Third Rate Gamer

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The Third Rate Gamer is a YouTube-based Stylistic Suck parody of the infamous Irate Gamer, by FFL2and3rocks. One of many parodies, but among the worthwhile 10%.

Tropes used in Third Rate Gamer include:

  • opens door* "Oh hey, it's that guy who's never going to appear on screen at the same time as me."

Well fine! I don't need you, I'll just do this review by my... *looks at script* self!

  • Blatant Lies: In the middle of his Kirby's Adventure review, he does a slight commercial break advertising a card game. We then cut to an actor who is not very enthusiastic about his opinion, and the bottom of the screen has a caption saying "NOT A PAID ACTOR".
  • Captain Ersatz: Billy is an obvious parody of Irate Gamer's side character Tony. He too is represented by a sprite taken from a browser-based MMORPG (RuneScape rather than Maple Story here).
  • Catch Phrase:
    • "Didn't they test this game before they released it?", and many variations.
    • "But after doing some research..." as well.
    • "..which is only available for the (Insert System Here)"
    • "Bang-a-lang!" is Billy's catch phrase, which is Tony's catchphrase from Irate Gamer.
  • Captain Obvious: Played for Laughs. He circles very easy to see things, and points out things the viewer can plainly see, like mentioning that each stage is harder than the last.
  • Caustic Critic: Being a parody of the Irate Gamer, it's pretty obvious he is going to be one of these.
  • Comically Missing the Point: All the time. He always points out things completely irrelevant.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: Parodied. At the end of his Chip & Dale review, all of the minor characters from previous episodes appear to watch the ending of the game, including Flashter, Offensive Stereotype, Ryu, Cool Spot, |Wilkins, and others. This is a parody of the time Irate Gamer did the same thing.
  • Covers Always Lie: He points this out on the cover of Castlevania, in regards to the sword Simon Belmont doesn't have in the game.
  • Media Research Failure: Throughout his entire Little Nemo the Dream Master review, he refers to the game as "Finding Nemo". Based on "Chris and Scottie Road Trip" where Bores is visiting Pixar and lists one of their movies as Little Nemo.
  • Critical Research Failure: Played for laughs.
  • Department of Redundancy Department:

As you start playing you'll notice this horrendously horrendous music. It's driving me insane! Listen to it too much and it'll drive you to brink of insanity! This music is so bad that I'm about to go insane!
Super Mario Bros 2 is a video game created by Nintendo for the Nintendo NES System System made by Nintendo.

  • talking about Ring King* "It looks like they're getting blowjobs! What do you mean explaining the joke ruins it? Fuck you!"

"What a bunch of bullshi- uhm... BS."

Why the fuck would something start with an intro? This intro is just horrible! (cut to his intro)

  • Incredibly Lame Pun: "I said Goros, not Gurus!" in a reversal of a lame pun the Irate Gamer made.
  • Manipulative Editing:
    • At the beginning of his Chip n' Dale review, he complains there is no two-player mode, but he really just hid the option and said they buried it too deep into the menu.. This was to parody IG's Tekken 6 review.
    • He draws a cross over the Koopas in Super Mario Bros while complaining there was more than one enemy in Yoshi's Island, which had not happened in a Mario game before.
  • Pac-Man Fever: Parodied. In every reaction shot, he's constantly button-mashing, regardless if this makes any kind of sense for the game sequence in question. He's almost always using a controller from a completely different system, and sometimes not even a controller at all, like a pair of headphones and the DS case for Final Fantasy III.
  • Refuge in Vulgarity: It isn't uncommon for him to throw swearing into the mix.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: If there is ever anything written on-screen, it is guaranteed to be misspelled: "GO SHOV A CAKTAS UP UR ASS", "Double Dragons Princible" etc.
  • Running Gag:
    • Usually when showing just a small part of a game, he'll die at the end of the clip before cutting to something else.
    • The footage sometimes shows him picking the lowest difficulty setting before starting.
  • Shaped Like Itself: All the time.

"When you think of one of the most bestest Pixar films of the 1970s, chances are the Lion King is probably on your top 5 list."

"This ninja is the worst ninja in the history of ninjas! I'd rather watch an episode of fuckin' Naruto than play a level of this shitty fake ninja game!"

"There's also another predecessor called Castlemania 3: Dracula's Curse. All I'm going to do is barely mention it here, so that I can say I reviewed it."

"Hopefully if I circle these words as I read them, it will enhance the video because my fans don't know how to read."