene
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Arnold Greene
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- Red Shirt
- Unstoppable Rage: "NOT MY FATHER! NOT MY FATHER!" Unfortunately, he gets so wrapped up in pummeling that zombie he doesn't notice the one coming up behind him.
A description of the character goes here.
- Death by Racism: Refers to Dexter and Andrew as "a couple niggers" after a black woman saves his life. This likely leads to...
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: One of only two named characters so far to die entirely off-panel, and doesn't get a funeral scene, either. It's mentioned that no one liked him very much.
A description of the character goes here.
- Horrible Judge of Character: First, she freed Thomas Richards after he was imprisoned for killing Hershel's twins, and was surprised when he tried to kill her. Then she sided with Dexter and Andrew when they tried to take over the prison.
- The Scrappy: In-Universe and out; neither the fans nor the other characters liked her much after the above actions.
- Too Dumb to Live
Prison Survivors
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Biker
- Boom! Headshot!
- Stout Strength
- The Peeping Tom
- Verbal Tic: "You follow me?" Which according to one letter-writer, actually is a piece of prison slang.
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- Boom! Headshot!
- Driven to Villainy: Was fairly friendly to Rick's group before the whole false murder accusation thing.
- Jerkass: Not so much at first, but after being falsely accused of murder and treated badly by Rick's group, he turned against them really fast.
- Scary Black Man
- Unfriendly Fire: "He must've caught a stray bullet."
- Ungrateful Bastard: "Smart man woulda let it get me." Unfortunately for Dexter, Rick takes this to heart...
Thomas Richards
A description of the character goes here.
- Ax Crazy
- Bald of Evil
- Boom! Headshot!
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Knife Nut
- Knight of Cerebus: While the series was in no way light hearted to begin with, Thomas was the first example of how other humans could be even more of a threat than the zombies.
- Serial Killer
- Off with His Head: His motus operandi.
- Walking Spoiler
A description of the character goes here.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: A hopeless drug addict, he wished and prayed for anything that would force him to give up the habit. He got it.
Woodbury Survivors
The Governor aka Philip Blake aka Brian Blake
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- Big Bad: From issues 27 to 48.
- Blatant Lies: Everything he tells his people about the group at the prison.
- Bread and Circuses
- Dead Person Impersonation: Of his brother
- Eye Scream: Michonne scoops out his left eye with a spoon that she had shoved somewhere else in his body previously.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Groin Attack: Michonne gives him one involving nails and a katana.
- Hero-Killer: He personally kills Tyreese, Hershel, Patricia, and Alice.
- Karmic Death: One of his own soldiers kills him when she discovers he made her shoot a baby.
- I Love the Dead: French kisses his daughter's (niece's) zombie. Not every character that can fit incest, pedophelia AND necrophelia into one panel...
- Start of Darkness: In The Walking Dead Rise of the Governor.
- Villainous Friendship: With Bruce. The only time he actully seems upset about something is when Bruce gets killed.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Very few people in Woodbury know the full truth about The Governor.
Bruce Cooper
A description of the character goes here.
- Bald of Evil
- The Dragon
- Mercy Kill: The Governor shoots him in the head after he dies to prevent him from reanimating.
- Undying Loyalty
- Villainous Friendship: With The Governor.
A description of the character goes here.
- Boom! Headshot!
- The Dragon: Replaces Bruce after his death.
- Fat Bastard
- The Brute
- Number Two for Brains: In The Governor's opinion, but he actually seems smarter than given credit for.
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- Action Survivor
- Boom! Headshot!
- Defiant to the End
- Dressed to Heal
- Heel Face Turn
- The Medic
- Nice Girl
Doctor Stevens
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- Dressed to Heal
- Face Death with Dignity
- Heel Face Turn
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: He gets bitten on his way out of town.
Caesar Martinez
A description of the character goes here.
- Ambiguously Evil: Claims to be against the Governer and only intending to bring good Woodbury citizens back to the prison. Whether he was telling the truth or just trying to get Rick to spare him, we'll never know.
- Badass
- Car Fu: Ends up on the receiving end.
- Decapitation Presentation
- Heel Face Mole
- Word of Gay
A description of the character goes here.
- Ascended Extra: She is getting her own book and also appears in the video game.
Abraham's Group
Abraham Ford
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Mustache
- The Big Guy
- Eye Scream: How he dies.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: One that he does his best to hide.
- Killed Mid-Sentence
- More Brakka: His Weapon of Choice is an assault rifle.
- My God, What Have I Done?: More like "my god what did I almost do" when Maggie turned out to be alive, after he almost shot her in the head to keep her from reanimating.
- Rape as Backstory: But on his family, not him.
- Sir Swearsalot
- 'Tis Only a Bullet in the Brain: Never actually notices the arrow lodged in his head; he just continues talking until it kills him.
- The Worf Effect: Seemed to get killed just to show off that Negan was a real threat after all.
- Your Cheating Heart: Cheats on Rosita with Holly shortly after the group arrives at the Alexander Safe Zone. Once Rosita finds out, they break up and he begins going out with Holly openly.
Eugene Porter
A description of the character goes here.
- Eighties Hair: His mullet, which he likes because it makes people underestimate him.
- Fat Idiot: Inverted.
- Hopeless Suitor: To Rosita. Whether this is because of his past lies to her or simply because he's decidely unattractive (or both) is unknown.
- The Smart Guy
- Man Bites Man: Nastiest example yet; he bites a Neganist in the dick.
- Non-Action Guy: Most of the time, but he does manage to kill a few zombies in the No Way Out finale.
- The Peeping Tom: Used to spy on Abraham and Rosita when they had sex. Subverted in that they knew and found it amusing.
Rosita Espinosa
A description of the character goes here.
- Bare Your Midriff: Before winter arrived again.
- The Chick
- Flat Character: Doesn't have much of a personality.
- Nice Hat
Alexandria Safe-Zone Survivors
Douglas Monroe
A description of the character goes here.
- Bald White Leader Guy: Well, two out of three ain't bad.
- Celebrity Survivor: He was a congressman before the outbreak.
- Dirty Old Man: It's noted that he assigns all the pretty girls jobs where he'll see them every day.
- Eaten Alive
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Douglas, we know you were only trying to help, but you only succeeded in bringing more zombies into the area, shooting Carl in the head and getting eaten.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Regina Monroe
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Spencer Monroe
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- Mistaken for Gay: Several of the women in the Safe-Zone think he is gay, and are surprised by his interest in Andrea.
Doctor Denise Cloyd
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A description of the character goes here.
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Gay
- Deadpan Snarker
- Open Mouth, Insert Foot: His brand of snark is not very appreciated by some of the other characters.
- Invisible to Gaydar
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A description of the character goes here.
- Pride: What leads him to try and start a conspiracy against Rick: he can't stand being reduced to a "dirt digger" while Rick and the other newcomers begin taking over leadership positions.
A description of the character goes here.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass
- Lady Macbeth: Has been seen dropping hints to Abraham that maybe he should be the one in charge.
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Inverted; Abraham is specifically attracted to her because she's tougher than Rosita.
- Rescue Romance: With Abraham.
Jessie Anderson
A description of the character goes here.
- Eaten Alive
- Life or Limb Decision: A nasty variant; Rick makes the decision for her, and it's not to save her but to save Carl.
Pete Anderson
A description of the character goes here.
- Boom! Headshot!
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: A dark version; Douglas knows about his Domestic Abuser tendencies but puts up with it because he's one of the community's only doctors.
- Domestic Abuser
- Dr. Jerk
- Sanity Slippage: "This is not my house... This is not my house... and I will not live here. NOT MY HOUSE! Not my house... Not my... "
Ron Anderson
A description of the character goes here.
- Eaten Alive
- Family-Unfriendly Death: While he's hardly the first child to die in the comic, he's certainly the first one to get killed by zombies onscreen, screaming for his mother the whole time.
- Urine Trouble: Gets him killed.
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A description of the character goes here.
- Mauve Shirt
- Mercy Kill: By Abraham
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- The Atoner: He allowed two people to die on his construction crew rather than try to rescue them during zombie attacks, and realized that it was actually possible to do so after Abraham saved Holly. This led to him having a breakdown and letting Abraham taking over his job as head of construction.
- Dirty Coward: When he ran the construction crews, he would have the crew gather into a phalanx formation to fight the undead. If anyone could not get into the formation, Tobin would leave them to die, which led to the deaths of two people, and nearly got Holly killed.
- Eaten Alive
- Heroic Sacrifice: Stayed at a breach in the wall so that Holly could run to get help to defend it, and got eaten in the process.
- Mauve Shirt
A description of the character goes here.
Hilltop Colony Survivors
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
A description of the character goes here.
- Apologetic Attacker
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Really doesn't like having guns pointed at him.
Other Survivors
Morgan Jones
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Duane Jones
A description of the character goes here.
- Shout-Out: He's named after the star of Night of the Living Dead.
- Shovel Strike
- Undead Child
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- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type IV.
- Badass
- Cold-Blooded Torture: You almost feel sorry for the Governer. But not quite.
- Dark Action Girl: No pun intended.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Rather cold and distant when she first shows up, but warms up eventually.
- The Drifter: Before arriving at the prison.
- Hearing Voices: Is sometimes seen talking to no one. Turns out she hallucinates her dead boyfriend sometimes. However, what happened to the Governer and a conversation afterwards imply it may be more than a hallucination.
- Katanas Are Just Better
- The Lancer: Seems to have taken up this role since Tyreese died.
- Man Bites Man: Bites off the Governer's ear, and bites him in the neck later.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Four times.
- Nice job seducing Tyreese, which leads to Carol's Sanity Slippage and eventual suicide.
- Nice job not finishing off the Governer so he can come back and kill everyone.
- Nice job taking Tyreese on a reckless mission that ends up getting him killed.
- Nice job amputating Morgan's arm with a sword you were just using to kill zombies. That couldn't have helped the infection.
- Rape as Drama
Gabriel Stokes
A description of the character goes here.
- The Atoner: Was too scared to open the doors when his congregation tried to get into the church and had to listen as they were devoured.
- Preacher Man
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- Affably Evil
- Asshole Victim: Along with the rest of his group.
- Fingore: Andrea shoots his right index finger to prove he and his group are surrounded.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: What Rick, Abraham, Michonne, and Andrea do to him and his group.
- Gory Discretion Shot
- I'm a Humanitarian: He and his group turned to cannibalism once they ran out of food. They began with their children.
- Pragmatic Villainy: Would really rather not be doing this, but hey, a man's got to eat.
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