
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: When is shot in the back by Kriss and dying, Ogotay (by now thoroughly Axe Crazy) regains a shred of sanity and recognizes Thorgal, whom he was about to kill, as his son, lost and presumed dead several decades ago. From his expression, he briefly regrets a great many things before he passes on.
  • Anvilicious/Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: The second book focusing on Kriss gets two: rape is bad, and so are pedophilia and incest.
  • Complete Monster: Various villains, but Volsung of Nichor stands out in the arc when he gets resurrected by a minor evil deity and given the magic to pull a Grand Theft Me on Thorgal.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Kriss. Imagine being in love with a married man whom you hate.
  • Tear Jerker: Kriss' backstory. It even makes Freya cry.

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